
来源:网络      作者:迈思特英语

In most cases moving is an exciting prospect but an incredibly stressful time. The thought of a new town, new friends, and new experiences seems to be ever dwarfed by the endless list of to-do tasks and deadlines. Packing up your entire life is incredibly daunting and time consuming. Sometimes it takes a move to realize how much space everyday ordinary items can take up. Clothes, shoes, and accessories are no exception. These items can be some of the most awkward things to pack and take up the most time with folding, refolding, unhanging, etc. Reducing the time it takes to pack up a closet can be a key strategy in moving forward with your move. Pack up your closet with these tips to keep your move neat, organized, and minimize your packing time.


1.Wrap Dresser Drawers


Dressers are heavy and taking out the drawers is a must. This necessity means that you now have extra space being taken up by empty drawers. Putting your drawers to work is one of the first steps in reducing packing time. Instead of transferring items from your dresser into a box take the drawer out and wrap it in plastic wrap. Remove the knobs and store them somewhere safe to prevent any damage. Although normal plastic wrap will do, the Press ‘n’ Seal brand will keep things from slipping through the cracks. Wrap lengthwise followed by widthwise this will keep your clothing secure and provide for double protection. Now your drawers can be packed just like boxes!

梳妆台很重,取出抽屉是必须的。这种必要性意味着你现在有多余的空间被空抽屉占用。不要把你的梳妆台上的物品放进一个盒子里,把它拿出来,用塑料袋包起来。拆下把手放在安全的地方以防止任何损害。虽然用普通塑料袋打包也可以,但按' n'密封品牌能保持物品不会通过物品滑落。遵循横向打包物品能给你的服装安全提供双重保护。现在你的抽屉里可以像箱子一样打包!

2.Plastic Bags and Hangers


Taking clothes off of hangers, folding them, putting them in a box, and then rehanging them at your new residence creates too much unnecessary work. Instead cover as many pieces of clothing as you can with a single trash bag. Separate a handful of clothing from the rest of your closet but leave it on the bar. Place the bottom of the clothing into the trash bag and continue up. At the hook of the hanger tie the trash bag and don’t forget to double knot. If your move is long and has many parts to it wrap the sections hooks together with masking tape to add extra security.


3.Utilize Suitcases


Suitcases are not just for traveling but moving as well. Rather than just packing them empty with the rest of your belongings, use them as packing containers. The rolling feature makes them ideal for carrying heavy items as well as the perfect material to protect your clothing. Fill the bottom of the suitcase with books or heavier items and place clothes on top to protect and utilize space. Jeans and pants work the best as they can be heavy when put all together.


4.Separate Clothes and Shoes


Packing shoes and clothes together while moving is definitely a bad idea. Shoes can be dirty or smelly and rub off on the clothing making extra work to wash all your items. If you have managed to keep your shoe boxes then simply place each pair back where they belong and pack them all in a giant box. If you, like many people, have thrown out your shoe boxes then placing your shoes in a box all to themselves is a good plan. Wrap pairs of shoes with special materials, decorations, or dirt in plastic grocery bags to keep them from sustaining damage or messing up others.


5.Use Storage Bags


Lastly, don’t forget about storage bags. As cheesy as they seem packing clothing in a plastic bag and sucking the air out can actually be very useful for moving. These bags are waterproof and will keep your clothing dry and secure. If you have lots of accessories storage bags work great as well. Scarves, gloves, and hats can all be shrunk down to fit where you need them to go.


When moving it’s important to remind yourself that sometimes it’s not about the journey but the destination. By planning ahead and finding the best tips for your move you’re bound to have a smooth and easy transition. Don’t forget to plan for downtime to recuperate and remember that it’s always better to start earlier rather than later.



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