Contact: Tom

Contact number: +6045823657


“Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” respects and protects the personal privacy of all users using the service.In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy.But “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” will treat this information with a high degree of diligence and due diligence.Except as otherwise provided in this privacy policy, “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” will not disclose or provide such information to third parties without your prior permission.“Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” will update this privacy policy from time to time.When you agree to the service usage agreement of “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast”, you will be deemed to have agreed to all contents of this privacy policy.This privacy policy is an integral part of the service usage agreement of “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast”.
1. Scope of application
A) when you register the account of “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast”, you provide the personal registration information required by “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast”;
B) “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” legally gets user personal data from business partners.
You understand and agree that the following information is not applicable to this privacy policy:
A) the keyword information you enter when using the search service provided by “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast”;
B) the information data collected by you in “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast”, including but not limited to activities, transaction information and evaluation details;
C) act in violation of the law or the rules of “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” and the measures already taken against you by “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast”.?

2. Use of information
A) < Crazy Gobang game - classic > won't come to any irrelevant third party to provide, sell, rent, share or trade your personal information, unless get your permission in advance, or the third party and < Crazy Gobang game - classic > (< Crazy Gobang game - classic > affiliates) alone or together to provide the service for you, and at the end of the service, it will be banned from access to be able to access all the information including its before.
B) “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” will not allow any third party to collect, edit, sell or disseminate your personal information by any means.Any “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” platform user engaging in the above activities, as soon as found, “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” has the right to immediately terminate the service agreement with that user.
C) for the purpose of service users, < Crazy Gobang game - classic > possible through the use of your personal information, provide you with the information you have interested in, including but not limited to sent you product and service information, or with the < Crazy Gobang game - classic > partners share information so that they send you information about its products and services, which need your prior consent).
3. Information disclosure
Under the following circumstances, “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” will disclose your personal information in whole or in part according to your personal wishes or legal provisions:
A) disclose to a third party with your prior consent;
B) share your personal information with third parties to provide the products and services you require;
C) disclose to a third party or to an administrative or judicial institution in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law or the requirements of the administrative or judicial authorities;
D) if you violate relevant laws and regulations of China or the service agreement of AnimalEntertainment> or relevant rules, you need to disclose to a third party;
E) if you are the qualified complainant of intellectual property and have filed a complaint, you should disclose it to the complainant at the request of the complainant so that both parties can handle possible rights disputes;
F) in a transaction created on the platform “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast”, if either party of the transaction performs or partially fulfills the transaction obligation and makes a request for disclosure, “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” has the right to provide the user with necessary information such as contact information of the other party of the transaction to facilitate the completion of the transaction or the settlement of disputes.
G) other disclosures deemed appropriate by laws, regulations or website policies.

4. Information storage and exchange
The information and data collected by “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” will be stored on the servers of “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” and/or its affiliates, which may be transmitted to your country, region or overseas where “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” is collected and accessed, stored and displayed.
5. Use of cookies
A) if you do not reject cookies, “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” will set or fetch cookies on your computer
, so that you can log in or use the services or features of the “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” platform that relies on cookies.“Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” USES cookies to provide you with more thoughtful personalized services, including promotional services.B) you have the option to accept or reject cookies.You can reject cookies by modifying your browser Settings.But if you choose to reject cookies, you may not be able to log in or use the network service or function “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” that relies on cookies.
C) information obtained through cookies set by “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” will apply to this policy.
6. Information security
A) “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” accounts have security protection function. Please keep your user name and password information properly.“Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” will ensure your information is not lost, abused or altered by security measures such as encrypting user passwords.Despite the aforementioned security measures, please note that there is no "perfect security measures" on the information network.
B) when using the network service “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast”, you will inevitably disclose your personal information, such as contact information or postal address, to the other party or potential transaction partner.Please protect your personal information and provide it to others only if necessary.If you find that your personal information has been compromised, especially the username and password of “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast”, please contact the customer service of “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” immediately, so that “Bighead Fighter - Boarding the Peak of the Beast” can take corresponding measures.


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