

按 “主语+谓语”这种顺序排列的句子是陈述语序.如果排列顺序变为”谓语(或谓语的一部分)+主语” 就是倒装句.

(1) 倒装句的类型

1. 完全倒装: 整个谓语移至主语前面叫完全倒装.

Then came Mary and George.

Have you any books on that subject?

2. 部分倒装:只把助动词,系动词或情态动词放在主语之前叫部分倒装.

Has he gone to school?

Is he your classmate?

Can you finish the work in three days?

(2) 倒装句的用法

1. 由于语法结构的需要而使用的倒装句

1) 用在疑问句中

Do you have a physiology class on Tuesday afternoon?

Why are you so angry with him?

注: 以疑问词或有疑问词修饰的名词作主语的疑问句不倒装.

Who was your geography teacher in Grade One?

2) 用在 “There be “结构中

There are different forms of energy.

There stands a high building by the river.

3) 用在以here , there , now , then 等副词开头的句子中, here and there强调地点,用来引起人们的注意,. 除then 开头的句子用过去时以外,其余均用一般现在时.

但是 如果主语是代词就不倒装.

Here is a letter for you. There comes the bus. Now comes my turn.

Here you are. There he comes!

4) 用在省略了if 的虚拟条件句中(把 were, had 或should移至主语前)

Were I ( If I were) in your place, I wouldn’t give it up so early.

Had I ( If I had ) know, I might have joined you in the discussion.

Should you (If you should) be interested, I have a book on the subject you might like to see.

5) 用在一些表示祝愿的句子中

Long live the friendship among the Asian peoples and sportsmen!

Long live the king!

6) 直接引语的全部或一部分放在句首时,引述动词和他的主语有时倒装

“ You have made great progress this term.” Said our teacher.

“ Mr Crossett,” said my father. “ will you permit an old pupil to shake hands with you?”

引述动词的主语是代词,或谓语较厂,或引述动词后还带间接宾语时, 一般不用倒装句

“ What is your opinion?” I said.

“My father is a labour hero.” Xiao Wang told me.

“ Why did you join the Red Army? “ Chairman Mao asked me like a school teacher questioning a pupil.

7) 用在以so开头,表示谓语所述情况也适用于另一个人或另一事物的肯定句,表示”也一样” . 也这样”. 其句形为”So + be, have ,情态动词或助动词+ 主语”

He saw it , and so did I.

They can swim now, so can we.

注: 如果后面的句子只是重复前一句话的意思而不表示另一个主体,不用倒装句

It was hot yesterday. So it was.

8) 用在以neither, nor, no more 开头的句子中,表示” ---也不这样” 其句形为”neither, nor no more + be , have ,情态动词或助动词+ 主语”

The first one wasn’t good and neither was the second.

He doesn’t care much for sweets. No more do I .

2. 为了加强语气而使用的倒装

1) 用在以never, hardly, scarcely, not only, nor , seldom, little, rarely, nowhere, by no means, not until, hardly (scarcely)--- when, no sooner---than等表示否定意义或半否定意义的副词或其组开头中的句子中.

Never before have I met him.

Hardly did I think it possible.

Not only should we not be afraid of difficulties, but we should try our best to overcome them.

Not until midnight did it stop raining.

By no means will this method be satisfactory.

No sooner had they got to the plant than they started to work.

2) 用在做频度状语often, always, once, many a time, now and again, every other day, every two hours 等, 方式状语thus 及程度状语so等; 地点状语in the distance, in front of 等的几种副词或介词短语开头的句子中,常用倒装.

Often had I intended to speak of it.

Many a time has he helped me with my experiment.

So busy is he that he had no time to spare.


3) 为了使句子更为生动,流畅,可把in, out , down, up, back, over, away, off之类的用做状语的副词放在句首, 采用完全倒装.句中的谓语动词多为行为动词,不及物.

In came the teacher and the lesson began.

Off went the horses.

Down came the hammer and out flew the sparks.


In he came and the lesson began.

4) 在副词only和它所修饰的状语一起放在句首时,用倒装语序.句形为 “Only +状语+部分倒装”

Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get happily back to work.

Only in this way can we learn maths well.

不放在句首不倒装, 不是状语是主语不倒装.

Only the teachers are allowed to use this room.

The aim was achieved only after a bitter struggle.

5) 用在强调表语的句子中


Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man of great achievements.

Great has been our achievements since liberation.


Terribly hot it certainly was.

A very reliable person he is .

6) 用在某些让步状语从句中

在正式的文体中,从属连词as 用于特殊词序可以表示although这种结构表示强烈的对照.

Tired as he was, he went on working.

Cold as it was, we went out.

Child as she is , she knows a great deal.

还要多做练习 结合起来必能熟能生巧




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