

  1. 德国马格德堡大学老化痴呆方向PHD职位

  2. 维也纳大学社会神经科学方向PHD职位

  3. 奥斯陆大学社会科学学院招PHD

  4. 昆士兰大学脑中风震荡两个PHD项目

  5. 莫纳什Computational & Systems Neuroscience Laboratory

  6. 阿姆斯特丹ambivalence






维也纳大学Doctoral Program Cognition and Communication

下面是 neuroscience相关(音乐演讲的神经基础,婴儿听觉,自然环境)


Salary: 48W-52W克朗

Deadline: 2月23号


under the supervision of Dr Fatima Nasrallah. not attached to a scholarship. 虽然显示已经截至,但似乎还没有招到人


Deadline: 15 March 2021


Deadline: 1 March 2021

This PhD position of four years is available at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam under the supervision of Dr. Francesca Righetti. The PhD position is funded by the VIDI grant for a project on Ambivalence and Emotions in Romantic Relationships

Location: Amsterdam

FTE: 1

Job description

It is an irony of life that the people we love the most, such as our romantic partners, are also the people towards which we can feel very strong negative emotions. When people hold strong mixed feelings (positive and negative) towards their partner, they are in a state called ‘Ambivalence’. However, while the experience of ambivalence in romantic relationships is pretty frequent, research on this phenomenon is extremely scarce. Thus, we need to know more about a phenomenon that is so pertinent and frequent in romantic relationships. With the use of different methodologies (e.g., both explicit and implicit measures), the current project will: 1) examine the different types of ambivalence that individuals can experience in their relationship to understand how each type of ambivalence affect the relationship dynamics between partners and people’s wellbeing; 2) examine how each type of ambivalence unfolds over time and under which conditions they are a precursor of relationship instability and dissolution; 3) test an intervention to reduce the aversive intra and interpersonal effects of the most malignant form of ambivalence.  The projects will also examine how specific emotions affect relationship dynamics and how partners affect and regulate each other’s emotions. In the PhD project diverse methodologies (i.e., large scale longitudinal studies, diary studies, questionnaires, implicit measures, videotaped interactions, laboratory experiments) will be used to investigate these ideas.


  • Research Master or Master in Psychology

  • Research training and experience

  • Excellent knowledge of methodology and statistics

  • Excellent command of written and spoken English

  • Good knowledge of office and statistical software (MS Office, SPSS, R)

What are we offering?

A challenging position in a socially involved organization. On full-time basis the remuneration amounts to a minimum gross monthly salary of €2,395 (PhD)
and a maximum €3,061 (PhD), depending on your education and experience. The job profile: is based on the university job ranking system and is vacant for at least 1 FTE.

The appointment will initially be for 1 year. After a satisfactory evaluation of the initial appointment, the contract will be extended for a duration of 3 years (so 4 years in total).

Additionally, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam offers excellent fringe benefits and various schemes and regulations to promote a good work/life balance, such as:

  • a maximum of 41 days of annual leave based on full-time employment

  • 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus

  • solid pension scheme (ABP)

  • optional model for designing a personalized benefits package

  • a wide range of sports facilities which staff may use at a modest charge


Are you interested in this position? Please apply via the application button and upload: 1) a motivation letter stating your experience and interest in the project and the name of two contacts that may provide recommendations; 2) your curriculum vitae; 3) a complete list of grades in the MA program until March 1, 2021. Please create one PDF file with all the information.

Applications received by e-mail will not be processed.

Vacancy questions
If you have any questions regarding this vacancy, you may contact:

Name: Dr. Francesca Righetti
Position: Associate Professor
E-mail: f.righetti@vu.nl


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