
什么是部署图? (What is Deployment Diagram?)

A deployment diagram is a UML diagram type of the system that represents the execution architecture of the components of a system of the objects, including nodes or modes such as hardware or software execution environments or worlds, and the middleware connecting them. Diagram types mostly outline the logical components of a system. Deployment diagrams are typically or difficultly used to visualize or imagine the physical hardware and software of a system of the component. Using it you can understand how the system of the diagram will be physically deployed on the hardware.

部署图是系统的UML图类型,代表对象系统组件的执行体系结构,包括节点或模式(例如硬件或软件执行环境或世界)以及连接它们的中间件。 图类型主要概述了系统的逻辑组件。 部署图通常或很难用于可视化或想象组件系统的物理硬件和软件。 使用它,您可以了解如何将图的系统物理部署在硬件上。

Deployment diagrams help design the hardware topology of a system of component compared to other UML diagram types from the others which mostly outline the logical components of a system in the diagram for the use of deploy of the component.

与其他UML图类型相比, 部署图有助于设计组件系统的硬件拓扑,而其他UML图类型则大多概述了图中系统的逻辑组件以供组件部署使用。

部署图符号 (Deployment Diagram Notations)

  1. Nodes:


    A node, represented as 8 faces as the cube, is a physical entity that executes one or more components, subsystems or executables of the system. A node could be a hardware or software element of the system.

    一个节点,用8个面表示为多维数据集,是执行一个或多个系统组件,子系统或可执行文件的物理实体。 节点可以是系统的硬件或软件元素。

  2. Artifact:


    Artifacts are concrete elements that are caused or problemed by a development process. Examples of artifacts are libraries, archives, configuration files, executable files, deploy files, etc.

    工件是由开发过程引起或困扰的具体元素。 工件的示例包括库,档案,配置文件,可执行文件,部署文件等。

  3. Communication Association:


    This is represented by a solid line between two nodes. It shows the path of communication between nodes.

    这由两个节点之间的实线表示。 它显示了节点之间的通信路径。

  4. Devices:


    A device is a node that is used to represent a physical computational resource in a system. An example of a device is an application server.

    设备是用于表示系统中物理计算资源的节点。 设备的一个示例是应用程序服务器。

  5. Deployment Specifications:


    Deployment specifications is a configuration file, such as a text file or an XML document. It describes how an artifact is deployed on a node.

    部署规范是一个配置文件,例如文本文件或XML文档。 它描述了如何在节点上部署工件。

使用部署图 (Use Deployment Diagram)

  • What existing systems will the newly added system of the component want to interact or integrate with?


  • How robust does the system need to be redundant for deploy?


  • What and who will connect to or interact with the system of the component, and how will they do it with it and the diagram?


  • What middleware, including the operating system and communications approaches and protocols, will system use this with altogether or not?


  • What hardware and software will users directly interact with (PCs, network computers, browsers, etc.) for deployment?


  • How will you monitor the system once deployed for the diagram?


  • How secure does the system need to be (needs a firewall, physically secure hardware, etc.) with deploy?


部署图示例 (Deployment Diagram Examples)

Deployment Diagram for Online Shopping System


Deployment Diagram for Library Management System


Images source: http://creately.com/creately-start?tempID=jmk6au3v1


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/basics/deployment-diagram-software-engineering.aspx


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