刚开始用Spring注解,编译通过,运行时报错Error creating bean with name…:Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field…nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException之类,大致意思是创建Bean失败, 最后查到原因是在@Service注解的类中直接使用Spring注入的对象,导致加@Service注解的类创建Bean不成功,如下

    @Autowiredprivate CommonPropertiesUtil util;@Autowiredprivate CommonService commonService;String SECRET_SEX = util.getSecretSex()//直接使用的注入对象util;String SECRET_USER = util.getSecretUser();

把String SECRET_USER = util.getSecretUser()从类中移到方法中运行正常了,不太了解Spring底层,不知为啥注入对象不能再类中直接调用…

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  10. Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field ‘userMapper‘问题解决

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