English Pronunciation Training 介绍

English Pronunciation Training

Have you ever wished to have a pronunciation program that teaches you how to pronounce English properly and also checks your pronunciation to make sure you do it right? If your answer is yes, you are at the right place.

With this English Pronunciation Training application, you will learn some important topics about speaking English properly such as:

* Pronounce R sounds

* Mouth and tongue positions when pronouncing sounds

* Voiced and unvoiced sounds

Moreover, there are some unique features that helps you learn to pronounce English better:

* You can hear the pronunciation before attempting

* You can tap on the words in practice area to hear the correct pronunciation of that word

* Pronunciation videos with phonetics letters that helps you know the right way to pronounce a word

* You can view your progress

* You can earn points after making correct pronunciations

* Use points you earned in practice to unlock further lessons

来自应用汇: English Pronunciation Training http://www.appchina.com/app/com.stavira.pronunciation.training?from=spi-desc

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