Root Nexus 4 on Android 4.4.4 KTU84P KitKat and Install CWM Recovery

Haris Nadeem • Last modified: June 29th, 2014 • Android Tips

For those who have already updated your phones to the new Android 4.4.4 KTU84P factory image, here is how to root Nexus 4 on this KitKat version. We will be using SuperSU as the superuser app because it is a lot more stable and gives better performance. Wondering what to do after rooting your Nexus 4? Well, read our list of theessential root apps available! This root method will even work if you install Android 4.4.4KitKat through OTA update or with the factory image. You can easily root Nexus 4 on Android 4.4.4 KTU84P KitKat using the tutorial below. You will need to have ClockworkModRecovery installed in order to get this root method working. Don’t worry, we have everything covered in the detailed steps below – even a tutorial on how to installCWM. Why should you root? Read: Benefits of rooting an Android device.

As you read further, we will guide you how to backup your important data, some other important tips and then tell you how to root Android 4.4.4 KTU84P on Nexus 4 with complete steps and how to flash ClockworkMod recovery on your phone. We will useClockworkMod recovery as our custom recovery and SuperSU as our rooting package. For more details, continue reading. Let’s get on with the tutorial now.

Disclaimer: All the custom ROMs and firmwares, official software updates, tools, mods or anything mentioned in the tutorial belong to their respective owners/developers. We ( or the developers are not to be held responsible if you damage or brick your device. We don’t have you on gun point to try out this tutorial 

Root Nexus 4 Android 4.4.4 KTU84P Details:

Android 4.4.4 KTU84P was released a few hours ago. This is a security fix for the Nexus family of devices, other than that, there are no announcements or news of anything else added into the latest KitKat software update. A full change log with all the details might get released soon. You can install this Android 4.4.4 update on the Nexus 5 (full tutorial), Nexus 4 (full tutorial), Nexus 7 2013 (full tutorial), Nexus 7 2012 (full tutorial) and Nexus 10 (full tutorial). Don’t we all love to update our devices to thelatest Android version available? So yes, with that you also need to root your device back — if it was also rooted before. The method to root Nexus 4 Android 4.4.4 has been explained with instructions on the next page. In case you have problems connecting your phone with the computer, make sure USB drivers are properly installed and read the tips below.

In case you want to update Nexus 4 to Android 4.4.4 KTU84P KitKat using the official OTA software update or with the official factory image, read the following tutorials:

  • Update Nexus 4 to Android 4.4.4 KTU84P KitKat Official Factory Image.

LG Nexus 4 USB Drivers

You will need to connect your Android phone with the computer. For that, please make sure you have installed the USB drivers for LG Nexus 4 properly. If not, you can download the latest official drivers from our Android USB Drivers section here:

Download LG Nexus 4 USB drivers!

Backup and Other Important Tips

Done with the USB drivers? Perfect. The tutorial is on the next page, but first, please take a look at the following tips and important points you need to take care of. These are important, as we don’t want anyone losing their personal data or apps:

Always backup your important data that you might need after you install a newcustom ROM, an official software update or anything else. Make a backup for just in case, you never know when anything might go wrong. See below for some tips on how to backup data:

  • Backup your Apps. How? –> How to Backup Android Apps.
  • Backup your SMS messages. How? –> How to Backup/Restore SMS Messages.
  • Backup Contacts, Gmail and Google Data. How? –> Sync with Google Sync.
  • Backup Call History. How? –> How to Backup Call History.
  • Backup WhatsApp Messages. How? –> How to Backup/Restore WhatsApp Messages.
  • Backup APN Settings: GPRS, 3G, MMS Settings. How? Note down everything from: Settings > Wireless & Networks (More…) > Mobile networks > Access Point Names.

If you already have a custom recovery (ClockworkMod, TWRP etc.) installed on your phone, we strongly recommend a backup using that as it creates a complete image of your existing phone set up.

A few more optional tips that you should remember:

1. Having problems connecting your Android phone to the computer? You need to enable USB debugging mode. See here: How to Enable USB Debugging — for Gingerbread, Ice Cream Sandwich and KitKat.

2. Make sure your Android device is charged up to 80-85% battery level. This might help you: How to Check Battery Percentage. Why? Because, if your phone goes off suddenly while installing a custom ROM, flashing an officialfirmware update or installing mods etc. — your phone might get bricked or go dead permanently. No one wants that, right?

4. Most of the tutorials and how-to guides on Team Android are for factory unlocked Android phones and tablets. We recommend not to try our guides if your phone is locked to a carrier, unless we have specified the carrier name or device model.

If you find the above tips useful and they were helpful to you, please consider giving us a +1 or LIKE to thank us!

All set and ready? Good. You can now go to the next page and root Android 4.4.4 KTU84P on Nexus 4 + install ClokworkMod recovery with the given step-by-step tutorial.

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