






Haroopad is a markdown enabled document processor for creating web-friendly documents.

You can author professional-looking documents of various formats: blog posts, slides, presentations, reports, email and more.

Haroopad gives you the same editing experience regardless of the platform you are working on. It runs on all three major operating systems—Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

最重要的是跨平台,可以在windows mac linux上使用!




void MainThread::OnMsgBoxCallback( MsgBoxRet ret )
{if(ret == MB_YES){std::wstring dir = QPath::GetNimAppDataDir();QCommand::AppStartWidthCommand(dir, L"");}nim_ui::WindowsManager::SingletonShow<LoginForm>(LoginForm::kClassName);


文件 -> 打印 -> 打印到文件

文件 -> 导出到 -> HTML


# Presentation Title
[Yours Truly](), Famous Inc.![cover](http://www.dvd-ppt-slideshow.com/images/ppt-background/background-6.jpg)
***## HeaderTypewriter etsy messenger bag [fingerstache](), aesthetic vinyl semiotics twee **DIY** forage chillwave. Thundercats ennui messenger bag, squid carles chillwave shoreditch pickled cliche **letterpress**. DIY beard locavore occupy salvia, whatever single-origin ==coffee== fanny pack 3 wolf moon typewriter gastropub1 kale H20 chips. Ennui keffiyeh thundercats jean shorts biodiesel. Terry richardson, swag blog locavore umami vegan helvetica. Fingerstache kale chips.<footer>
<p>DIY beard locavore <i>occupy</i> salvia, whatever single-origin <code>coffee</code> fanny pack 3 wolf moon <a href="">typewriter</a> gastropub<sup>1</sup> kale H<sub>2</sub>0 chips. Ennui <strong>keffiyeh</strong> thundercats jean <em>shorts</em> biodiesel. Terry richardson, swag blog locavore umami <b>vegan</b> helvetica. Fingerstache kale chips.</p>
</footer>***## HeaderThundercats ennui messenger bag, squid carles chillwave shoreditch pickled cliche letterpress. DIY beard locavore occupy salvia, whatever single-origin coffee fanny pack 3 wolf moon typewriter gastropub kale chips. Ennui keffiyeh thundercats jean shorts biodiesel. Terry richardson, swag blog locavore umami vegan helvetica. Fingerstache kale chips.Typewriter etsy messenger bag fingerstache.***## Lists in English typography* Ennui keffiyeh thundercats
* Jean shorts biodiesel
* Terry richardson, swag blog
    1. Locavore umami vegan helvetica
    2. Fingerstache kale chips
    3. Keytar sriracha gluten-free
* Before they sold out master***## Lists in Russian typography- Ennui keffiyeh thundercats
- Jean shorts biodiesel
- Terry richardson, swag blog
    1. Locavore umami vegan helvetica
    2. Fingerstache kale chips
    3. Keytar sriracha gluten-free
- Before they sold out master***## Lists in English typography1. Locavore umami vegan helvetica
2. Fingerstache kale chips
3. Keytar sriracha gluten-free* Ennui keffiyeh thundercats
* Jean shorts biodiesel
* Terry richardson, swag blog***## Quote> Typewriter etsy messenger bag fingerstache, aesthetic vinyl semiotics twee DIY forage chillwave. Thundercats ennui messenger bag, squid carles chillwave shoreditch pickled cliche letterpress. _**Author Name**_DIY beard locavore occupy salvia, whatever single-origin coffee fanny pack 3 wolf moon typewriter gastropub kale chips.***## Table| Locavore     | Umami        | Helvetica | Vegan     |
| Fingerstache | Kale         | Chips     | Keytar    |
| Sriracha     | Gluten-free  | Ennui     | Keffiyeh  |
| Thundercats  | Jean         | Shorts    | Biodiesel |
| Terry        | Richardson   | Swag      | Blog      |Typewriter etsy messenger bag fingerstache.*** ## Numbered code listing    <html lang="en">
    <head> <!--Comment-->
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="s/screen.css">
        <script src="j/jquery.js"></script>
    </head>***## You Can <br> Shout This Way***## [Linked Shout]()***## Growing Shout***## Shrinking Shout


Presentation Title

Yours Truly, Famous Inc.


Typewriter etsy messenger bag fingerstache, aesthetic vinyl semiotics twee DIY forage chillwave. Thundercats ennui messenger bag, squid carles chillwave shoreditch pickled cliche letterpress. DIY beard locavore occupy salvia, whatever single-origin ==coffee== fanny pack 3 wolf moon typewriter gastropub1 kale H20 chips. Ennui keffiyeh thundercats jean shorts biodiesel. Terry richardson, swag blog locavore umami vegan helvetica. Fingerstache kale chips.

DIY beard locavore occupy salvia, whatever single-origin coffee fanny pack 3 wolf moon typewriter gastropub1 kale H20 chips. Ennui keffiyeh thundercats jean shorts biodiesel. Terry richardson, swag blog locavore umami vegan helvetica. Fingerstache kale chips.


Thundercats ennui messenger bag, squid carles chillwave shoreditch pickled cliche letterpress. DIY beard locavore occupy salvia, whatever single-origin coffee fanny pack 3 wolf moon typewriter gastropub kale chips. Ennui keffiyeh thundercats jean shorts biodiesel. Terry richardson, swag blog locavore umami vegan helvetica. Fingerstache kale chips.

Typewriter etsy messenger bag fingerstache.

Lists in English typography

  • Ennui keffiyeh thundercats
  • Jean shorts biodiesel
  • Terry richardson, swag blog
    1. Locavore umami vegan helvetica
    2. Fingerstache kale chips
    3. Keytar sriracha gluten-free
  • Before they sold out master

Lists in Russian typography

  • Ennui keffiyeh thundercats
  • Jean shorts biodiesel
  • Terry richardson, swag blog
    1. Locavore umami vegan helvetica
    2. Fingerstache kale chips
    3. Keytar sriracha gluten-free
  • Before they sold out master

Lists in English typography

  1. Locavore umami vegan helvetica
  2. Fingerstache kale chips
  3. Keytar sriracha gluten-free

    • Ennui keffiyeh thundercats
    • Jean shorts biodiesel
    • Terry richardson, swag blog


Typewriter etsy messenger bag fingerstache, aesthetic vinyl semiotics twee DIY forage chillwave. Thundercats ennui messenger bag, squid carles chillwave shoreditch pickled cliche letterpress. Author Name

DIY beard locavore occupy salvia, whatever single-origin coffee fanny pack 3 wolf moon typewriter gastropub kale chips.


Locavore Umami Helvetica Vegan
Fingerstache Kale Chips Keytar
Sriracha Gluten-free Ennui Keffiyeh
Thundercats Jean Shorts Biodiesel
Terry Richardson Swag Blog

Typewriter etsy messenger bag fingerstache.

Numbered code listing

<html lang="en">
<head> <!--Comment--><title>Shower</title><meta charset="UTF-8"><link rel="stylesheet" href="s/screen.css"><script src="j/jquery.js"></script>

You Can
Shout This Way

Linked Shout

Growing Shout

Shrinking Shout


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    1. Haroopad概述 Haroopad is a markdown enabled document processor for creating web-friendly documents. ...

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    代码语法高亮 支持的语言和缩写标记 参考 代码语法高亮 书写格式为: ` ` ` language_key if (condition){ return true } ` ` ` 在 ` ` ` (三 ...

  3. [转]最好用的离线markdown编辑器Haroopad介绍

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  4. lisp协议instand_分享|Linux 上 10 个最好的 Markdown 编辑器

    在这篇文章中,我们会点评一些可以在 Linux 上安装使用的最好的 Markdown 编辑器. 你可以在 Linux 平台上找到非常多的 的 Markdown 编辑器,但是在这里我们将尽可能地为您推荐 ...

  5. Typora markdown公式换行等号对齐_下了31个markdown编辑器,我就不信选不出一个好用的...

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    文章很长,不想看,请直接拉到底看简略版清单!! 如果您曾经用Word写过文章,并尝试将文本移动到CMS中(头条.百家号等),那么您可能已经花费了大量时间,来调整这种跨平台转换导致的格式杂乱. 因此,是 ...

  7. mac markdown_适用于Mac的最佳Markdown编辑器

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  8. 关于Markdown编辑器

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  9. Gitbook详解(七)-Markdown编辑器推荐

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