vmware horizon view 7.0 ssl证书设置方案

Scenarios for Setting Up SSL Certificates for View26 VMware, Inc.IndexCcertificate signing requestconfiguration file 9generating 9, 11certificate signing requests, verifying in thecertificate store 12certificatesfriendly name 19importing into a Windows certificScenarios for Setting Up SSL Certificates for View24 VMware, Inc.3 (Optional) Add properties to configure a non-default HTTP listening port and a network interface onthe View server.n To change the HTTP listening port from 80, set serverPortNonSSL to another port nModify the External URLs for a Security ServerYou use View Administrator to modify the external URLs for a security server.Prerequisitesn Verify that the secure tunnel connections are enabled on the VSet View Server External URLs to Point Clients to SSL Off-loadingServersIf SSL is off-loaded to an intermediate server and Horizon Client devices use the secure tunnel to connect toView, you must set 4 Click Apply and click OK.5 Verify that no other server certificates in the Personal Certificates folder have a Friendly name of vdm.a Locate any other server certificate, right-click the certificaFor other types of certificate files, only the server certificate is imported into the Windows local computercertificate store. In this case, you must take separate steps to import the root certificatConvert a Certificate File to PKCS#12 FormatIf you obtained a certificate and its private key in PEM or another format, you must convert it to PKCS#12(PFX) format before you can import the certificateBefore you start, verify that the F5 BIG-IP LTM system is deployed with View. Check that you completedthe tasks in the F5 deployment guide, Deploying the BIG-IP LTM System with VMware View, located atDo not confuse load balancing with SSL off-loading. The preceding requirement applies to any device that isconfigured to provide SSL off-loading, including some types of load balancers. However, pure Off-loading SSL Connections toIntermediate Servers 2You can set up intermediate servers between your View servers and Horizon Client devices to perform taskssuch as load balancing and off-loading SSL 5 If you use HTML Access in VMware Horizon View 5.2 or later, restart the VMware View Blast SecureGateway service.6 If you are setting up a certificate on a View Composer server, you might have to takImport a Signed Certificate by Using CertreqWhen you have a signed certificate from a CA, you can import the certificate into the Windows localcomputer certificate store on the View server host.If you5 Rename the certificate text file to cert.cer.Make sure that the file is located on the View server on which the certificate request was generated.6 Rename the root CA and intermediate CA certificate4 Save the file as request.inf.What to do nextGenerate a CSR from the configuration file.Generate a CSR and Request a Signed Certificate from a CAUsing the completed configuration file, you can generaNewRequestSubject = CN=View_Server_FQDN, OU=Organizational_Unit, O=Organization, L=City, S=State, C=Country ; Replace View_Server_FQDN with the FQDN of the View server.; Replace the remaining SubjGenerating a Certificate Signing Request and Obtaining a Certificatewith Microsoft CertreqTo make a certificate available to a View server, you must create a configuration file, generate a certificateIf your organization provides you with SSL certificates that are signed by a CA, you can use thesecertificates. Your organization can use a valid internal CA or a third-party, commercial CA. If yourceObtaining SSL Certificates from aCertificate Authority 1VMware strongly recommends that you configure SSL certificates that are signed by a valid CertificateAuthority (CA) for use by View Connection SScenarios for Setting Up SSL Certificates for View6 VMware, Inc.Scenarios for Setting Up SSL Connections toViewScenarios for Setting Up SSL Connections to View provides examples of setting up SSL certificates for use byView servers. The first scenario shows you hoScenarios for Setting Up SSL Certificates for View4 VMware, Inc.ContentsScenarios for Setting Up SSL Connections to View 51 Obtaining SSL Certificates from a Certificate Authority 7Determining If This Scenario Applies to You 7Selecting the Correct Certificate TypeScenarios for Setting Up SSL Certificates for View2 VMware, Inc.You can find the most up-to-date technical documentation on the VMware Web site at:http:/www.vmware.com/support/The VMware Web site alScenarios for Setting Up SSL Certificatesfor ViewVMware Horizon 7Version 7.0This document supports the version of each product listed andsupports all subsequent versions until the document isreplaced

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