
下载:苹果CMS V10_LUTU视频_二开苹果cms视频网站源码板_可封装双端APP.zip - 蓝奏云文件大小:6.7 M|https://ch-h-cn.lanzoum.com/iUs7r08zutqj

Second opening function:

1. Background built-in theme setting

2. It has its own open screen advertisement, which can control the switch and time in the background

3. A video can only be viewed by VIP members

4. Unique logo of VIP video

5. Replace the whole template pop-up prompt, and use a better layer pop-up prompt

6. For the card secret recharge modification field, you don't need to enter the card number + card secret to recharge. You only need the card number to recharge

7. The second opening of the card secret system makes the card secret system more practical

8-1. Card secret activation can directly open members and set the opening time

8-2. Repair the card secret export function to export the amount and days corresponding to the card secret more clearly

8-3. Repair the card secret search function, which can search the card secret according to the number of days

9. Register to send VIP automatically, and you can set the number of days or no gifts by yourself

10. Online payment is strengthened. After payment, it is automatically upgraded to a member, and there is no need to recharge points for upgrading

11. Pre broadcast advertisements can be added

12. Player pause advertisement can be added

13. Watermark can be added to the upper right corner of the player

14. Front video ads can be added, and MP4 and m3u8 formats are supported

15. You can set any video separately for VIP viewing only, which is simple to operate

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