Data Access 应用程序块是最常用的Application block之一,因为它可以更容易地实现大多数数据访问操作,不必重复编写数据访问代码,甚至不必关心应用程序的数据库。如果使用DAAB,你可以很容易转换应用程序使用不同的数据库,不必重写代码、编译和部署。管理员可以更改目标数据库到不同的服务器,甚至到不同的数据库类型(如SQL Server或Oracle等等)。DAAB包含了SQL Server、SQL Server Compact Edition 和Oracle数据库提供程序。

DAAB 能够做什么?
首先需要添加DAAB 的程序集,配置需要访问的数据库,添加其他相关的程序集到项目中。接着创建数据库对象实例,并读取和操作数据。
可以使用多种方法获取想访问的Database 实例。下面的范例代码通过调用EnterpriseLibraryContainer的静态属性Current的GetInstance方法,来获得Database实例。
        static Database defaultDB = null;
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Resolve the default Database object from the container.
            // The actual concrete type is determined by the configuration settings.
            defaultDB = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<Database>();
上述代码演示了如何获取默认数据库的实例。当然,也可使用连接字符串(Connection string)的名称,来获取命名的数据库实例。
static Database namedDB = null;
// Resolve a Database object from the container using the connection string name.
namedDB = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<Database>("ExampleDatabase");
static SqlDatabase sqlServerDB = null;
// Resolve a SqlDatabase object from the container using the default database.
sqlServerDB = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<Database>() as SqlDatabase;
// Call the ExecuteReader method by specifying just the stored procedure name.
using (IDataReader reader = namedDB.ExecuteReader("MyStoredProcName"))
// Use the values in the rows as required.
// Call the ExecuteReader method by specifying the command type
// as a SQL statement, and passing in the SQL statement.
using (IDataReader reader = namedDB.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text,
"SELECT TOP 1 * FROM OrderList"))
// Use the values in the rows as required ‐ here we are just displaying them.
private static void DisplayRowValues(IDataReader reader)
while (reader.Read())
for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", reader.GetName(i), reader[i].ToString());
Id = 1
Status = DRAFT
CreatedOn = 01/02/2009 11:12:06
Name = Adjustable Race
LastName = Abbas
FirstName = Syed
ShipStreet = 123 Elm Street
ShipCity = Denver
ShipZipCode = 12345
ShippingOption = Two‐day shipping
State = Colorado
上述范例代码演示了不带参数的存储过程和SQL语句,然而在多数情况下,我们需要采用接收传入参数的查询。如果你仅仅使用传入参数,可以包裹传入参数为Object数组,并传递给存储过程或SQL语句。注意,必须按照查询需要的参数次序,将参数值添加到数组中 – 你仅仅需要提供实际的参数值。如下范例代码演示如何传入一个字符串参数给存储过程。
// Call the ExecuteReader method with the stored procedure
// name and an Object array containing the parameter values.
using (IDataReader reader = defaultDB.ExecuteReader("ListOrdersByState",
new object[] { "Colorado" }))
// Use the values in the rows as required ‐ here we are just displaying them.
上述带参数值数组的范例代码简单且有效,但是有一些限制。首先,它不支持你指定参数的方向(如输入或输出),或数据类型 – 如传入参数的数据类型不完全匹配(或者不能隐式转化)存储过程的参数类型,将发生错误。
为了使用命名参数或定义类型的参数,你必须访问Command对象,该对象用来执行查询,并操作参数集合。DAAB通过Database类提供GetSqlStringCommand 和 GetStoredProcCommand 方法,使创建和访问 Command 对象更加容易。这些方法为配置的数据库返回一个合适的Command实例。
// Read data with a SQL statement that accepts one parameter.
string sqlStatement = "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM OrderList WHERE State LIKE @state";
// Create a suitable command type and add the required parameter.
using (DbCommand sqlCmd = defaultDB.GetSqlStringCommand(sqlStatement))
defaultDB.AddInParameter(sqlCmd, "state", DbType.String, "New York");
// Call the ExecuteReader method with the command.
using (IDataReader sqlReader = namedDB.ExecuteReader(sqlCmd))
Console.WriteLine("Results from executing SQL statement:");
// Now read the same data with a stored procedure that accepts one parameter.
string storedProcName = "ListOrdersByState";
// Create a suitable command type and add the required parameter.
using (DbCommand sprocCmd = defaultDB.GetStoredProcCommand(storedProcName))
defaultDB.AddInParameter(sprocCmd, "state", DbType.String, "New York");
// Call the ExecuteReader method with the command.
using (IDataReader sprocReader = namedDB.ExecuteReader(sprocCmd))
Console.WriteLine("Results from executing stored procedure:");


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