
move a onto b :先将a和b上的其他木块移回到它们的初始位置,然后将木块a摞在木块b上.
move a over b :先将木块a上的其他木块移到它们的初始位置后,然后将木块a摞到包含了木块b的那一堆木块上面
pile a onto b :先将木块b上的所有木块移回到它们的初始位置,然后将木块a及其上的木块移到木块b上.
pile a over b :将包含木块a的那一摞木块移到包含了木块b的那一堆木块上面.
#include <iostream>using namespace std;

struct Node{int no;struct Node *next;};struct Node *station[25];int Bplace[25];

void Init(int n){for(int i=0;i<n;i++){        station[i]=(struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));         station[i]->no=i;          Bplace[i]=i;          station[i]->next=NULL;    }}struct Node *Find(int a,bool setNULL){int b;struct Node *p,*q;       b=Bplace[a];if(station[b]->no==a)       {          p=station[b];if(setNULL){             station[b]=NULL;          }return p;       }else{          q=station[b];          p=q->next;while(p->no!=a){             q=p;             p=p->next;          }if(setNULL)             q->next=NULL;return p;       }}

void f(int a){struct Node *p;    p=Find(a,false);  //constant point to the station[a->no]    if(p->next==NULL)return;int j;while(p->next!=NULL){      j=p->next->no;      station[j]=p->next;      Bplace[j]=j;      p->next=NULL;      p=station[j];    }}

void move(int a,int b){if(a==b || Bplace[a]==Bplace[b])return;struct Node *pa,*pb;       pa=Find(a,true);       pb=Find(b,false);while(pb->next){          pb=pb->next;       }       pb->next=pa;while(pa!=NULL){          Bplace[pa->no]=Bplace[pb->no];          pa=pa->next;       }}

void monto(int a,int b){    f(a);    f(b);    move(a,b);}void mover(int a,int b){  f(a);  move(a,b);}void ponto(int a,int b){    f(b);    move(a,b);}void pover(int a,int b){  move(a,b);}

int main(){int n,a,b;struct Node *p;char ch1[5],ch2[5];//freopen("acm.txt","r",stdin);    cin>>n;    Init(n);while(cin>>ch1 && strcmp(ch1,"quit")!=0){       cin>>a;       cin>>ch2;       cin>>b;if(strcmp(ch1,"move")==0){if(strcmp(ch2,"onto")==0)               monto(a,b);else               mover(a,b);       }else{if(strcmp(ch2,"onto")==0)             ponto(a,b);else              pover(a,b);

       }    }//while    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)    {       cout<<i<<": ";       p=station[i];while(p!=NULL)       {        cout<<p->no<<"";        p=p->next;       }       cout<<endl;    }return 0;}


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