
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>using namespace std;void print_data(const vector<char> &as, const vector<int> &ns) {int len = ns.size();for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {if (as[i] == 'i') {cout<<"push "<<ns[i]<<endl;} else {cout<<"pop"<<endl;}}
}void build_postorder(vector<char> &actions, vector<int> &nums, int start, int end, vector<int> &postorder) {if (start >= end) return;if (actions[start] != 'i') return;// root node
    postorder.push_back(nums[start]);// now try to find the seperator idx of // action(must be a pop pair wise with root node push) between two sub treeint pushs = 1;int idx = start + 1;while (pushs != 0 && idx < end) {if (actions[idx] == 'i') {pushs++;} else {pushs--;}idx++;}// right sub tree
    build_postorder(actions, nums, idx, end, postorder);// left sub treebuild_postorder(actions, nums, start + 1, idx, postorder);
int main() {int N, len;scanf("%d", &N);len = N * 2;char buf[10];int num;vector<char> actions(2 * N, '\0');vector<int> nums(2 * N, 0);// read in datafor (int i=0; i<len; i++) {scanf("%s", buf);if (buf[3] == 'h') {scanf("%d", &num);nums[i] = num;actions[i] = 'i';    // push, input} else {actions[i] = 'o';    // pop, output
        }}vector<int> postorder;build_postorder(actions, nums, 0, len, postorder);if (postorder.size() > 0){// print_data(actions, nums);for (int i=N - 1; i>=1; i--) {printf("%d ", postorder[i]);}printf("%d", postorder[0]);}return 0;


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