题图来自:Experiments with style transfer

01 - 简单线性模型 | 02 - 卷积神经网络 | 03 - PrettyTensor | 04 - 保存& 恢复
05 - 集成学习 | 06 - CIFAR 10 | 07 - Inception 模型 | 08 - 迁移学习
09 - 视频数据 | 11 - 对抗样本 | 12 - MNIST的对抗噪声 | 13 - 可视化分析
14 - DeepDream

by Magnus Erik Hvass Pedersen / GitHub / Videos on YouTube
中文翻译 thrillerist / Github





本文基于之前的教程。你需要大概地熟悉神经网络(详见教程 #01和 #02),熟悉教程 #14中的DeepDream也很有帮助。





风格图像的损失函数稍微复杂一些,因为它试图让风格图像和混合图像的格拉姆矩阵(Gram-matrices)的差异最小化。这在网络的一个或多个层中完成。 Gram-matrices度量了哪个特征在给定层中同时被激活。改变混合图像,使其模仿风格图像的激活模式(activation patterns),这将导致颜色和纹理的迁移。



from IPython.display import Image, display


%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import PIL.Image复制代码




VGG-16 模型

我花了两天时间,想用之前教程#14中在DeepDream上使用的Inception 5h模型来实现风格迁移算法,但无法得到看起来足够好的图像。这有点奇怪,因为教程#14中生成的图像看起来挺好的。但回想起来,我们(在教程#14里)也用了一些技巧来得到这种质量,比如平滑梯度以及递归的降采样并处理图像。

原始论文 使用了VGG-19卷积神经网络。出于由于某些原因,对于TendorFlow来说,预训练的VGG-19模型在本教程中不够稳定。因此我们使用VGG-16模型,这是其他人制作的,可以很容易地获取并在TensorFlow中载入。方便起见,我们封装了一个类。

import vgg16复制代码


# vgg16.data_dir = 'vgg16/'复制代码

Download the data for the VGG-16 model if it doesn't already exist in the directory.

WARNING: It is 550 MB!




Downloading VGG16 Model ...
Data has apparently already been downloaded and unpacked.



def load_image(filename, max_size=None):image = PIL.Image.open(filename)if max_size is not None:# Calculate the appropriate rescale-factor for# ensuring a max height and width, while keeping# the proportion between them.factor = max_size / np.max(image.size)# Scale the image's height and width.size = np.array(image.size) * factor# The size is now floating-point because it was scaled.# But PIL requires the size to be integers.size = size.astype(int)# Resize the image.image = image.resize(size, PIL.Image.LANCZOS)# Convert to numpy floating-point array.return np.float32(image)复制代码


def save_image(image, filename):# Ensure the pixel-values are between 0 and 255.image = np.clip(image, 0.0, 255.0)# Convert to bytes.image = image.astype(np.uint8)# Write the image-file in jpeg-format.with open(filename, 'wb') as file:PIL.Image.fromarray(image).save(file, 'jpeg')复制代码


def plot_image_big(image):# Ensure the pixel-values are between 0 and 255.image = np.clip(image, 0.0, 255.0)# Convert pixels to bytes.image = image.astype(np.uint8)# Convert to a PIL-image and display it.display(PIL.Image.fromarray(image))复制代码


def plot_images(content_image, style_image, mixed_image):# Create figure with sub-plots.fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 10))# Adjust vertical spacing.fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1, wspace=0.1)# Use interpolation to smooth pixels?smooth = True# Interpolation type.if smooth:interpolation = 'sinc'else:interpolation = 'nearest'# Plot the content-image.# Note that the pixel-values are normalized to# the [0.0, 1.0] range by dividing with 255.ax = axes.flat[0]ax.imshow(content_image / 255.0, interpolation=interpolation)ax.set_xlabel("Content")# Plot the mixed-image.ax = axes.flat[1]ax.imshow(mixed_image / 255.0, interpolation=interpolation)ax.set_xlabel("Mixed")# Plot the style-imageax = axes.flat[2]ax.imshow(style_image / 255.0, interpolation=interpolation)ax.set_xlabel("Style")# Remove ticks from all the plots.for ax in axes.flat:ax.set_xticks([])ax.set_yticks([])# Ensure the plot is shown correctly with multiple plots# in a single Notebook cell.plt.show()复制代码



这个函数创建了一个TensorFlow运算,用来计算两个输入张量的最小平均误差(Mean Squared Error)。

def mean_squared_error(a, b):return tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(a - b))复制代码


def create_content_loss(session, model, content_image, layer_ids):"""Create the loss-function for the content-image.Parameters:session: An open TensorFlow session for running the model's graph.model: The model, e.g. an instance of the VGG16-class.content_image: Numpy float array with the content-image.layer_ids: List of integer id's for the layers to use in the model."""# Create a feed-dict with the content-image.feed_dict = model.create_feed_dict(image=content_image)# Get references to the tensors for the given layers.layers = model.get_layer_tensors(layer_ids)# Calculate the output values of those layers when# feeding the content-image to the model.values = session.run(layers, feed_dict=feed_dict)# Set the model's graph as the default so we can add# computational nodes to it. It is not always clear# when this is necessary in TensorFlow, but if you# want to re-use this code then it may be necessary.with model.graph.as_default():# Initialize an empty list of loss-functions.layer_losses = []# For each layer and its corresponding values# for the content-image.for value, layer in zip(values, layers):# These are the values that are calculated# for this layer in the model when inputting# the content-image. Wrap it to ensure it# is a const - although this may be done# automatically by TensorFlow.value_const = tf.constant(value)# The loss-function for this layer is the# Mean Squared Error between the layer-values# when inputting the content- and mixed-images.# Note that the mixed-image is not calculated# yet, we are merely creating the operations# for calculating the MSE between those two.loss = mean_squared_error(layer, value_const)# Add the loss-function for this layer to the# list of loss-functions.layer_losses.append(loss)# The combined loss for all layers is just the average.# The loss-functions could be weighted differently for# each layer. You can try it and see what happens.total_loss = tf.reduce_mean(layer_losses)return total_loss复制代码





def gram_matrix(tensor):shape = tensor.get_shape()# Get the number of feature channels for the input tensor,# which is assumed to be from a convolutional layer with 4-dim.num_channels = int(shape[3])# Reshape the tensor so it is a 2-dim matrix. This essentially# flattens the contents of each feature-channel.matrix = tf.reshape(tensor, shape=[-1, num_channels])# Calculate the Gram-matrix as the matrix-product of# the 2-dim matrix with itself. This calculates the# dot-products of all combinations of the feature-channels.gram = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(matrix), matrix)return gram复制代码


def create_style_loss(session, model, style_image, layer_ids):"""Create the loss-function for the style-image.Parameters:session: An open TensorFlow session for running the model's graph.model: The model, e.g. an instance of the VGG16-class.style_image: Numpy float array with the style-image.layer_ids: List of integer id's for the layers to use in the model."""# Create a feed-dict with the style-image.feed_dict = model.create_feed_dict(image=style_image)# Get references to the tensors for the given layers.layers = model.get_layer_tensors(layer_ids)# Set the model's graph as the default so we can add# computational nodes to it. It is not always clear# when this is necessary in TensorFlow, but if you# want to re-use this code then it may be necessary.with model.graph.as_default():# Construct the TensorFlow-operations for calculating# the Gram-matrices for each of the layers.gram_layers = [gram_matrix(layer) for layer in layers]# Calculate the values of those Gram-matrices when# feeding the style-image to the model.values = session.run(gram_layers, feed_dict=feed_dict)# Initialize an empty list of loss-functions.layer_losses = []# For each Gram-matrix layer and its corresponding values.for value, gram_layer in zip(values, gram_layers):# These are the Gram-matrix values that are calculated# for this layer in the model when inputting the# style-image. Wrap it to ensure it is a const,# although this may be done automatically by TensorFlow.value_const = tf.constant(value)# The loss-function for this layer is the# Mean Squared Error between the Gram-matrix values# for the content- and mixed-images.# Note that the mixed-image is not calculated# yet, we are merely creating the operations# for calculating the MSE between those two.loss = mean_squared_error(gram_layer, value_const)# Add the loss-function for this layer to the# list of loss-functions.layer_losses.append(loss)# The combined loss for all layers is just the average.# The loss-functions could be weighted differently for# each layer. You can try it and see what happens.total_loss = tf.reduce_mean(layer_losses)return total_loss复制代码

下面创建了用来给混合图像去噪的损失函数。这个算法称为Total Variation Denoising,本质上就是在x和y轴上将图像偏移一个像素,计算它与原始图像的差异,取绝对值保证差异是正值,然后对整个图像所有像素求和。这个步骤创建了一个可以最小化的损失函数,用来抑制图像中的噪声。

def create_denoise_loss(model):loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(model.input[:,1:,:,:] - model.input[:,:-1,:,:])) + \tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(model.input[:,:,1:,:] - model.input[:,:,:-1,:]))return loss复制代码




def style_transfer(content_image, style_image,content_layer_ids, style_layer_ids,weight_content=1.5, weight_style=10.0,weight_denoise=0.3,num_iterations=120, step_size=10.0):"""Use gradient descent to find an image that minimizes theloss-functions of the content-layers and style-layers. Thisshould result in a mixed-image that resembles the contoursof the content-image, and resembles the colours and texturesof the style-image.Parameters:content_image: Numpy 3-dim float-array with the content-image.style_image: Numpy 3-dim float-array with the style-image.content_layer_ids: List of integers identifying the content-layers.style_layer_ids: List of integers identifying the style-layers.weight_content: Weight for the content-loss-function.weight_style: Weight for the style-loss-function.weight_denoise: Weight for the denoising-loss-function.num_iterations: Number of optimization iterations to perform.step_size: Step-size for the gradient in each iteration."""# Create an instance of the VGG16-model. This is done# in each call of this function, because we will add# operations to the graph so it can grow very large# and run out of RAM if we keep using the same instance.model = vgg16.VGG16()# Create a TensorFlow-session.session = tf.InteractiveSession(graph=model.graph)# Print the names of the content-layers.print("Content layers:")print(model.get_layer_names(content_layer_ids))print()# Print the names of the style-layers.print("Style layers:")print(model.get_layer_names(style_layer_ids))print()# Create the loss-function for the content-layers and -image.loss_content = create_content_loss(session=session,model=model,content_image=content_image,layer_ids=content_layer_ids)# Create the loss-function for the style-layers and -image.loss_style = create_style_loss(session=session,model=model,style_image=style_image,layer_ids=style_layer_ids)    # Create the loss-function for the denoising of the mixed-image.loss_denoise = create_denoise_loss(model)# Create TensorFlow variables for adjusting the values of# the loss-functions. This is explained below.adj_content = tf.Variable(1e-10, name='adj_content')adj_style = tf.Variable(1e-10, name='adj_style')adj_denoise = tf.Variable(1e-10, name='adj_denoise')# Initialize the adjustment values for the loss-functions.session.run([adj_content.initializer,adj_style.initializer,adj_denoise.initializer])# Create TensorFlow operations for updating the adjustment values.# These are basically just the reciprocal values of the# loss-functions, with a small value 1e-10 added to avoid the# possibility of division by zero.update_adj_content = adj_content.assign(1.0 / (loss_content + 1e-10))update_adj_style = adj_style.assign(1.0 / (loss_style + 1e-10))update_adj_denoise = adj_denoise.assign(1.0 / (loss_denoise + 1e-10))# This is the weighted loss-function that we will minimize# below in order to generate the mixed-image.# Because we multiply the loss-values with their reciprocal# adjustment values, we can use relative weights for the# loss-functions that are easier to select, as they are# independent of the exact choice of style- and content-layers.loss_combined = weight_content * adj_content * loss_content + \weight_style * adj_style * loss_style + \weight_denoise * adj_denoise * loss_denoise# Use TensorFlow to get the mathematical function for the# gradient of the combined loss-function with regard to# the input image.gradient = tf.gradients(loss_combined, model.input)# List of tensors that we will run in each optimization iteration.run_list = [gradient, update_adj_content, update_adj_style, \update_adj_denoise]# The mixed-image is initialized with random noise.# It is the same size as the content-image.mixed_image = np.random.rand(*content_image.shape) + 128for i in range(num_iterations):# Create a feed-dict with the mixed-image.feed_dict = model.create_feed_dict(image=mixed_image)# Use TensorFlow to calculate the value of the# gradient, as well as updating the adjustment values.grad, adj_content_val, adj_style_val, adj_denoise_val \= session.run(run_list, feed_dict=feed_dict)# Reduce the dimensionality of the gradient.grad = np.squeeze(grad)# Scale the step-size according to the gradient-values.step_size_scaled = step_size / (np.std(grad) + 1e-8)# Update the image by following the gradient.mixed_image -= grad * step_size_scaled# Ensure the image has valid pixel-values between 0 and 255.mixed_image = np.clip(mixed_image, 0.0, 255.0)# Print a little progress-indicator.print(". ", end="")# Display status once every 10 iterations, and the last.if (i % 10 == 0) or (i == num_iterations - 1):print()print("Iteration:", i)# Print adjustment weights for loss-functions.msg = "Weight Adj. for Content: {0:.2e}, Style: {1:.2e}, Denoise: {2:.2e}"print(msg.format(adj_content_val, adj_style_val, adj_denoise_val))# Plot the content-, style- and mixed-images.plot_images(content_image=content_image,style_image=style_image,mixed_image=mixed_image)print()print("Final image:")plot_image_big(mixed_image)# Close the TensorFlow session to release its resources.session.close()# Return the mixed-image.return mixed_image复制代码




content_filename = 'images/willy_wonka_old.jpg'
content_image = load_image(content_filename, max_size=None)复制代码


style_filename = 'images/style7.jpg'
style_image = load_image(style_filename, max_size=300)复制代码


content_layer_ids = [4]复制代码


# The VGG16-model has 13 convolutional layers.
# This selects all those layers as the style-layers.
# This is somewhat slow to optimize.
style_layer_ids = list(range(13))# You can also select a sub-set of the layers, e.g. like this:
# style_layer_ids = [1, 2, 3, 4]复制代码



img = style_transfer(content_image=content_image,style_image=style_image,content_layer_ids=content_layer_ids,style_layer_ids=style_layer_ids,weight_content=1.5,weight_style=10.0,weight_denoise=0.3,num_iterations=60,step_size=10.0)复制代码

Content layers:

Style layers:
['conv1_1/conv1_1', 'conv1_2/conv1_2', 'conv2_1/conv2_1', 'conv2_2/conv2_2', 'conv3_1/conv3_1', 'conv3_2/conv3_2', 'conv3_3/conv3_3', 'conv4_1/conv4_1', 'conv4_2/conv4_2', 'conv4_3/conv4_3', 'conv5_1/conv5_1', 'conv5_2/conv5_2', 'conv5_3/conv5_3']

Iteration: 0
Weight Adj. for Content: 5.18e-11, Style: 2.14e-29, Denoise: 5.61e-06

. . . . . . . . . .
Iteration: 10
Weight Adj. for Content: 2.79e-11, Style: 4.13e-28, Denoise: 1.25e-07

. . . . . . . . . .
Iteration: 20
Weight Adj. for Content: 2.63e-11, Style: 1.09e-27, Denoise: 1.30e-07

. . . . . . . . . .
Iteration: 30
Weight Adj. for Content: 2.66e-11, Style: 1.27e-27, Denoise: 1.27e-07

. . . . . . . . . .
Iteration: 40
Weight Adj. for Content: 2.73e-11, Style: 1.16e-27, Denoise: 1.26e-07

. . . . . . . . . .
Iteration: 50
Weight Adj. for Content: 2.75e-11, Style: 1.12e-27, Denoise: 1.24e-07

. . . . . . . . .
Iteration: 59
Weight Adj. for Content: 1.85e-11, Style: 3.86e-28, Denoise: 1.01e-07

Final image:

CPU times: user 20min 1s, sys: 45.5 s, total: 20min 46s
Wall time: 3min 4s


这篇教程说明了用神经网络来结合两张图像内容和风格的基本想法。不幸的是,结果并不像一些商业系统那么好,比如 DeepArt,它是由这种技术的一些先驱者开发的。(结果不好的)原因暂不明确。也许我们只是需要更强的计算力,可以在高分辨率图像上以更小的步长,运行更多的优化迭代。或许我们需要更复杂的优化方法。下面的练习给出了一些可能会提升质量的建议,鼓励你尝试一下。




  • 试着使用其他图像。本文中包含了一些风格图像。你可以使用自己的图像。
  • 试着更多的迭代次数(比如1000-5000),以及更小的步长(比如1.0-3.0)。它会提升质量吗?
    * 改变风格层、内容层以及去噪时的权重。
  • 试着从内容或风格图像开始优化,或许二者的平均。你可以加入一些噪声。
  • 试着改变风格图和内容图的分辨率。在load_image()函数中,你可以用max_size参数来改变图像大小。它对结果有什么影响?
  • 试着使用VGG-16模型的其他层。
  • 改变代码,使其每10次优化迭代就保存图像。
  • 在优化过程中使用常数权重。它对结果有何影响?
  • 在风格层中使用不同的权重。同样,试着像其他损失函数一样自动调整权重。
  • 用TensorFlow的ADAM优化器来代替基本的梯度下降。
  • 使用L-BFGS优化器。目前在TensorFlow中没有实现这个。你能在风格迁移算法中使用SciPy中实现的优化器么?它有提升结果吗?
  • 用另外的预训练网络,比如我们在教程 #14中使用的Inception 5h模型,或者用你从网上找到的VGG-19模型。
  • 向朋友解释程序如何工作。

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