
The following excerpt is from the Garrett French and Eric Ward’s book Ultimate Guide to Link Building, 2nd Edition.

以下节选自Garrett French和Eric Ward的“Link Building终极指南,第2版”。

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Once you’ve compiled your list of market-defining keywords (MDKWs), it’s time to create queries and search for them in your favorite search engine.


The following are a few ways you can do that.


Related: Do You Know What Linkable Assets Are Hiding in Your Website?


  1. Look for blogs, news sites and trade publications
  2. 1.寻找博客,新闻网站和贸易出版物
  3. The existence of blogs, news sites and trade publications are all indicators of a healthy “expert publication” stratus within your market space.
  4. 博客、新闻网站和贸易出版物的存在都是在你的市场空间内健康的“专家出版物”阶层的指标。
  5. If these kinds of sites exist, especially in large numbers, your campaign design can and should include expert engagement and content creation and promotion, to name a couple.
  6. 如果这些类型的网站存在,特别是大量存在,你的活动设计可以并且应该包括专家参与和内容创建和推广,举几个例子。
  7. Check for these kinds of publishers with queries such as:
  8. 使用以下查询检查这些类型的发布者:
  9. How many results in the top 10 are relevant? Are you finding lists of bloggers? If not, make sure your MDKWs are broad enough! If so, then make note of “expert engagement” and content creation/promotion as a solid direction for your link-building efforts.
  10. 前10名中有多少结果是相关的?你找到博客的名单了吗?如果不是,请确保您的MDKW足够宽!如果是这样,那么记下“专家参与”和内容创建/推广作为链接建设努力的坚实方向。
    1. Look for niche directories
    2. 2.查找利基目录
    3. Niche directories are almost always worth submitting to.
    4. 利基目录几乎总是值得提交的。
    5. Consider them a “covering your bases” link-building effort.
    6. 把它们看作是一种“覆盖你的基地”的链接建设努力。
    7. Some keyword spaces have niche directories, and some don’t.
    8. 一些关键字空间有利基目录,而有些没有。
    9. Find niche directories with queries such as:
    10. 使用以下查询查找利基目录:
      1. Look for interviews with subject-matter experts
      2. 3.寻找与主题专家的访谈
      3. The presence of interviews signifies there’s an “expert class” within your keyword space.
      4. 面试的出现意味着在你的关键词空间里有一个“专家类”。
      5. If there are a number of interviews, then you should do two things.
      6. 如果有很多面试,那么你应该做两件事。
      7. The first is to get thought leaders in your organization interviewed.
      8. 第一个是让你的组织中的思想领袖接受采访。
      9. Second, you should conduct a group interview of all the experts who were interviewed.
      10. 第二,你应该对所有接受采访的专家进行小组面试。
      11. Gather the experts’ contact information, then brainstorm five to 10 great questions and send them out.
      12. 收集专家的联系信息,然后集思广益,提出5到10个重要的问题并发送出去。
      13. When they’ve responded, aggregate their answers into one article and let them know when it’s published.
      14. 当他们做出回应时,将他们的答案聚合成一篇文章,并在文章发表时让他们知道。
      15. Check on the presence of interviews with queries such as:
      16. 检查是否存在带有查询的面试,例如:
        1. Look for niche forums, social networking sites and Q/A sites
        2. 4.寻找利基论坛、社交网站和问答网站
        3. What is the online community like in your keyword space? Remember, there are hundreds of thousands of people perfectly happy with forums as their platform for web interactions.
        4. 你的关键词空间中的在线社区是什么样子的?请记住,有成千上万的人非常满意论坛作为他们的网络互动平台。
        5. Find them! This will help you determine whether it’s worthwhile to put resources into online conversations.
        6. 找到他们!这将帮助您确定是否值得将资源投入到在线对话中。
        7. Find niche forums and social networks with queries such as:
        8. 通过以下查询查找利基论坛和社交网络:
          1. Look for professional associations
          2. 5.寻找专业协会
          3. Finding professional associations related to your business indicate a high level of business organization within an industry.
          4. 找到与您的业务相关的专业协会表明行业内有高水平的业务组织。
          5. This could result in some great opportunities for link development.
          6. 这可能会为链接开发带来一些很好的机会。
          7. First, you should consider joining as a means of connecting formally with your industry.
          8. 首先,你应该考虑加入,作为正式与你的行业联系的一种方式。
          9. Second, many associations have online newsletters and publications to which you can submit content.
          10. 其次,许多协会都有在线时事通讯和出版物,您可以向其提交内容。
          11. Find professional associations with queries such as:
          12. 查找与以下查询的专业关联:
          13. Related: 6 Elements Your Link-Building Campaign Must Include
          14. 相关:链接建设活动必须包括的6个要素
            1. Look for company profile listing opportunities
            2. 6.寻找公司简介上市机会
            3. Company profile listings — often earned through submitting specific content types to aggregation sites — are a fairly simple way to build links.
            4. 公司简介列表-通常是通过向聚合站点提交特定内容类型获得的-是构建链接的一种相当简单的方式。


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