


As of MySQL 5.5.5, this variable can be set to 1 or 0 at server startup to enable or disable whether InnoDB checks the file format tag in the shared tablespace (for example, Antelope or Barracuda). If the tag is checked and is higher than that supported by the current version of InnoDB, an error occurs and InnoDB does not start. If the tag is not higher, InnoDB sets the value of innodb_file_format_max to the file format tag.

Before MySQL 5.5.5, this variable can be set to 1 or 0 at server startup to enable or disable whether InnoDB checks the file format tag in the shared tablespace. If the tag is checked and is higher than that supported by the current version of InnoDB, an error occurs and InnoDB does not start. If the tag is not higher, InnoDB sets the value of innodb_file_format_check to the file format tag, which is the value seen at runtime.
At server startup, InnoDB sets the value of innodb_file_format_max to the file format tag in the shared tablespace (for example, Antelope or Barracuda). If the server creates or opens a table with a “higher” file format, it sets the value of innodb_file_format_max to that format.
This variable was added in MySQL 5.5.5.



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