

生成器吸取两种方式的长处, 在普通函数的简捷形式的基础之上,又不破坏封装性,并达到了记录状态的目的。



看下面一个简单的例子:for i in range(N):

yield i ** 2

if __name__ == '__main__':

G = generatorSquares(5)

while True:



except StopIteration:








由此可以看出,generatorSquares可以记录运行的状态,当第一次调用时,generatorSquares中i为1,并在yield处暂停返回02并记录状态。待第二次调用时恢复之前的状态,i=2,之后yield 12,是不是很有趣呢?再然后以此类推...最后在到达末尾时,会抛出StopIteration异常以便停止迭代。


Generators give you lazy evaluation. You use them by iterating over them, either explicitly with 'for' or implicitly by passing it to any function or construct that iterates. You can think of generators as returning multiple items, as if they return a list, but instead of returning them all at once they return them one-by-one, and the generator function is paused until the next item is requested.

Generators are good for calculating large sets of results (in particular calculations involving loops themselves) where you don't know if you are going to need all results, or where you don't want to allocate the memory for all results at the same time. Or for situations where the generator usesanothergenerator, or consumes some other resource, and it's more convenient if that happened as late as possible.

Another use for generators (that is really the same) is to replace callbacks with iteration. In some situations you want a function to do a lot of work and occasionally report back to the caller. Traditionally you'd use a callback function for this. You pass this callback to the work-function and it would periodically call this callback. The generator approach is that the work-function (now a generator) knows nothing about the callback, and merely yields whenever it wants to report something. The caller, instead of writing a separate callback and passing that to the work-function, does all the reporting work in a little 'for' loop around the generator.

For example, say you wrote a 'filesystem search' program. You could perform the search in its entirety, collect the results and then display them one at a time. All of the results would have to be collected before you showed the first, and all of the results would be in memory at the same time. Or you could display the results while you find them, which would be more memory efficient and much friendlier towards the user. The latter could be done by passing the result-printing function to the filesystem-search function, or it could be done by just making the search function a generator and iterating over the result.

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