通过2天的查找资料,终于找到了 摄像头拍照的方法并调试成功;在ie,及火狐等浏览器测试通过。

ie 拍照:



1、js控件 jQuery webcam plugin (官网 http://www.xarg.org/project/jquery-webcam-plugin/)

2、按照官网的例子 可以看到 摄像头图形,但无法进行拍照 ,错误提示“webcam.capture” 不是一个函数。

3、然后查找各种问题,最后发现需要 在本地 flash 设置开启 安全设置

4、php 接受图片存储 (就不累赘)



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<title>jQuery webcam plugin • Code is poetry</title><!-- 1478091437 -->
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon"></head>
<div id="webcam"  style=""   ><!--    <object width="218" height="240" data="newSrc/jscam_canvas_only.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="XwebcamXobjectX"><param value="newSrc/jscam_canvas_only.swf" name="movie"><param value="mode=callback&quality=85" name="FlashVars"><param value="always" name="allowScriptAccess"></object><div class="takepic"><a class="clicktosnap disabled" id="clicktosnap"> Take a picture now! </a></div>--><a class="clicktosnap disabled" id="clicktosnap"> Take a picture now! </a></div><canvas width="320" height="240"  id="canvas" ></canvas><img id="primaryweb" width="220"  style="display: none;"  height="220" src=""><p id="status">aa</p><script src="newSrc/jquery-1.7.2.js"></script><script src="newSrc/jquery.webcam.min.js"></script> <script>$(document).ready(function(){var pos = 0;var ctx = null;var cam = null;var image = null;var filter_on = false;var filter_id = 0;function changeFilter() {if (filter_on) {filter_id = (filter_id + 1) & 7;}}function toggleFilter(obj) {if (filter_on =!filter_on) {obj.parentNode.style.borderColor = "#c00";} else {obj.parentNode.style.borderColor = "#333";}}//   alert("waw");jQuery("#webcam").webcam({width: 320,height: 240,mode: "callback",swffile: "newSrc/jscam_canvas_only.swf",onTick: function(remain) {if (0 == remain) {jQuery("#status").text("Cheese!");} else {jQuery("#status").text(remain + " seconds remaining...");}},onSave: function(data) {var col = data.split(";");var img = image;if (false == filter_on) {for(var i = 0; i < 320; i++) {var tmp = parseInt(col[i]);img.data[pos + 0] = (tmp >> 16) & 0xff;img.data[pos + 1] = (tmp >> 8) & 0xff;img.data[pos + 2] = tmp & 0xff;img.data[pos + 3] = 0xff;pos+= 4;}} else {var id = filter_id;var r,g,b;var r1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);var r2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);var r3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);for(var i = 0; i < 320; i++) {var tmp = parseInt(col[i]);/* Copied some xcolor methods here to be faster than calling all methods inside of xcolor and to not serve complete library with every req */if (id == 0) {r = (tmp >> 16) & 0xff;g = 0xff;b = 0xff;} else if (id == 1) {r = 0xff;g = (tmp >> 8) & 0xff;b = 0xff;} else if (id == 2) {r = 0xff;g = 0xff;b = tmp & 0xff;} else if (id == 3) {r = 0xff ^ ((tmp >> 16) & 0xff);g = 0xff ^ ((tmp >> 8) & 0xff);b = 0xff ^ (tmp & 0xff);} else if (id == 4) {r = (tmp >> 16) & 0xff;g = (tmp >> 8) & 0xff;b = tmp & 0xff;var v = Math.min(Math.floor(.35 + 13 * (r + g + b) / 60), 255);r = v;g = v;b = v;} else if (id == 5) {r = (tmp >> 16) & 0xff;g = (tmp >> 8) & 0xff;b = tmp & 0xff;if ((r+= 32) < 0) r = 0;if ((g+= 32) < 0) g = 0;if ((b+= 32) < 0) b = 0;} else if (id == 6) {r = (tmp >> 16) & 0xff;g = (tmp >> 8) & 0xff;b = tmp & 0xff;if ((r-= 32) < 0) r = 0;if ((g-= 32) < 0) g = 0;if ((b-= 32) < 0) b = 0;} else if (id == 7) {r = (tmp >> 16) & 0xff;g = (tmp >> 8) & 0xff;b = tmp & 0xff;r = Math.floor(r / 255 * r1);g = Math.floor(g / 255 * r2);b = Math.floor(b / 255 * r3);}img.data[pos + 0] = r;img.data[pos + 1] = g;img.data[pos + 2] = b;img.data[pos + 3] = 0xff;pos+= 4;}}if (pos >= 0x4B000) {ctx.putImageData(img, 0, 0);pos = 0;$.post("/uploadPhoto/upload.php", {type: "data", image: canvas.toDataURL("image/png")});alert("ajaxPhoto");document.getElementById('my_hidden').value = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');$('#primaryweb').hide();$('#canvas').show();}},onCapture: function () {webcam.save();jQuery("#flash").css("display", "block");jQuery("#flash").fadeOut(100, function () {jQuery("#flash").css("opacity", 1);});},//debug: function (type, string) {//  jQuery("#status").html(type + ": " + string);//console.log(type + ": " + string);//},onLoad: function () {var cams = webcam.getCameraList();if  ((cams.length)>=1){//we are ok enoguh cams}else{$('#webcam').hide();    $('#filesystem').prop('checked', true);$( "#filesystem" ).trigger( "click" );$( "#section-source" ).hide();}for(var i in cams) {jQuery("#cams").append("<li>" + cams[i] + "</li>");//IF NOT HERE ENABLE CAMERA OTHERWISE DISABLE}},debug: function(type, string) { console.log(type + ": " + string);if (string === "Camera started") { window.webcam.started = true; if (window.webcam.onStarted) { window.webcam.onStarted(); } }if (string === "Camera stopped") { window.webcam.started = false; if (window.webcam.onStarted) { window.webcam.onStopped(); } }       }});function getPageSize() {var xScroll, yScroll;if (window.innerHeight && window.scrollMaxY) {xScroll = window.innerWidth + window.scrollMaxX;yScroll = window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY;} else if (document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight){ // all but Explorer MacxScroll = document.body.scrollWidth;yScroll = document.body.scrollHeight;} else { // Explorer Mac...would also work in Explorer 6 Strict, Mozilla and SafarixScroll = document.body.offsetWidth;yScroll = document.body.offsetHeight;}var windowWidth, windowHeight;if (self.innerHeight) { // all except Explorerif(document.documentElement.clientWidth){windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;} else {windowWidth = self.innerWidth;}windowHeight = self.innerHeight;} else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { // Explorer 6 Strict ModewindowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;} else if (document.body) { // other ExplorerswindowWidth = document.body.clientWidth;windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight;}// for small pages with total height less then height of the viewportif(yScroll < windowHeight){pageHeight = windowHeight;} else {pageHeight = yScroll;}// for small pages with total width less then width of the viewportif(xScroll < windowWidth){pageWidth = xScroll;} else {pageWidth = windowWidth;}return [pageWidth, pageHeight];
}window.addEventListener("load", function() {jQuery("body").append("<div id=\"flash\"></div>");var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");if (canvas.getContext) {ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 320, 240);var img = new Image();img.src = "/image/logo.gif";img.onload = function() {ctx.drawImage(img, 129, 89);}image = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 320, 240);}var pageSize = getPageSize();jQuery("#flash").css({ height: pageSize[1] + "px" });}, false);window.addEventListener("resize", function() {var pageSize = getPageSize();jQuery("#flash").css({ height: pageSize[1] + "px" });}, false);window.webcam.onStarted = function () {
//    alert("Whey, the webcam started");$('#clicktosnap').removeClass("disabled");
};window.webcam.onStopped = function () {// alert("Whey, the webcam started");$('#webcam').hide();    $('#filesystem').prop('checked', true);$( "#filesystem" ).trigger( "click" );$( "#section-source" ).hide();
};$('#filesystem').click(function(){var somvar = $("#pic-selector-wrapper").html();$("#pic-selector-wrapper").show();$('#webcam').hide();$('#more-pics').show();$('.addmorepics .custom-input-file').show();});$('#camera').click(function(){alert("aw");$('#more-pics').hide();$("#pic-selector-wrapper").hide();$('#webcam').show();$('.addmorepics .custom-input-file').hide();});$('#clicktosnap').click(function(){if ($('#clicktosnap').is('.disabled')){alert ("Please enable the camera first, then press allow on the dialog above.");}else{webcam.capture();}});});</script>

2.php 代码
<?phpdefine('UPLOAD_DIR', 'images/');
/*if ($_POST['type'] == "pixel") {// input is in format 1,2,3...|1,2,3...|...$im = imagecreatetruecolor(320, 240);foreach (explode("|", $_POST['image']) as $y => $csv) {foreach (explode(";", $csv) as $x => $color) {imagesetpixel($im, $x, $y, $color);}}
} else {// input is in format: data:image/png;base64,...$im = imagecreatefrompng($_POST['image']);
}*/$img = $_POST['image'];
$img = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $img);
$img = str_replace(' ', '+', $img);
$data = base64_decode($img);
$file = UPLOAD_DIR . uniqid() . '.png';
$success = file_put_contents($file, $data);
print $success ? $file : 'Unable to save the file.';?>


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