
872. Leaf-Similar Trees







public boolean leafSimilar(TreeNode root1, TreeNode root2) {// 把叶子节点遍历出来,比较List<Integer> leftLeafs = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> rightLeafs = new ArrayList<>();initLeaf(root1, leftLeafs);initLeaf(root2, rightLeafs);if (leftLeafs.size() != rightLeafs.size()) return false;for (int i = 0; i < leftLeafs.size(); i++) {if (leftLeafs.get(i) != rightLeafs.get(i)) return false;}return true;
}public void initLeaf(TreeNode root, List<Integer> leafs) {if (root.left == null &&  root.right == null) leafs.add(root.val);if (root.left != null) initLeaf(root.left, leafs);if (root.right != null) initLeaf(root.right, leafs);


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