
Python String find() method is used to find the index of a substring in a string.

Python String find()方法用于查找字符串中子字符串的索引。

Python字符串find() (Python String find())

The syntax of find() function is:


str.find(sub[, start[, end]])

This function returns the lowest index in the string where substring “sub” is found within the slice s[start:end].

此函数返回在切片 s [start:end]中找到子字符串“ sub”的字符串中的最低索引。

start default value is 0 and it’s an optional argument.


end default value is length of the string, it’s an optional argument.


If the substring is not found then -1 is returned.


We should use the find() method when we want to know the index position of the substring. For checking if a substring is present, we can use in operator.

当我们想知道子字符串的索引位置时,应该使用find()方法。 为了检查是否存在子字符串,我们可以使用in运算符。

Python字符串find()示例 (Python String find() examples)

Let’s look at some simple examples of find() method.


s = 'abcd1234dcba'print(s.find('a'))  # 0
print(s.find('cd'))  # 2
print(s.find('1', 0, 5))  # 4
print(s.find('1', 0, 2))  # -1

Python字符串rfind() (Python String rfind())

Python string rfind() method is similar to find(), except that search is performed from right to left.


s = 'abcd1234dcba'print(s.rfind('a'))  # 11
print(s.rfind('a', 0, 20))  # 11
print(s.rfind('cd'))  # 2
print(s.rfind('1', 0, 5))  # 4
print(s.rfind('1', 0, 2))  # -1

查找子字符串的所有索引 (Find all indexes for substring)

Python string find() and rfind() returns the first matched index. We can define a custom function to find all the indexes where the substring is found.

Python字符串find()和rfind()返回第一个匹配的索引。 我们可以定义一个自定义函数,以查找找到子字符串的所有索引。

def find_all_indexes(input_str, search_str):l1 = []length = len(input_str)index = 0while index < length:i = input_str.find(search_str, index)if i == -1:return l1l1.append(i)index = i + 1return l1s = 'abaacdaa12aa2'
print(find_all_indexes(s, 'a'))
print(find_all_indexes(s, 'aa'))



[0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11]
[2, 6, 10]
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Reference: str.find()

参考: str.find()




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