关于libvirt0.9.0后需要启动message bus和avahi-daemon 才能使用

[root@kvm~]# service libvirtd start
Starting libvirtd daemon: [  OK  ]
[root@kvm~]# service libvirtd status
libvirtd dead but subsys locked

2.3. Remote management

While many virtualization technologies provide a remote management capability, libvirt does not assume this and provides a dedicated driver allowing for remote management of any libvirt hypervisor driver. The driver has a variety of data transports providing considerable security for the data communication. The driver is designed such that there is 100% functional equivalence whether talking to the libvirt driver locally, or via the RPC service.
In addition to the native RPC service included in libvirt, there are a number of alternatives for remote management that will not be discussed in this document. The libvirt-qpid project provides an agent for the QPid messaging service, exposing all libvirt managed objects and operations over the message bus. This keeps a fairly close, near 1-to-1, mapping to the C API in libvirt. The libvirt-CIM project provides a CIM agent, that maps the libvirt object model onto the DMTF virtualization schema.


avahi-daemon, avahi-dnsconfd
Avahi 是 zeroconf 协议的实现。它可以在没有 DNS 服务的局域网里发现基于 zeroconf 协议的设备和服务。它跟 mDNS 一样。除非你有兼容的设备或使用 zeroconf 协议的服务,否则应该关闭它。我把它关闭。


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