开源贡献 计算

by Sibylle Sehl

通过Sibylle Sehl

我的第一个Hacktoberfest-第一次为开源做贡献的经验 (My First Hacktoberfest — Experiences of Contributing to Open Source as a First Timer)

Contributing to Open Source and projects can seem like a daunting process. Your favorite search engine will return a ton of results on guides and repositories to get started. But many times, your search does not yield the result you want, you still do not know how to contribute to Open Source even after reading multiple blog posts. The impeding reputation of certain projects and a harsh undertone does not help either and might complicate matters even further.

为开源和项目做贡献似乎是一个艰巨的过程。 您最喜欢的搜索引擎将在指南和存储库中返回大量结果,以开始使用。 但是很多时候,您的搜索无法产生所需的结果,即使阅读了多个博客文章,您仍然不知道如何为开源做贡献。 某些项目的声誉受到阻碍,言语刻薄,也无济于事,甚至可能使事情更加复杂。

I have been there myself. I trawled through pages to find great Open Source repositories to contribute to, only to notice that I did not know how to start.

我自己去过那里。 我浏览了许多页面,找到了可以为之做出贡献的出色开放源代码存储库,只是注意到我不知道如何开始。

Frustrated and a little disappointed, I started focusing on other projects instead.


But it all changed when I saw a fellow employee’s Hacktoberfest sticker on their laptop. I was intrigued — was this a remnant of yet another Hackathon?

但是,当我在他们的笔记本电脑上看到同事的Hacktoberfest贴纸时,一切都变了。 我很感兴趣-这是又一次Hackathon的残余吗?

Hacktoberfest turned out to be very different.


那么什么是Hacktoberfest? (So what is a Hacktoberfest exactly?)

Hint: it doesn’t have to do with either beer, or hacking or the Oktoberfest (which actually takes place in September, duh!).


Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of contributing to Open Source, running from 1st October to 31st October. It was initiated by DigitalOcean in collaboration with GitHub. During the month of October you are encouraged to contribute and make pull requests to your favourite repositories on GitHub. If you manage to make four in total, you are eligible to receive a swanky T-Shirt like this!

Hacktoberfest是为期一个月的庆祝开源活动的活动,活动时间为10月1日至10月31日。 它由DigitalOcean与GitHub合作发起。 在十月份,我们鼓励您向GitHub上您喜欢的存储库做出贡献并提出拉取请求。 如果您一共成功制作了四个,则有资格获得像这样的时髦T恤!

标签,标签,标签 (Labels, labels, labels)

Hacktoberfest proved to be a great month to get into Open Source. GitHub was filled with issues labelled Hacktoberfest that needed your help. There was enough projects to choose from — ranging from documentation to Python to RUST. During this time, I learned how to search GitHub for issues by labels and how to find good issues to contribute to.

Hacktoberfest被证明是进入开源的好月份。 GitHub上充满了标记为Hacktoberfest的问题,需要您的帮助。 有足够的项目可供选择-从文档到Python到RUST。 在这段时间里,我学习了如何通过标签在GitHub上搜索问题,以及如何找到有助于解决的好问题。

For people like me, who did not have any experience, labels such as first-timers-only, easy or good-first-issue proved to be my friend. There are also some good websites which aim to make the process of finding those issues easier. For example, up-for-grabs.net or code-triage — there’s probably many more.

对于像我这样没有任何经验的人,诸如初学者轻松良好先发等标签被证明是我的朋友。 也有一些优秀的网站,旨在使发现这些问题的过程更加容易。 例如, up-for-grabs.net或代码分类 -可能还有更多。

Go and sign up to a few of these or check out their issues!


学习如何贡献 (Learning how to contribute)

While trying to make my first contributions, I realised that my biggest unknown was not how to add links to markdown or style a page. But how to make a good pull request using git and the command line.

在尝试做出我的第一个贡献时,我意识到我最大的未知数不是如何添加链接以降价或设置页面样式。 但是如何使用git和命令行发出良好的请求请求。

I found Kent C. Dodds’ free guide on egghead.io helpful and took notes of the command line commands I executed while following along.

我发现kent C. Dodds 在egghead.io上的免费指南很有帮助,并记下了我在跟踪过程中执行的命令行命令。

The instructions could be summarized to something as simple as this:


//First you need to find a repository you want to contribute to and fork it!
// Then you have to clone the forked repo git clone git@github.com:yourusername/contributing-repo.git
// Change your directory to the new repo you cloned cd contributing-repo
// Set the upstream repository to the original repository (not the one you just cloned) git remote add upstream git@github.com:the-owners-username/contributing-repo.git
// Update any changes git fetch upstream
// Set our master branch to same as upstream branchgit branch --set-upstream-to=upstream/master master
// Create your own new branch for your pull requestgit checkout -b pr/my-new-cool-contribution
// Make any changes in your favourite text editor and save
//check status (should show the modified files)git status
// look at changes and reassess workgit diff
// add any changes to your staging area ( . for all files)git add
// Commit all changes and add a message for the maintainer of the repogit commit -m "I added this cool text to your guide repository"
// Push to source repo and create pull requestgit push origin pr/my-new-cool-contribution

This really helped me to understand the purpose of a pull-request and to understand the process of making a contribution. This blog post also helped me to understand that being descriptive is your best weapon — as that way you can get support and indicate if a Pull Request is still in progress. Not long after, I made another practice contribution but to receive a T-Shirt I needed to up my game and find another two issues.

这确实帮助我了解了请求请求的目的并了解了做出贡献的过程。 这篇博客文章还帮助我理解了描述性是您最好的武器-这样一来,您可以获得支持并指出“拉取请求”是否仍在进行中。 不久之后,我又做出了一项练习性贡献,但是要获得一件T恤,我需要提高自己的游戏水平并找到另外两个问题。

一场天上的火柴—对freeCodeCamp指南的贡献 (A match made in heaven — contributing to freeCodeCamp guides)

I opened Medium one day and saw that Quincy Larson had provided a complete guide on how people could easily contribute to the freeCodeCamp guides repository. A source of shared knowledge across development, product, design, and data science. Contributing to this repository was not only highly encouraged but also super easy. You could make the contributions in your browser.

我有一天打开Medium,看到Quincy Larson提供了关于人们如何轻松地向freeCodeCamp指南存储库做出贡献的完整指南 。 跨开发,产品,设计和数据科学的共享知识来源。 不仅鼓励鼓励对该存储库做出贡献,而且非常容易。 您可以在浏览器中做出贡献。

Finding a topic was not hard as the guides repository covered anything from Accessibility to HTML to Game Development.


What intrigued me the most was how easy freeCodeCamp made the process to enable newcomers like me make meaningful contribution. Sharing knowledge with others.

最让我着迷的是freeCodeCamp如何轻松地使像我这样的新手做出有意义的贡献。 与他人共享知识。

You still learned about making pull request, having your contribution merged and adhering to standards and contributing guidelines. The process was slightly less intimidating . It was perfect for a beginner. In fact, it was that streamlined that freeCodeCamp managed to make a gif about it that sums the process up:

您仍然了解了提出拉取请求,合并您的贡献以及遵守标准和贡献准则的知识。 这个过程没有那么令人生畏。 对于初学者来说是完美的。 实际上,正是由于精简了,freeCodeCamp才对其制作了一个gif文件,从而总结了整个过程:

After some deliberation, I decided to make a small contribution on different Linux distributions. And write a completely new section on Game Development to complete my four pull requests. I made a game over the summer as part of my dissertation project. Writing about Game Development and tools seemed a good way to share my newly acquired knowledge with others.

经过深思熟虑,我决定为不同的Linux发行版做出一些贡献。 并撰写有关游戏开发的全新章节,以完成我的四个请求请求。 暑假期间,我做了一个游戏,这是我的论文项目的一部分。 撰写有关游戏开发和工具的文章似乎是与他人分享我新获得的知识的好方法。

In their Contributing.md guidelines, freeCodeCamp had given a lot of detail and a way of making sure that your writing was concise. I did all my research, backed it up with sources and fired it through the Hemingway app . Active voice and short sentences for the win!

在他们的Contributing.md指南中 ,freeCodeCamp提供了很多细节,并提供了确保您的写作简洁的方法。 我进行了所有研究,并用源进行了备份,并通过海明威应用程序将其触发。 主动的声音和简短的句子为您赢得胜利!

I made my pull request and was over the moon when it got merged. The encouraging feedback was also a great plus from the freeCodeCamp community.

我提出了我的请求,当它合并时就在月球上。 freeCodeCamp社区也给予了令人鼓舞的反馈,这是一个很大的优势。

我们可以从中得到什么? (What can we take away from this?)

I would advise you to free yourself from the assumption, that you need to contribute perfect and well-rounded code the first time. Your first contribution does not have to be ground-breaking (or even be code to be precise).

我建议您从假设中解放出来,即您需要在第一时间贡献出完善而全面的代码。 您的第一个贡献不必是开创性的(甚至不必是精确的代码)。

Project maintainers know that this might be your first Open Source contribution if they have labelled the issue as first-timers-only or similar. Your contribution can be anything like correcting a spelling mistake, adding some hyperlinks or a small learning project. Start small to become familiar with the process.

项目维护人员知道,如果他们将问题标记为“ 仅限初学者”或类似问题,则这可能是您的第一个开源项目。 您的贡献可以像纠正拼写错误,添加一些超链接或一个小型学习项目之类。 从小处着手,以熟悉该过程。

Many project maintainers that label their issues as friendly for beginners are also happy to answer your questions and provide support. So, don’t be shy to ask for clarification, if you do not understand something.

许多将自己的问题标记为对初学者友好的项目维护者,也很乐意回答您的问题并提供支持。 因此,如果您不了解某些内容,请不要害羞要求澄清。

When the Hacktoberfest T-Shirt finally arrived in mid December having been shipped all the way from America, I felt like Christmas had come early. Holding it in my hands made me realise that I had helped to create and extend something that mattered . A feeling I believe many people contributing to Open Source on a regular basis will experience. Wearing it always reminds me to share my knowledge and this year I will also try and make the leap to contribute more code, after all I am not a first-timer anymore!

当Hacktoberfest T恤终于从美国一路运送到12月中旬到达时,我觉得圣诞节快到了。 握住它使我意识到自己已经帮助创建和扩展了重要的东西。 我相信会有很多人定期为开源做出贡献。 戴着它总是让我分享自己的知识,今年,我还将尝试并做出更大的贡献,以贡献更多的代码,毕竟我不再是初学者了!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/my-first-hacktoberfest-experiences-of-contributing-to-open-source-as-a-first-timer-b538f7c129dc/

开源贡献 计算

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