In the test,  we should use the ‘describe’,  ‘context’, ‘it’ structure.

Here I use a controller test as an example.

I have this my_controller.rb with two controller actions:

class MyController < ApplicationControllerdef controller_action_1# Code goes hereenddef controller_action_2# Code goes hereend

And controller test file my_controller_test.rb:

require ‘test_helper’class MyControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase# Initialize the variables that will be used in all describe block tests within MyControllerTest classbefore dov_block = ‘this variable is only accessible in this block’@v_describe_level = ‘this varible is accessible in all describe blocks’end# Test for controller action 1describe ‘#controller_action_1′ do# Intialize the variables that will be used in all context block tests within this describe blockbefore dov_block = ‘this variable is only accessible in this block’@v_context_level = ‘this varible is accessible in all context blocks’endcontext ‘when the user is admin’ do# Intialize the variables that will be used in all it block tests within this context blockbefore dov_block = ‘this variable is only accessible in this block’@v_it_level = ‘this varible is accessible in all it blocks’endit ‘must has admin role’ do# Code goes here. Examples: must_be# must_be_empty# must_be_nil# must_be_same_as# must_equal# must_raise# wont_be# wont_be_nil# wont_equal# wont_includeendit ‘must redirect to admin management page’ do# Code goes here, example:# assert_redirected_toendendcontext ‘when the user is not admin’ doit ‘must not have admin role’ doendit ‘must redirect to non-admin management page’ doendendenddescribe ‘#controller_action_2′ do# Code goes hereendprivate# Helper functions goes here

Some reminder:

1. Given, When, Then

2. Use fixture instead of creating data on the go

3. If no Before block, don't need to use context

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