Python math.sin()方法 (Python math.sin() method)

math.sin() method is a library method of math module, it is used to get the sine of the number in radians, it accepts a number returns the cosine of the given number in radians.


Note: math.sin() method accepts the only number, if we provide anything else except the number, it returns error TypeError - "TypeError: a float is required".

注意: math.sin()方法接受唯一的数字,如果我们提供除数字以外的其他任何内容,它将返回错误TypeError- “ TypeError:需要浮点数”

Syntax of math.sin() method:



Parameter(s): x – is the number whose sine to be calculated.

参数: x –是要计算其正弦的数字。

Return value: float – it returns a float value that is the sine value of the number x radians.

返回值: float-它返回一个浮点值,该值是数字x弧度的正弦值。



a = 0.278
# function call

Python代码演示math.sin()方法的示例 (Python code to demonstrate example of math.sin() method)

# python code to demonstrate example of
# math.sin() method
# importing math module
import math
# number
a = -1
print("sin(",a,") is = ", math.sin(a))
a = 0
print("sin(",a,") is = ", math.sin(a))
a = 0.278
print("sin(",a,") is = ", math.sin(a))
a = 1
print("sin(",a,") is = ", math.sin(a))



sin( -1 ) is =  -0.8414709848078965
sin( 0 ) is =  0.0
sin( 0.278 ) is =  0.27443298625778634
sin( 1 ) is =  0.8414709848078965

TypeError example


# python code to demonstrate example of
# math.sin() method with an exception
# importing math module
import math
# number
a = "2"
print("sin(",a,") is = ", math.sin(a))



Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/", line 9, in <module>
print("sin(",a,") is = ", math.sin(a))
TypeError: a float is required



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