c# 类对象和实例对象

1) What are the correct statements about given code snippets?

using System;
public class Example
{virtual private int X;
private int Y;
static void Main(string[] args)
{Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

  1. Hello World

  2. HelloWorld

  3. Syntax Error

  4. Runtime Exception

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 3
Syntax Error

The above code will generate a syntax error.

The output would be,


 using System ;
public class Example
virtual private int X ;
private int Y ;
static void Main ( string [ ] args )
Console . WriteLine ( " Hello World " ) ;

  1. 你好,世界

  2. 你好,世界

  3. 语法错误

  4. 运行时异常





2) What is the correct output of given code snippets?

using System;
public class Example
{private int X;
private int Y;
{this.X = 1;
this.Y = 2;
static void Main(string[] args)
{Example Ob = new Example();
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", Ob.X, Ob.Y);

  1. 1, 2

  2. 12

  3. Syntax Error

  4. Runtime Exception

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 1
1, 2

The above code will print (1, 2) on the console screen.


  1. 一二

  2. 12

  3. 语法错误

  4. 运行时异常




3) What is the correct output of given code snippets?

using System;
public class Example
{private int X;
private int Y;
public Example()
{this.X = 1;
this.Y = 2;
public static ShowData()
{Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", this.X, this.Y);
static void Main(string[] args)
{Example Ob = new Example();

  1. 1, 2

  2. 12

  3. Syntax Error

  4. Runtime Exception

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 3
Syntax Error

The above code will generate a syntax error.

The output would be,


 using System ;
public class Example
private int X ;
private int Y ;
public Example ( )
this . X = 1 ;
this . Y = 2 ;
public static ShowData ( )
Console . WriteLine ( " {0}, {1} " , this . X , this . Y ) ;
static void Main ( string [ ] args )
Example Ob = new Example ( ) ;
Ob . Show ( ) ;

  1. 一二

  2. 12

  3. 语法错误

  4. 运行时异常





4) What is the correct output of given code snippets?

using System;
public class Example
{public Example Method1()
{Console.Write("####, ");
return this;
public Example Method2()
{Console.Write("@@@@, ");
return this;
public Example Method3()
{Console.Write("$$$$, ");
return this;
static void Main(string[] args)
{Example Ob = new Example();

  1. ####, @@@@, $$$$,

  2. $$$$, @@@@, ####,

  3. Syntax Error

  4. Runtime Exception

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 1
####, @@@@, $$$$,

The above code will print (####, @@@@, $$$$,) on console screen.


  1. ####,@@@@,$$$$,

  2. $$$$,@@@@,####,

  3. 语法错误

  4. 运行时异常




5) What is the correct output of given code snippets?

using System;
public class Example
{public void SayHello()
{Console.Write("Hello World");
static void Main(string[] args)

  1. Hello World

  2. Hello world

  3. Syntax Error

  4. Runtime Exception

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 3
Syntax Error

In C#.NET we cannot use "this" reference in a static method.

The output would be,


 using System ;
public class Example
public void SayHello ( )
Console . Write ( " Hello World " ) ;
static void Main ( string [ ] args )
this . Method ( ) ;

  1. 你好,世界

  2. 你好,世界

  3. 语法错误

  4. 运行时异常



在C#.NET中,我们不能在静态方法中使用“ this”引用。


◀ C# Class & Object Aptitude | Set 3 C# Class & Object Aptitude | Set 5 ▶
#C#类和对象的适应性| 设置3 C#类和对象的适应性| 设置5▶

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dot-net/csharp-class-object-aptitude-questions-and-answers-4.aspx

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