
Even though I was trained as a graphic designer, I’ve never limited myself to that field exclusively. My particular interest in how things work didn’t allow me to stand still and as a young kid, I was already pulling apart all my toys to see how they were made — ruining them completely of course.

即使我接受过平面设计师的培训,但我从未将自己仅限于该领域。 我对事情的运作方式特别感兴趣,这使我无法站着不动,作为一个小孩子,我已经拆开了所有玩具以查看它们的制造方式-当然完全破坏了它们。

My natural curiosity made me realise that there’s an entire world of things happening right in front of our eyes. It was right after my graduation when that curiosity led me to learn multiple disciplines in pursuit of my new obsession, the know-how.

我自然的好奇心使我意识到,眼前发生着整个世界。 正是在我毕业后,由于好奇心使我学习了多门学科,以追求自己的新爱好,即专有技术。

I push myself to always keep learning. The ability to code is one of the latest and most challenging skills I’ve learned owing to fast technology evolution. But, after a lot of practice and hours of reading, I am now able to do it professionally and I jump into it at every opportunity. I have finally become a 'unicorn’.

我敦促自己不断学习。 由于快速的技术发展,编码能力是我所学的最新和最具挑战性的技能之一。 但是,经过大量的练习和长时间的阅读之后,我现在可以专业地做到这一点,并且我会抓住每一个机会。 我终于成为了“独角兽”。

Learning new skills carries more benefits than disadvantages and it’s a must if you want to succeed in the fast-paced 21st century where cross-disciplinary teams seem to be the new trend.


Many people still argue that designers shouldn’t learn to code and yet I still encourage them to do it. In fact, I encourage them to learn whatever they want even when they think they are not very good at it. As a big fan of polymaths like Leonardo da Vinci, I believe everything can be learned and achieved with dedication and hard work. With this in mind, should you learn to code? Absolutely! Here are some of the benefits that coding brought to my life and career.

许多人仍然认为设计师不应该学习编码,但我仍然鼓励他们这样做。 实际上,即使他们认为自己不太擅长,我也鼓励他们学习他们想要的任何东西。 作为达芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)等博学界的忠实拥护者,我相信通过奉献和努力,一切都可以学习和实现。 考虑到这一点,您应该学习编码吗? 绝对! 这是编码给我的生活和职业带来的一些好处。

1.它把我带出了我的舒适区 (1. It took me out of my comfort zone)

One of the most difficult things in life is to get out of your comfort zone. The idea of jumping into the unknown is terrifying. For some people, coding is that terrifying unknown and I totally get it. I really thought it was rocket science, but it really isn’t. It was fear of the unknown what was blocking me getting there. Once I understood its principals, I realised that coding wasn’t that scary at all. In fact, it’s really cool.

生活中最困难的事情之一就是摆脱舒适区。 跳入未知世界的想法令人恐惧。 对于某些人来说,编码是令人恐惧的未知,我完全理解。 我真的以为是火箭科学,但事实并非如此。 害怕未知的事物阻碍了我到达那里。 一旦了解了它的原理,我就意识到编码并不是那么可怕。 实际上,这真的很酷。

A study performed by Yale University examined how uncertainty helps us learn. “We only learn when there is uncertainty, and that is a good thing,” said Daeyeol Lee, Yale’s Dorys McConnell Duberg Professor of Neuroscience and Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry. “We really don’t want to be learning all the time.”

耶鲁大学进行的一项研究探讨了不确定性如何帮助我们学习。 耶鲁大学神经科学的Dorys McConnell Duberg教授,心理学和精神病学教授Daeyeol Lee说:“只有在存在不确定性的情况下,我们才学习。” “我们真的不想一直都在学习。”

Facing the unknown sets the brain into ‘learning mode’ and breaks the status quo leading to personal growth. As the comfort zone expands, new opportunities, previously obscured by our own paradigms, arise.

面对未知因素会使大脑进入“学习模式”,并打破导致个人成长的现状。 随着舒适区的扩大,以前被我们自己的范式所掩盖的新机遇出现了。

2.它帮助我同情 (2. It helped me empathise)

I’ve always believed empathy at work is the starting point for a successful team. The ability to understand and put ourselves in someone else’s position is invaluable as it gives us a wider perspective of reality.

我一直认为工作上的同理心是成功团队的起点。 理解并让自己处于他人立场的能力非常宝贵,因为它使我们对现实有了更广阔的视野。

By learning to code, and learning the development process in general, I started to see a different reality. A reality where my designs weren’t always viable or profitable due to their complexity. It was only until I put myself in someone else’s shoes that I understood, for instance, why sometimes shortcuts in development have to be made in order to keep everything under budget; directly affecting not only the final product but also internal relationships (the famous love/hate relationship between marketers, designers and developers).

通过学习编码,以及总体上学习开发过程,我开始看到了不同的现实。 由于设计复杂,我的设计并不总是可行或不可行的现实。 例如,直到我将自己放在别人的鞋子上之前,我才理解为什么有时必须在开发上做一些捷径,以使一切都保持在预算之内。 不仅直接影响最终产品,而且直接影响内部关系(营销人员,设计师和开发人员之间著名的爱恨关系)。

Even though modern technology has exceptional design implementation capabilities there are always constraints. Getting more knowledge made me modify my design methodology: I now get everyone involved in the process to provide feedback so I can design with the advantages and limitations in mind. And guess what? Now I am able to understand the development team’s very technical feedback.

即使现代技术具有出色的设计实现能力,也总是存在约束。 越来越多的知识使我可以修改设计方法 :现在,我让流程中的每个人都提供反馈,因此我可以在设计时考虑到优点和限制。 你猜怎么着? 现在,我能够理解开发团队的技术反馈。

3.我积累了经验 (3. I’ve gained experience)

Experience: noun - practical contact with and observation of facts or events. We tend to think that by doing one sequence of tasks for a long period of time will give us experience. It is true to some level, but only until the point where there’s nothing else to learn is reached (a deep level of understanding). The process becomes mechanical taken by our autonomous nervous system who leaves us as mere passengers.

经验: 名词-与事实或事件的实际接触和观察。 我们倾向于认为,通过长时间执行一个任务序列会给我们带来经验。 这在一定程度上是正确的,但只有在达到无所不能的程度之前(深刻的理解)。 这个过程变得机械化,由我们的自主神经系统承担,使我们只剩下乘客。

Experience is created when we face a problem without prior experience. The process of facing the unknown will create a new experience. These situations enable the brain to create connections that allow quicker responses. Furthermore, the brain will be able to cross-check that information to be able to create new solutions to new or existing challenges.

当我们没有事先经验就遇到问题时,就会创造经验。 面对未知的过程将创造新的体验。 这些情况使大脑能够建立连接,从而加快响​​应速度。 此外,大脑将能够交叉检查该信息,从而能够创建针对新挑战或现有挑战的新解决方案。

In his book Becoming Supernatural Joe Dispenza mentions the importance of focusing our attention (energy) on the unknown rather than the known: “If you focus on the known, you get the known. If you focus on the unknown, you create a possibility…If you were to start investing your attention and energy into the unknown, your body would then be able to follow your mind into the unknown — a new experience in your future.”

在《 成为超自然的人》中,乔·迪斯潘扎(Joe Dispenza)提到了将注意力(能量)聚焦于未知而不是已知的重要性:“如果您专注于已知,您就会知道。 如果您专注于未知,就会创造一种可能性……如果您开始将注意力和精力投入到未知中,那么您的身体将能够跟随您的思想进入未知-这是您未来的新体验。”

One particular benefit coding brought me is it helped me approach problems in a different way. In fact, coding is all about problem-solving and more often you’ll face multiple ways to get a solution. It changed my everyday professional and personal life by becoming more organised and methodical.

编码给我带来的一个特殊好处是,它以一种不同的方式帮助我解决了问题。 实际上, 编码是所有解决问题的方法 ,而且您通常会面临多种获得解决方案的方式。 通过变得更有条理和有条不紊,它改变了我的日常职业和个人生活。

4.我的脑子变了 (4. My brain changed)

It is really important to consider a basic variable that unifies all my previous points: change. Change is what takes us out of the mental inertia and modifies our brain structure.

考虑一个统一我以前所有观点的基本变量( 更改 )确实很重要。 变化是使我们摆脱精神惰性并改变大脑结构的原因。

The brain creates new connections every time it encounters a new challenge (an intentional change) not controlled by the autonomous nervous system. It’s a biochemical change that is triggered by learning to code or playing the piano for example. However, it is not until that acquired knowledge is put into practice that a new switch is added to the brain circuitry.

每当遇到不受自主神经系统控制的新挑战(故意改变)时,大脑都会建立新的连接。 这是一种生化变化,例如通过学习编码或弹奏钢琴而触发。 但是,直到将获得的知识付诸实践后,新的开关才被添加到大脑电路中。

In one of his blog articles, Joe Dispenza examines the importance of change and how the learning process changes our brain structure.

Joe Dispenza在他的一篇博客文章中研究了变化的重要性以及学习过程如何改变我们的大脑结构。

Learning code definitely pushed me to become more aware of change, which is key in UX design (observation and understanding). By applying that knowledge I was able to create new circuitry in my brain that I use in my personal and professional life. Did I become smarter? Technically yes, because I have more brain connections and more resources to handle the unexpected.

学习代码无疑使我更加意识到更改,这是UX设计(观察和理解)的关键。 通过运用这些知识,我能够创建新的电路 在我的个人和职业生活中使用的大脑。 我变得更聪明了吗? 从技术上讲是可以的,因为我有更多的大脑联系和更多的资源来处理意外情况。

你下一步要做什么? (What’s your next move?)

Learning to code or learning any new skill entails the creation of new possibilities. Possibilities that will make you grow personally and professionally. And I won’t lie to you, learning to code takes dedication and lots of patience. Think of it this way: there’s nothing to lose and much more to gain. The only thing stopping you is you.

学习编码或学习任何新技能都需要创造新的可能性。 使您个人和专业成长的可能性。 而且我不会对您说谎,学习编码需要奉献精神和极大的耐心。 这样想吧:没有什么可以失去的,还有更多可以收获的。 唯一阻止你的是你。

My final question is are you ready to learn to code?


P.S. I’d like to hear about your experiences if you are already a unicorn. Or if you have questions about starting your journey into coding, contact me on LinkedIn.

PS:如果您已经是独角兽,我想听听您的经历。 或者,如果您对开始编码之旅有疑问,请通过LinkedIn与我联系。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/should-ux-designers-learn-to-code-absolutely-b66a58805e7c




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