
!pip install -U -q kaggle
!mkdir -p ~/.kaggle!echo '{"username":"pupil1","key":"ae776d041bf94ae1bfa9a3843797ad6d"}' > ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json!chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
!mkdir -p understanding_cloud_organization
!kaggle competitions download -c understanding_cloud_organization
!mv *.zip understanding_cloud_organization/
!mv *.csv understanding_cloud_organization/
!cd /content/understanding_cloud_organization/;unzip
!cd /content/understanding_cloud_organization;mkdir train_images;mv *.jpg train_images/
!cd /content/understanding_cloud_organization/;unzip
!cd /content/understanding_cloud_organization/;unzip
!cd /content/understanding_cloud_organization;mkdir test_images;mv *.jpg test_images


The remaining area, which has not been covered by two succeeding orbits, is marked black.0



链接 备注
Train with crops, Predict with full images 发帖子的人得分不高
How effective is pseudo-labeling? (看完了)半监督

[LB 0.628] simple segmentation approach

threshold is high?


Overlapping Labels in Train Data?

Can a pixel be considered as multiple classes?



Each image was labeled by several people (2-4), so the labels can overlap. In addition, there was no restriction that the labels from a single labeler cannot overlap. To create the masks for this competition, we simply used the union of all labels for each class. So naturally there will be some overlap.

AdamAccumulate (看完了)提到了AdamAccumulate的版本兼容性问题
Hints for late joiners? (看完了)提到使用steel比赛的方案
Bounding Boxes instead of Segmentation


举办方不鼓励对象检测的方式,但是帖子的作者认为线性的模型比非线性的模型跟容易泛化,所以坚持使用Bounding Boxes(对象检测)的方式

use linknet unet> linknet > fpn
Correct Dice Metric (看完了)讨论误差函数机制
Instance Segmentation->Request for list of past competition 参考资料

Information: Bad image list

Corrupt and Mislabeled Images

Information: Bad image list

Question about the black area in the image 有很好的可视化
ResNet34 implementation of Unet works but ResNet 50 and 101 fails? (看完了)改变模型如果爆内存就减少batch_size
Flowers are easy to pick ? 介绍了一些树算法
Single model performance 最佳单模
A best description of Generating mask from encoded pixel 涉及encoded pixel

Adding TTA to the model before optimisation could help

Augmentations Strategies for this Competition. TTA?


Augmentations thred

Augmentations released version 0.4.0

Questions about the origin of the data 讨论快照功能

More Tricks to Train w/ Bigger Batches (pytorch)

Some tricks to train faster (pytorch)

A trick to use bigger batches for training: gradient accumulation

Simple Descriptions of Cloud Types / Labeling Process 讨论肉眼区分类别
Fast data loading [Experiments]  快速读取数据
Deeper, Stronger, Better?



Beware of Pandas value_counts method for validation split 指出几个代码的pandas使用有误
Efficient Net B4-B7 评论区提到修补小batch_size的办法是使用 gradient accumulation

Improving code quality with utility scripts

Utility scripts for Keras users

Using High-level frameworks is not learner friendly

Object Detection vs Instance Segmentation 很多概念
Hybrid convolutional and bidirectional LSTM or RNN 使用RNN网络
EfficientNets are now available in pytorch segmentation model repo. 没看懂这个是干嘛的,房之后再看
New method to tackle severe label noise 处理label噪音的一篇论文
FPN or Unet: Which one is better? 提到了FPN以及Unet
Some thoughts on this competition kernel grandmaster的一些想法
what is the label to be taken for overlapping masks? for example, in the image 0011165.jpg, Fish and Flower masks overlap each other for some region. mask重合
Must read material 一些资料

Ideas for merging ensemble's predictions

How to effectively ensemble models with Keras

Instance Segmentation->How to predict classes 讨论UNET的输出怎么改成多分类
What does it mean to use a pretrained resnet encoder with UNET? 讨论UNET使用预训练的resnet编码器是什么意思?
Regular image segmentation approach 提到进行语义分割任务的都有两个数据集
Discussing post processing 讨论后处理
Weakly supervised segmentation 弱监督分割
Must-see Kernels and topics - Understanding Clouds from Satellite Images 对于资料的自行总结
RLE Decode in C++ 提到了RLE技术
Hints from a late joiner's persepctive 提到了后处理
Impact of using classier for removing the masks 考虑去掉mask编码
A Late Joiner's Understanding and Notes 需要细看
LPT: See what's going on with that commit ? 介绍了一个有用的训练的可视化工具
Knock Knock can send you email notification (or slack notification) 一个工具用来提醒你训练结束的时候发信息到你邮件通知你


Useful Stats::

no. of empty mask = 7055
no. of non-empty mask = 7737
no. of non-empty mask for Fish = 1864
no. of non-empty mask for Flower = 1509
no. of non-empty mask for Gravel = 1982
no. of non-empty mask for Sugar = 2382


[1]Public TestSet Distribution via LB probing


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