
首先进入case 2

由于node不为红色节点,所以继续进行下轮的while循环,此时进入case 1


之后进入case 3


最后进入case 4




using namespace std;int main()
{//int a[] = {40,20,60,50,80,70,90 };
int a[] = { 35,20,10,27,400,105,600,70,150,500,700,50,85 };int check_insert = 0;    // "插入"动作的检测开关(0,关闭;1,打开)
int check_remove = 0;    // "删除"动作的检测开关(0,关闭;1,打开)
int i;
int ilen = (sizeof(a)) / (sizeof(a[0]));
RBTree* tree = new RBTree();cout << "== 原始数据: ";
for (i = 0; i
cout << a[i] << " ";
cout << endl;for (i = 0; i
// 设置check_insert=1,测试"添加函数"
if (check_insert)
cout << "== 添加节点: " << a[i] << endl;
cout << "== 树的详细信息: " << endl;
cout << endl;
}}cout << "== 前序遍历: ";
tree->preOrder();cout << "\n== 中序遍历: ";
tree->inOrder();cout << "\n== 后序遍历: ";
cout << endl;cout << "== 最小值: " << tree->minimum() << endl;
cout << "== 最大值: " << tree->maximum() << endl;
cout << "== 树的详细信息: " << endl;
cout << "开始修改颜色分布" << endl;
tree->mRoot->right->left->color = BLACK;// 修改105的颜色
tree->mRoot->right->left->left->color = RED;// 修改70的颜色
tree->mRoot->right->left->left->left->color = BLACK;// 修改50的颜色
tree->mRoot->right->left->left->right->color = BLACK;// 修改85的颜色
tree->mRoot->right->right->right->color = BLACK;//修改700的颜色
tree->mRoot->right->right->left->color = BLACK;//修改500的颜色
tree->mRoot->right->color = RED;//修改400的颜色tree->insert(1);//验证修改颜色分布后的树是否是红黑树
tree->remove(1);//验证修改颜色分布后的树是否是红黑树tree->remove(10);// 销毁红黑树
tree->destroy();cout << "代码运行结束";
return 0;


* C++ 语言: 红黑树
* @author skywang
* @date 2013/11/07
*/#ifndef _RED_BLACK_TREE_HPP_
#define _RED_BLACK_TREE_HPP_ #include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;enum RBTColor { RED, BLACK };template <class T>
class RBTNode {
public:RBTColor color;    // 颜色T key;            // 关键字(键值)RBTNode *left;    // 左孩子RBTNode *right;    // 右孩子RBTNode *parent; // 父结点RBTNode(T value, RBTColor c, RBTNode *p, RBTNode *l, RBTNode *r) :key(value), color(c), parent(), left(l), right(r) {}
};template <class T>
class RBTree {public:RBTNode<T> *mRoot;    // 根结点RBTree();~RBTree();// 前序遍历"红黑树"void preOrder();// 中序遍历"红黑树"void inOrder();// 后序遍历"红黑树"void postOrder();// (递归实现)查找"红黑树"中键值为key的节点RBTNode<T>* search(T key);// (非递归实现)查找"红黑树"中键值为key的节点RBTNode<T>* iterativeSearch(T key);// 查找最小结点:返回最小结点的键值。T minimum();// 查找最大结点:返回最大结点的键值。T maximum();// 找结点(x)的后继结点。即,查找"红黑树中数据值大于该结点"的"最小结点"。RBTNode<T>* successor(RBTNode<T> *x);// 找结点(x)的前驱结点。即,查找"红黑树中数据值小于该结点"的"最大结点"。RBTNode<T>* predecessor(RBTNode<T> *x);// 将结点(key为节点键值)插入到红黑树中void insert(T key);// 删除结点(key为节点键值)void remove(T key);// 销毁红黑树void destroy();// 打印红黑树void print();
private:// 前序遍历"红黑树"void preOrder(RBTNode<T>* tree) const;// 中序遍历"红黑树"void inOrder(RBTNode<T>* tree) const;// 后序遍历"红黑树"void postOrder(RBTNode<T>* tree) const;// (递归实现)查找"红黑树x"中键值为key的节点RBTNode<T>* search(RBTNode<T>* x, T key) const;// (非递归实现)查找"红黑树x"中键值为key的节点RBTNode<T>* iterativeSearch(RBTNode<T>* x, T key) const;// 查找最小结点:返回tree为根结点的红黑树的最小结点。RBTNode<T>* minimum(RBTNode<T>* tree);// 查找最大结点:返回tree为根结点的红黑树的最大结点。RBTNode<T>* maximum(RBTNode<T>* tree);// 左旋void leftRotate(RBTNode<T>* &root, RBTNode<T>* x);// 右旋void rightRotate(RBTNode<T>* &root, RBTNode<T>* y);// 插入函数void insert(RBTNode<T>* &root, RBTNode<T>* node);// 插入修正函数void insertFixUp(RBTNode<T>* &root, RBTNode<T>* node);// 删除函数void remove(RBTNode<T>* &root, RBTNode<T> *node);// 删除修正函数void removeFixUp(RBTNode<T>* &root, RBTNode<T> *node, RBTNode<T> *parent);// 销毁红黑树void destroy(RBTNode<T>* &tree);// 打印红黑树void print(RBTNode<T>* tree, T key, int direction);#define rb_parent(r)   ((r)->parent)
#define rb_color(r) ((r)->color)
#define rb_is_red(r)   ((r)->color==RED)
#define rb_is_black(r)  ((r)->color==BLACK)
#define rb_set_black(r)  do { (r)->color = BLACK; } while (0)
#define rb_set_red(r)  do { (r)->color = RED; } while (0)
#define rb_set_parent(r,p)  do { (r)->parent = (p); } while (0)
#define rb_set_color(r,c)  do { (r)->color = (c); } while (0)
* 构造函数
template <class T>
RBTree<T>::RBTree() :mRoot(NULL)
{mRoot = NULL;
* 析构函数
template <class T>
* 前序遍历"红黑树"
template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::preOrder(RBTNode<T>* tree) const
{if (tree != NULL){cout << tree->key << " ";preOrder(tree->left);preOrder(tree->right);}
}template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::preOrder()
* 中序遍历"红黑树"
template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::inOrder(RBTNode<T>* tree) const
{if (tree != NULL){inOrder(tree->left);cout << tree->key << " ";inOrder(tree->right);}
}template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::inOrder()
* 后序遍历"红黑树"
template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::postOrder(RBTNode<T>* tree) const
{if (tree != NULL){postOrder(tree->left);postOrder(tree->right);cout << tree->key << " ";}
}template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::postOrder()
* (递归实现)查找"红黑树x"中键值为key的节点
template <class T>
RBTNode<T>* RBTree<T>::search(RBTNode<T>* x, T key) const
{if (x == NULL || x->key == key)return x;if (key < x->key)return search(x->left, key);elsereturn search(x->right, key);
}template <class T>
RBTNode<T>* RBTree<T>::search(T key)
{search(mRoot, key);
* (非递归实现)查找"红黑树x"中键值为key的节点
template <class T>
RBTNode<T>* RBTree<T>::iterativeSearch(RBTNode<T>* x, T key) const
{while ((x != NULL) && (x->key != key)){if (key < x->key)x = x->left;elsex = x->right;}return x;
}template <class T>
RBTNode<T>* RBTree<T>::iterativeSearch(T key)
{iterativeSearch(mRoot, key);
* 查找最小结点:返回tree为根结点的红黑树的最小结点。
template <class T>
RBTNode<T>* RBTree<T>::minimum(RBTNode<T>* tree)
{if (tree == NULL)return NULL;while (tree->left != NULL)tree = tree->left;return tree;
}template <class T>
T RBTree<T>::minimum()
{RBTNode<T> *p = minimum(mRoot);if (p != NULL)return p->key;return (T)NULL;
* 查找最大结点:返回tree为根结点的红黑树的最大结点。
template <class T>
RBTNode<T>* RBTree<T>::maximum(RBTNode<T>* tree)
{if (tree == NULL)return NULL;while (tree->right != NULL)tree = tree->right;return tree;
}template <class T>
T RBTree<T>::maximum()
{RBTNode<T> *p = maximum(mRoot);if (p != NULL)return p->key;return (T)NULL;
* 找结点(x)的后继结点。即,查找"红黑树中数据值大于该结点"的"最小结点"。
template <class T>
RBTNode<T>* RBTree<T>::successor(RBTNode<T> *x)
{// 如果x存在右孩子,则"x的后继结点"为 "以其右孩子为根的子树的最小结点"。if (x->right != NULL)return minimum(x->right);//返回右子树中的最小值// 如果x没有右孩子。则x有以下两种可能:// (01) x是"一个左孩子",则"x的后继结点"为 "它的父结点"。// (02) x是"一个右孩子",则查找"x的最低的父结点,并且该父结点要具有左孩子",找到的这个"最低的父结点"就是"x的后继结点"。RBTNode<T>* y = x->parent;while ((y != NULL) && (x == y->right)){x = y;y = y->parent;} return y;
* 找结点(x)的前驱结点。即,查找"红黑树中数据值小于该结点"的"最大结点"。
template <class T>
RBTNode<T>* RBTree<T>::predecessor(RBTNode<T> *x)
{// 如果x存在左孩子,则"x的前驱结点"为 "以其左孩子为根的子树的最大结点"。if (x->left != NULL)return maximum(x->left);// 如果x没有左孩子。则x有以下两种可能:// (01) x是"一个右孩子",则"x的前驱结点"为 "它的父结点"。// (01) x是"一个左孩子",则查找"x的最低的父结点,并且该父结点要具有右孩子",找到的这个"最低的父结点"就是"x的前驱结点"。RBTNode<T>* y = x->parent;while ((y != NULL) && (x == y->left)){x = y;y = y->parent;}return y;
* 对红黑树的节点(x)进行左旋转
* 左旋示意图(对节点x进行左旋):
*      px                              px
*     /                               /
*    x                               y
*   /  \      --(左旋)-->           / \                #
*  lx   y                          x  ry
*     /   \                       /  \
*    ly   ry                     lx  ly
template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::leftRotate(RBTNode<T>* &root, RBTNode<T>* x)
{cout << "左旋转" << endl;// 设置x的右孩子为yRBTNode<T> *y = x->right;// 将 “y的左孩子” 设为 “x的右孩子”;// 如果y的左孩子非空,将 “x” 设为 “y的左孩子的父亲”x->right = y->left;if (y->left != NULL)y->left->parent = x;// 将 “x的父亲” 设为 “y的父亲”y->parent = x->parent;if (x->parent == NULL){root = y;            // 如果 “x的父亲” 是空节点,则将y设为根节点}else{if (x->parent->left == x)x->parent->left = y;    // 如果 x是它父节点的左孩子,则将y设为“x的父节点的左孩子”elsex->parent->right = y;    // 如果 x是它父节点的左孩子,则将y设为“x的父节点的左孩子”}// 将 “x” 设为 “y的左孩子”y->left = x;// 将 “x的父节点” 设为 “y”x->parent = y;
* 对红黑树的节点(y)进行右旋转
* 右旋示意图(对节点y进行左旋):
*            py                               py
*           /                                /
*          y                                x
*         /  \      --(右旋)-->            /  \                     #
*        x   ry                           lx   y
*       / \                                   / \                   #
*      lx  rx                                rx  ry
template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::rightRotate(RBTNode<T>* &root, RBTNode<T>* y)
{cout << "右旋转" << endl;// 设置x是当前节点的左孩子。RBTNode<T> *x = y->left;// 将 “x的右孩子” 设为 “y的左孩子”;// 如果"x的右孩子"不为空的话,将 “y” 设为 “x的右孩子的父亲”y->left = x->right;if (x->right != NULL)x->right->parent = y;// 将 “y的父亲” 设为 “x的父亲”x->parent = y->parent;if (y->parent == NULL){root = x;            // 如果 “y的父亲” 是空节点,则将x设为根节点}else{if (y == y->parent->right)y->parent->right = x;    // 如果 y是它父节点的右孩子,则将x设为“y的父节点的右孩子”elsey->parent->left = x;    // (y是它父节点的左孩子) 将x设为“x的父节点的左孩子”}// 将 “y” 设为 “x的右孩子”x->right = y;// 将 “y的父节点” 设为 “x”y->parent = x;
* 红黑树插入修正函数
* 在向红黑树中插入节点之后(失去平衡),再调用该函数;
* 目的是将它重新塑造成一颗红黑树。
* 参数说明:
*     root 红黑树的根
*     node 插入的结点        // 对应《算法导论》中的z
template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::insertFixUp(RBTNode<T>* &root, RBTNode<T>* node)
{RBTNode<T> *parent, *gparent;// 若“父节点存在,并且父节点的颜色是红色”//这里注意,下面的代码中之所以没有给出gparent的颜色的判断,是因为//红色节点的两个孩子必定都是黑色,那么必有逆否命题,如果不都是黑色,孩子的父亲节点肯定不是红色while ((parent = rb_parent(node)) && rb_is_red(parent)){gparent = rb_parent(parent);//若“父节点”是“祖父节点的左孩子”if (parent == gparent->left){// Case 1条件:叔叔节点是红色{RBTNode<T> *uncle = gparent->right;if (uncle && rb_is_red(uncle)){rb_set_black(uncle);rb_set_black(parent);rb_set_red(gparent);node = gparent;cout << "End of Execution for Case1" << endl;continue;}}// Case 2条件:叔叔是黑色,且当前节点是右孩子if (parent->right == node){RBTNode<T> *tmp;leftRotate(root, parent);tmp = parent;parent = node;node = tmp;cout << "End of Execution for Case2" << endl;}// Case 3条件:叔叔是黑色,且当前节点是左孩子。rb_set_black(parent);rb_set_red(gparent);rightRotate(root, gparent);cout << "End of Execution for Case3" << endl;}else//若“z的父节点”是“z的祖父节点的右孩子”{// Case 1条件:叔叔节点是红色{RBTNode<T> *uncle = gparent->left;if (uncle && rb_is_red(uncle)){rb_set_black(uncle);rb_set_black(parent);rb_set_red(gparent);node = gparent;continue;}}// Case 2条件:叔叔是黑色,且当前节点是左孩子if (parent->left == node){RBTNode<T> *tmp;rightRotate(root, parent);tmp = parent;parent = node;node = tmp;}// Case 3条件:叔叔是黑色,且当前节点是右孩子。rb_set_black(parent);rb_set_red(gparent);leftRotate(root, gparent);cout << "End of Execution for Case3" << endl;}}// 将根节点设为黑色rb_set_black(root);
* 将结点插入到红黑树中
* 参数说明:
*     root 红黑树的根结点
*     node 插入的结点        // 对应《算法导论》中的node
template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::insert(RBTNode<T>* &root, RBTNode<T>* node)
{RBTNode<T> *y = NULL;RBTNode<T> *x = root;// 1. 将红黑树当作一颗二叉查找树,将节点添加到二叉查找树中。while (x != NULL)//注意插入的时候,肯定是通过替换当前树的某个节点的空子节点来实现的。{y = x;if (node->key < x->key)x = x->left;elsex = x->right;}node->parent = y;//node替换了y的空子节点,由于红黑树的是搜索树,所以要插入的节点的值比y小时,成为y的做节点,否则成为y的右节点if (y != NULL){if (node->key < y->key)y->left = node;elsey->right = node;}elseroot = node;// 2. 设置节点的颜色为红色node->color = RED;// 3. 将它重新修正为一颗二叉查找树insertFixUp(root, node);
* 将结点(key为节点键值)插入到红黑树中
* 参数说明:
*     tree 红黑树的根结点
*     key 插入结点的键值
template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::insert(T key)
{RBTNode<T> *z = NULL;// 如果新建结点失败,则返回。if ((z = new RBTNode<T>(key, BLACK, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL)return;insert(mRoot, z);
* 红黑树删除修正函数
* 在从红黑树中删除插入节点之后(红黑树失去平衡),再调用该函数;
* 目的是将它重新塑造成一颗红黑树。
* 参数说明:
*     root 红黑树的根
*     node 待修正的节点
template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::removeFixUp(RBTNode<T>* &root, RBTNode<T> *node, RBTNode<T> *parent)
{RBTNode<T> *other;while ((!node || rb_is_black(node)) && node != root){cout << "进入removeFixup" << endl;if (parent->left == node){cout << "进入此处1" << endl;other = parent->right;//在这里对other进行了修正,所以进入新的case时,other指针所指与之前的不同if (rb_is_red(other)){// Case 1: x的兄弟w是红色的  cout << "进入case1 ☆☆☆" << endl;rb_set_black(other);rb_set_red(parent);cout << "root->key=" << root->key << endl;cout << "parent->key=" << parent->key << endl;cout << "other->key=" << other->key << endl;cout << "left-rotate of case 1 in the corner" << endl;leftRotate(root, parent);other = parent->right;cout << other->key << endl;cout << root->key << endl;cout << node->key << endl;cout << "End of Execution for Case1 ☆☆☆" << endl;cout << "-----------------------------------------" << endl;}if ((!other->left || rb_is_black(other->left)) &&(!other->right || rb_is_black(other->right))){// Case 2: x的兄弟w是黑色,且w的俩个孩子也都是黑色的cout << "进入case2  ☆☆☆" << endl;rb_set_red(other);node = parent;parent = rb_parent(node);cout << "node->key=" << node->key<<endl;cout << "parent->key=" << parent->key << endl;cout << "other->key=" << other->key << endl;cout << "other->color=" << other->color << endl;cout << "End of Execution for Case2 ☆☆☆" << endl;}else{if (!other->right || rb_is_black(other->right)){cout << "进入case3  ☆☆☆" << endl;// Case 3: x的兄弟w是黑色的,并且w的左孩子是红色,右孩子为黑色。  cout << "other->left->key=" << other->left->key<< endl;cout << "root->key=" <<root->key << endl;cout << "node->key=" << node->key << endl;cout << "parent->key=" << parent->key << endl;rb_set_black(other->left);rb_set_red(other);rightRotate(root, other);other = parent->right;cout << "other->left->key=" << other->left->key << endl;cout << "root->key=" << root->key << endl;cout << "node->key=" << node->key << endl;cout << "parent->key=" << parent->key << endl;cout << "End of Execution for Case3 ☆☆☆" << endl;}// Case 4: x的兄弟w是黑色的;并且w的右孩子是红色的,左孩子任意颜色。cout << "进入case4    ☆☆☆" << endl;cout << "other->key=" << other->key << endl;cout << "root->key=" << root->key << endl;cout << "node->key=" << node->key << endl;cout << "parent->key=" << parent->key << endl;rb_set_color(other, rb_color(parent));rb_set_black(parent);rb_set_black(other->right);leftRotate(root, parent);cout << "other->key=" << other->key << endl;cout << "root->key=" << root->key << endl;cout << "node->key=" << node->key << endl;cout << "parent->key=" << parent->key << endl;node = root;cout << "End of Execution for Case4 ☆☆☆" << endl;break;}}else{other = parent->left;if (rb_is_red(other)){cout << "Enter into case1 ☆☆☆" << endl;// Case 1: x的兄弟w是红色的  rb_set_black(other);rb_set_red(parent);rightRotate(root, parent);other = parent->left;cout << "End of Execution for Case1 ☆☆☆" << endl;}if ((!other->left || rb_is_black(other->left)) &&(!other->right || rb_is_black(other->right))){cout << "Enter into case2 ☆☆☆" << endl;// Case 2: x的兄弟w是黑色,且w的俩个孩子也都是黑色的  rb_set_red(other);node = parent;parent = rb_parent(node);cout << "End of Execution for Case2 ☆☆☆" << endl;}else{if (!other->left || rb_is_black(other->left)){cout << "Enter into case3 ☆☆☆" << endl;// Case 3: x的兄弟w是黑色的,并且w的左孩子是红色,右孩子为黑色。  rb_set_black(other->right);rb_set_red(other);leftRotate(root, other);other = parent->left;cout << "End of Execution for Case3 ☆☆☆" << endl;}// Case 4: x的兄弟w是黑色的;并且w的右孩子是红色的,左孩子任意颜色。cout << "Enter into case4 ☆☆☆" << endl;rb_set_color(other, rb_color(parent));rb_set_black(parent);rb_set_black(other->left);rightRotate(root, parent);node = root;cout << "End of Execution for Case4 ☆☆☆" << endl;break;}}}if (node)rb_set_black(node);
* 删除结点(node),并返回被删除的结点
* 参数说明:
*     root 红黑树的根结点
*     node 删除的结点
template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::remove(RBTNode<T>* &root, RBTNode<T> *node)
{cout << "进入此处3" << endl;RBTNode<T> *child, *parent;RBTColor color;// 被删除节点的"左右孩子都不为空"的情况。if ((node->left != NULL) && (node->right != NULL)){cout << "进入if ((node->left != NULL) && (node->right != NULL))" << endl;// 被删节点的后继节点。(称为"取代节点")// 用它来取代"被删节点"的位置,然后再将"被删节点"去掉。RBTNode<T> *replace = node;// 接下来让replace获取后继节点replace = replace->right;while (replace->left != NULL)replace = replace->left;cout << "replace->key = " << replace->key << endl;// 如果将要被删除的"node节点"不是根节点(只有根节点不存在父节点)if (rb_parent(node)){if (rb_parent(node)->left == node)//对应算法导论P183中的:elseif u==u.p.leftrb_parent(node)->left = replace;elserb_parent(node)->right = replace;}else// "node节点"是根节点,更新根节点。root = replace;// child是"取代节点"的右孩子,也是需要"调整的节点"。// "取代节点"肯定不存在左孩子!因为它是一个后继节点。child = replace->right;parent = rb_parent(replace);// 保存"取代节点"的颜色color = rb_color(replace);cout << "parent->key = "<<parent->key << endl;cout << "node->key = " << node->key << endl;if(child!=NULL)cout << "child->key = " << child->key << endl;cout << "replace->key = " << replace->key << endl;cout << "###############" << endl;// "被删除节点"是"它的后继节点的父节点"if (parent == node){parent = replace;}else{// child不为空if (child)rb_set_parent(child, parent);parent->left = child;replace->right = node->right;rb_set_parent(node->right, replace);}cout << "进入Fixup前" << endl;cout << "parent->key = " << parent->key << endl;cout << "node->key = " << node->key << endl;if (child != NULL)cout << "child->key = " << child->key << endl;cout << "replace->key = " << replace->key << endl;replace->parent = node->parent;replace->color = node->color;replace->left = node->left;//让后继节点与被删节点的左子树建立连接node->left->parent = replace;//这些代码的作用是让后继节点代替被删除的节点if (color == BLACK)removeFixUp(root, child, parent);delete node;return;}if (node->left != NULL)child = node->left;elsechild = node->right;//-----------以上是对被删除节点的三种情况的判断--------------------------------------------------parent = node->parent;// 保存"取代节点"的颜色color = node->color;if (child)child->parent = parent;// "node节点"不是根节点if (parent){if (parent->left == node)parent->left = child;elseparent->right = child;}elseroot = child;if (color == BLACK){cout << "即将进入Fixup" << endl;if(child!=NULL)cout << "child->key=" << child->key << endl;if (parent != NULL)cout << "parent->key=" << parent->key << endl;removeFixUp(root, child, parent);cout << "进入此处5" << endl;}cout << "node->key=" << node->key << endl;delete node;
* 删除红黑树中键值为key的节点
* 参数说明:
*     tree 红黑树的根结点
template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::remove(T key)
{RBTNode<T> *node;// 查找key对应的节点(node),找到的话就删除该节点if ((node = search(mRoot, key)) != NULL)remove(mRoot, node);
* 销毁红黑树
template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::destroy(RBTNode<T>* &tree)
{if (tree == NULL)return;if (tree->left != NULL)return destroy(tree->left);if (tree->right != NULL)return destroy(tree->right);delete tree;tree = NULL;
}template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::destroy()
* 打印"二叉查找树"
* key        -- 节点的键值
* direction  --  0,表示该节点是根节点;
*               -1,表示该节点是它的父结点的左孩子;
*                1,表示该节点是它的父结点的右孩子。
template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::print(RBTNode<T>* tree, T key, int direction)
{if (tree != NULL){if (direction == 0)    // tree是根节点cout << setw(2) << tree->key << "(B) is root" << endl;else                // tree是分支节点cout << setw(2) << tree->key << (rb_is_red(tree) ? "(R)" : "(B)") << " is " << setw(2) << key << "'s " << setw(12) << (direction == 1 ? "right child" : "left child") << endl;print(tree->left, tree->key, -1);print(tree->right, tree->key, 1);}
}template <class T>
void RBTree<T>::print()//RBTree<T>的意思是,类中存在模板,T是对模板的提取,表示该类对各种类型的数据通用
{if (mRoot != NULL)print(mRoot, mRoot->key, 0);

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