所以我一直在为一个项目开发一个python游戏,现在我遇到了一个问题,如果我在游戏中设置了一个障碍,我就不能让它对我的图片做出响应,就像我的图片与它发生碰撞一样,游戏就结束了。我已经做了很长一段时间了,但是我不知道代码。任何我们将非常感谢您的帮助。我非常需要帮助这个。拜托并不是说我是初学者,而且我刚开始学习python一个月以前。所以请试着去理解。我附上了下面的代码。在import pygame, random, sys

from pygame.locals import *

BACKGROUNDCOLOR = (181, 230, 29)

FPS = 30

pixels = 5


mainClock = pygame.time.Clock()

windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((990, 557))

pygame.display.set_caption('Clumsy Claire :D')

background = pygame.image.load('grass.jpg')

backgroundRect = background.get_rect()

size = (990, 557)


image = pygame.image.load('snail 2.png')

imageRect = image.get_rect()

stone1 = pygame.image.load('rock.PNG')

stone1Rect = stone1.get_rect()

stone2 = pygame.image.load('rock.PNG')

stone2Rect = stone2.get_rect()

BROWN = (128,64,0)

pygame.draw.line(background, BROWN, (98, 555), (98,69), 12)

pygame.draw.line(background, BROWN, (98, 16), (98,1), 12)

pygame.draw.line(background, BROWN, (94, 3), (283, 3),12)

pygame.draw.line(background, BROWN, (278, 457), (278, 3),12)

pygame.draw.line(background, BROWN, (278, 554), (278, 512),12)

pygame.draw.line(background, BROWN, (274, 554), (470, 554),12)

pygame.draw.line(background, BROWN, (465, 554), (465, 90),12)

pygame.draw.line(background, BROWN, (465, 35), (465, 0),12)

pygame.draw.line(background, BROWN, (465, 3), (657, 3),12)

pygame.draw.line(background, BROWN, (652,555 ), (652, 502),12)

pygame.draw.line(background, BROWN, (652, 449), (652, 0),12)

pygame.draw.line(background, BROWN, (648, 553), (844, 553),12)

pygame.draw.line(background, BROWN, (838, 553 ), (838, 138),12)

pygame.draw.line(background, BROWN, (838, 84 ), (838, 0),12)

while True:

imageRect.topleft = (10,488)

moveLeft = False

moveRight = False

moveUp = False

moveDown = False

while True:

for event in pygame.event.get():

if event.type == QUIT:



if event.type == KEYDOWN:

if event.key == K_LEFT:

moveLeft = True

if event.key == K_RIGHT:

moveRight = True

if event.key == K_UP:

moveUp = True

if event.key == K_DOWN:

moveDown = True

if event.type == KEYUP:

if event.key == K_LEFT:

moveLeft = False

if event.key == K_RIGHT:

moveRight = False

if event.key == K_UP:

moveUp = False

if event.key == K_DOWN:

moveDown = False

if moveLeft and imageRect.left > 0:

imageRect.move_ip(-1 * pixels, 0)

if moveRight and imageRect.right < 990:

imageRect.move_ip(pixels, 0)

if moveUp and imageRect.top > 0:

imageRect.move_ip(0, -1 * pixels)

if moveDown and imageRect.bottom < 557:

imageRect.move_ip(0, pixels)

windowSurface.blit(background, backgroundRect)

windowSurface.blit(image, imageRect)

rock1 = background.blit(stone1,(658,337))

rock2 = background.blit(stone2,(225,150))



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