

header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");

date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Shanghai"); //时区


$showrow = 5;

$curpage = empty($_GET['page']) ? 1 : $_GET['page'];

$url = "?page={page}";

$dsn = 'mysql:host=xxx.xxx.80.xxx;dbname=admin';

$pdo = new PDO($dsn, 'root', 'root');

$pdo->query('set names utf8');

$sql = "SELECT * from operator_list where 1=1";

$res_gg = $pdo->query("SELECT count(*) as ctn from operator_list where 1=1;");

$result = $res_gg->fetch();

$total = $result["ctn"];

if (!empty($_GET['page']) && $total != 0 && $curpage > ceil($total / $showrow)) {

$curpage = ceil($total_rows / $showrow);


$sql .= " LIMIT " . ($curpage - 1) * $showrow . ",$showrow;";

$res_zz = $pdo->query($sql);

$result = $res_zz->fetchAll();






style="border:1px solid #ccc;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">


if (!empty($result)) {

foreach ($result as $k => $v) {


<?php echo $v['id']; ?><?php echo $v["customer_id"]; ?><?php echo $v["name"]; ?><?php echo $v["role_id"]; ?><?php echo $v["status"]; ?><?php echo $v["cdate"]; ?>




if ($total > $showrow) {//总记录数大于每页显示数,显示分页

$page = new page($total, $showrow, $curpage, $url, 3);

echo $page->myde_write();





/* * *********************************************

* @类名: page

* @参数: $myde_total - 总记录数

* $myde_size - 一页显示的记录数

* $myde_page - 当前页

* $myde_url - 获取当前的url

* @功能: 分页实现


class page {

private $myde_total; //总记录数

private $myde_size; //一页显示的记录数

private $myde_page; //当前页

private $myde_page_count; //总页数

private $myde_i; //起头页数

private $myde_en; //结尾页数

private $myde_url; //获取当前的url


* $show_pages

* 页面显示的格式,显示链接的页数为2*$show_pages+1。

* 如$show_pages=2那么页面上显示就是[首页] [上页] 1 2 3 4 5 [下页] [尾页]


private $show_pages;

public function __construct($myde_total = 1, $myde_size = 1, $myde_page = 1, $myde_url, $show_pages = 2) {

$this->myde_total = $this->numeric($myde_total);

$this->myde_size = $this->numeric($myde_size);

$this->myde_page = $this->numeric($myde_page);

$this->myde_page_count = ceil($this->myde_total / $this->myde_size);

$this->myde_url = $myde_url;

if ($this->myde_total < 0)

$this->myde_total = 0;

if ($this->myde_page < 1)

$this->myde_page = 1;

if ($this->myde_page_count < 1)

$this->myde_page_count = 1;

if ($this->myde_page > $this->myde_page_count)

$this->myde_page = $this->myde_page_count;

$this->limit = ($this->myde_page - 1) * $this->myde_size;

$this->myde_i = $this->myde_page - $show_pages;

$this->myde_en = $this->myde_page + $show_pages;

if ($this->myde_i < 1) {

$this->myde_en = $this->myde_en + (1 - $this->myde_i);

$this->myde_i = 1;


if ($this->myde_en > $this->myde_page_count) {

$this->myde_i = $this->myde_i - ($this->myde_en - $this->myde_page_count);

$this->myde_en = $this->myde_page_count;


if ($this->myde_i < 1)

$this->myde_i = 1;



private function numeric($num) {

if (strlen($num)) {

if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $num)) {

$num = 1;

} else {

$num = substr($num, 0, 11);


} else {

$num = 1;


return $num;



private function page_replace($page) {

return str_replace("{page}", $page, $this->myde_url);



private function myde_home() {

if ($this->myde_page != 1) {

return "首页";

} else {

return "






private function myde_prev() {

if ($this->myde_page != 1) {

return "上一页";

} else {

return "






private function myde_next() {

if ($this->myde_page != $this->myde_page_count) {

return "下一页";

} else {







private function myde_last() {

if ($this->myde_page != $this->myde_page_count) {

return "尾页";

} else {

return "






public function myde_write($id = 'page') {

$str = "




if ($this->myde_i > 1) {





for ($i = $this->myde_i; $i <= $this->myde_en; $i++) {

if ($i == $this->myde_page) {


} else {




if ($this->myde_en < $this->myde_page_count) {








" . $this->myde_page_count .

"页" . $this->myde_total . "条数据




return $str;





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