ibv_req_notify_cq() - RDMAmojo RDMAmojo


ibv_req_notify_cq() 在完成队列 (CQ) 上请求Completion Notification(完成通知)。
ibv_req_notify_cq() 请求(驱动): 当下一个请求的WC 被添加到CQ,生成一个(能被ibv_get_cq_event() 读取的)通知。(bv_req_notify_cq() requests a notification when the next Work Completion of a requested type is added to the CQ.)

在调用 ibv_req_notify_cq() 之前,存在于 CQ 中的任何WC(工作完成)都不会创建将要用ibv_get_cq_event() 读取的“完成通知”。


Solicited Completion Event (被动完成事件) - 当对面的send 或 带立即数且设置了Solicited Event 指示(即对端send_flags设置为IBV_SEND_SOLICITED ) 的RDMA write 到来产生一个 “接收成功” or “接收失败”的WC加入到CQ。

Unsolicited Completion Event  (主动完成事件) - 当任何WC(工作完成)添加到 CQ 时发生,无论它是发送还是接收WC(工作完成),以及它是成功还是不成功的工作完成。

(Unsolicited :不请自来的,主动的)

如果一个请求的Completion Notification(完成通知)处于pending(待处理):即调用了 ibv_req_notify_cq() 但没有Completion Notification发生,则继续调用 ibv_req_notify_cq() 对同一个 CQ 请求相同的Completion Notification类型将无效;只会生成一个Completion Notification(完成通知)。只有在“完成通知”发生后,调用 ibv_req_notify_cq() 才会生效。

next completion event的“请求完成通知”(Request Completion Notification)优先于同一 CQ 的 solicited event的“请求完成通知”。

如果对同一个 CQ 多次调用 ibv_req_notify_cq() 并且至少有一个请求将类型设置为下一个完成,则在将下一个“完成”添加到该 CQ 时(即不是为下一个Solicited Completion)生成一个“”完成通知”。


原文:ibv_req_notify_cq() - RDMAmojo RDMAmojo

ibv_req_notify_cq() requests a Completion Notification on a Completion Queue (CQ).

ibv_req_notify_cq() requests a notification when the next Work Completion of a requested type is added to the CQ. Any Work Completions that existed in the CQ before calling ibv_req_notify_cq() will not result in creating a Completion Notification. The Completion Notification will be read using ibv_get_cq_event().

There are two types of Completion Events that can be requested:

  • Solicited Completion Event - Occurs when an incoming Send or RDMA Write with Immediate Data message with the Solicited Event indicator set (i.e. the remote side posted a Send Request with IBV_SEND_SOLICITED set in send_flags) causes a generation of a successful Receive Work Completion or any unsuccessful (either Send of Receive) Work Completion to be added to the CQ.
  • Unsolicited Completion Event - occurs when any Work Completion is added to the CQ, whether it is a Send or Receive Work Completion and whether is it successful or unsuccessful Work Completion.

If a Request Completion Notification is pending, i.e. ibv_req_notify_cq() was called and no Completion Notification occurred, subsequent calls to ibv_req_notify_cq() with the same CQ requesting the same Completion Event type will have no effect; only one Completion Notification will be generated. Calling ibv_req_notify_cq() will have an effect only after the Completion Notification will occur.

A Request Completion Notification for the next completion event takes precedence over a Request Completion Notification for a solicited event completion for the same CQ.

If multiple calls to ibv_req_notify_cq() have been made for the same CQ and at least one of the requests set the type to the next completion, a Completion Notification will be generated when the next Completion is added to that CQ (i.e. not for the next Solicited Completion).

Once a Completion Notification occurred, if one wishes to get more Completions Notification, he has to call ibv_req_notify_cq() again.


Name Direction Description
cq in CQ that was returned from ibv_create_cq()
solicited_only in Type of the requested Completion Notification.

0 The next Completion whether it is Solicited or Unsolicited
otherwise the next Completion is Solicited only or for any unsuccessful Work Completion


Value Description
0 On success
errno On failure.
EINVAL Invalid CQ handle


1) 请求下一次Completion的通知:

struct ibv_cq *cq;if (ibv_req_notify_cq(cq, 0)) {fprintf(stderr, "Error, ibv_req_notify_cq() failed when requested a ""notification for the next completion\n");return -1;

2) 请求下一次Solicited Completion的通知:

struct ibv_cq *cq;if (ibv_req_notify_cq(cq, 1)) {fprintf(stderr, "Error, ibv_req_notify_cq() failed when requested a ""notification for the next solicited completion\n");return -1;


我可以使用 ibv_poll_cq() 读取WC(工作完成),为什么我要使用 ibv_req_notify_cq()?

使用events 处理WC将减少应用程序的 CPU 消耗;您的线程将休眠,直到新的WC将添加到 CQ。

我可以对每个 CQ 调用 ibv_req_notify_cq() 吗?

是的。尽管请记住,请求Solicited Completions的通知 仅对与接收队列相关联的 CQ 有意义。

当 CQ 中有WC(是我已经ask过的type)时,我调用了 ibv_req_notify_cq() 我会收到完成通知吗?
不,你不会。A Completion Notification will be generated for the *next* Completion of the type that you've asked (Solicited or next) that will be added to the CQ *after* you called

我在收到完成通知之前调用了 ibv_req_notify_cq() 几次,这是什么效果?

If all calls to ibv_req_notify_cq() were done when requesting the same Completion type, you will get only one Completion Notification, according to the quested type. If at least one of them requested a Completion Notification for the next Completion, you will get a notification for the next Completion.

我可以要求在将 N 个“完成”添加到 CQ 后收到通知吗

可以让每个添加到 CQ 的“完成”自动获取通知(而不是每次再次调用 ibv_req_notify_cq())?

不,这不受支持。收到通知后,如果想再收到通知,需要再次调用 ibv_req_notify_cq() 。


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