

D. Roman and Numbers
time limit per test

4 seconds

memory limit per test

512 megabytes


standard input


standard output

Roman is a young mathematician, very famous in Uzhland. Unfortunately, Sereja doesn't think so. To make Sereja change his mind, Roman is ready to solve any mathematical problem. After some thought, Sereja asked Roma to find, how many numbers are close to number n, modulo m.

Number x is considered close to number n modulo m, if:

  • it can be obtained by rearranging the digits of number n,
  • it doesn't have any leading zeroes,
  • the remainder after dividing number x by m equals 0.

Roman is a good mathematician, but the number of such numbers is too huge for him. So he asks you to help him.


The first line contains two integers: n (1 ≤ n < 1018) and m (1 ≤ m ≤ 100).


In a single line print a single integer — the number of numbers close to number n modulo m.

Sample test(s)
104 2


223 4


7067678 8



In the first sample the required numbers are: 104, 140, 410.

In the second sample the required number is 232.

【大意】给你一个n,让你找有多少x满足:x mod m=0。其中x是n的一个排列。重复的只计算一种。



using namespace std;
const int size=19;
bool flag[10];
long long dight[size],f[1<<size][101],i,j,p,m,k,n,t;
int main()
{scanf("%I64d%I64d",&p,&m);while (p){dight[++n]=p%10;p/=10;}for (i=1;i<=n/2;i++) t=dight[i],dight[i]=dight[n-i+1],dight[n-i+1]=t;f[0][0]=1;for (i=0;i<(1<<n)-1;i++)  //枚举每一种状态。而且可以证明,到某一种状态时,它一定在之前被推完了。for (j=0;j<m;j++){memset(flag,0,sizeof(flag));  //防止出现相同的情况。if (f[i][j]==0) continue;    //这种状态本身已经推不到。for (k=1;k<=n;k++)if (!flag[dight[k]])      //某一个数码没有出现过。{if (i&(1<<(k-1))) continue;  //这一位已经用过了if (i==0&&dight[k]==0) continue;  //前导0的问题flag[dight[k]]=true;f[i+(1<<(k-1))][(j*10+dight[k])%m]+=f[i][j];  //递推}}printf("%I64d",f[(1<<n)-1][0]);return 0;

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