


采纳率:47%    等级:12


This paper is the one for human resources management system of performance appraisal process and the operation of the background of a number of key technologies, the system mainly through self-assessment of employees, colleagues and leaders to be assessed on the feedback given to analysis Provided to the business leaders of the business development of a whole profile, in order to make the appropriate decision-making. Regular assessment is divided into: personal assessment, the competent assessment of query and statistical analysis of the four modules. Divided into 360-degree assessment questionnaire to add, maintain a questionnaire, filled out a questionnaire, personal and corporate statistics for the five modules. The use of performance appraisal system, employees the right to speak for themselves, the staff will be able to find colleagues examination, to a certain extent, improve their assessment results, so that they are not always in the evaluation in a passive state, which also benefit Enhance the fairness of the examination. Thereby reducing the staff work is not positive, work efficiency is low, the turnover dropped, and other consequences, particularly as a result of lower appraisal Bude Dang caused the rift between employees, the company chaotic situation. And will help in the evaluation of the leadership of the staff found the potential choice of the staff positions, to provide staff with more opportunities for development, but also for enterprises to choose their high standards of staff to enhance efficiency. The use of performance appraisal system has greatly enhanced the strength of the evaluation business, greatly reducing the appraisal cycle, so that more scientific evaluation, the value of statistics to play better.




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