




def postRetirement(savings, growthRates, expenses):

第一年投资账户资金:savings * (1 + growthRates[0]) - expenses

第二年投资账户资金:( savings * (1 + growthRates[0]) - expenses) * (1 + growthRates[1]) - expense

第三年投资账户资金:(( savings * (1 + growthRates[0]) - expenses) * (1 + growthRates[1]) - expense) * (1 + growthRates[2])- expense

当第x年的时候账户资金: x-1年的savings * (1 + growthRate[x]) - expense

def postRetirement(savings, growthRates, expenses):def annual_fund_Retired(savings, growthRates, expenses):years = len(growthRates)if years > 1:years = years - 1annual_total = annual_fund_Retired(savings, growthRates[:years], expenses) * (1 + growthRates[years]) - expensesreturn annual_totalelif years == 1:annual_total = savings * (1 + growthRates[0]) - expensesreturn annual_totalelse:return 0fund = []for time in range(0, len(growthRates)):fund.append(annual_fund_Retired(savings, growthRates[:time + 1], expenses))return fund






def findMaxExpenses(salary, save, preRetireGrowthRates, postRetireGrowthRates, epsilon):

第一年投资账户资金:savings * (1 + growthRates[0]) - expenses

第二年投资账户资金:( savings * (1 + growthRates[0]) - expenses) * (1 + growthRates[1]) - expense

第三年投资账户资金:(( savings * (1 + growthRates[0]) - expenses) * (1 + growthRates[1]) - expense) * (1 + growthRates[2])- expense

当第i年的时候账户资金: x-i年的savings * (1 + growthRates[x-i]) - expense



第一年投资账户资金:y = -x + a + ab0

第二年投资账户资金:y = -(2 + b1)x + a + ab0 + ab1 + abob1

可以推导出资金账户的金额: y = -mx + n;m、n为正数




low = 0,high = a + epsilon;guess = (low + high) / 2

当y>0时,如果y>epsilon,取右边,也就是 low = guess。

当y<0时,如果y>epsilon,取左边,也就是 high = guess,

def nestEggVariable(salary, save, growthRates):def annual_save(salary, save):annual_save = salary * savereturn annual_savedef annual_fund_Variable(salary, save, growthRates):years = len(growthRates)if years > 0:years = years - 1annual_total = annual_fund_Variable(salary, save, growthRates[:years]) * (1 + growthRates[years]) + annual_save(salary, save)return annual_totalelse:return 0fund = []for time in range(0, len(growthRates)):fund.append(annual_fund_Variable(salary, save, growthRates[:time + 1]))return funddef postRetirement(savings, growthRates, expenses):def annual_fund_Retired(savings, growthRates, expenses):years = len(growthRates)if years > 1:years = years - 1annual_total = annual_fund_Retired(savings, growthRates[:years], expenses) * (1 + growthRates[years]) - expensesreturn annual_totalelif years == 1:annual_total = savings * (1 + growthRates[0]) - expensesreturn annual_totalelse:return 0fund = []for time in range(0, len(growthRates)):fund.append(annual_fund_Retired(savings, growthRates[:time + 1], expenses))return funddef findMaxExpenses(salary, save, preRetireGrowthRates, postRetireGrowthRates, epsilon):savings = nestEggVariable(salary, save, preRetireGrowthRates).pop()high = savingslow = 0count = 1while True:guess = (high + low) / 2retirement_fund = postRetirement(savings, postRetireGrowthRates, guess).pop()absolute = abs(retirement_fund)if absolute >= epsilon and count <= 100:print count,": estimated expense = ", guessif retirement_fund > 0:low = guesselse:high = guesscount = count + 1else: breakreturn guess


def testNestEggFixed():salary     = 10000save       = 0.10growthRate = 0.15years      = 5savingsRecord = nestEggFixed(salary, save, growthRate, years)print savingsRecord# Output should have values close to:# [1000.0, 2150.0, 3472.5, 4993.375, 6742.3812499999995]
def testNestEggVariable():salary      = 10000save        = 0.10growthRates = [0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0, 0.03]savingsRecord = nestEggVariable(salary, save, growthRates)print savingsRecord# Output should have values close to:# [1000.0, 2040.0, 3142.0, 4142.0, 5266.2600000000002]
def testPostRetirement():savings     = 100000growthRates = [0.10, 0.05, 0, 0.05, 0.01]expenses    = 30000savingsRecord = postRetirement(savings, growthRates, expenses)print savingsRecord# Output should have values close to:# [80000.000000000015, 54000.000000000015, 24000.000000000015,# -4799.9999999999854, -34847.999999999985]
def testFindMaxExpenses():salary                = 10000save                  = 0.10preRetireGrowthRates  = [0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0, 0.03]postRetireGrowthRates = [0.10, 0.05, 0, 0.05, 0.01]epsilon               = .01expenses = findMaxExpenses(salary, save, preRetireGrowthRates,postRetireGrowthRates, epsilon)print expenses# Output should have a value close to:# 1229.95548986


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