

curl ip.sb # 只显示ipv4curl cip.cc #显示ipv4和地址信息


ifconfig -a




命令行查询(详细):# UNIX/Linux:
curl cip.cc# Windows:
telnet cip.cc
ftp cip.cc命令行查询(纯ip):#UNIX/Linux:
curl ip.cip.cc# Windows:
telnet ip.cip.cc
ftp ip.cip.cc


  • Example (Plain text): https://api.ip.sb/ip (Listen on both IPv4 and IPv6) or curl ip.sb
  • Example (Plain text): https://api-ipv4.ip.sb/ip (Listen on IPv4 only) or curl -4 ip.sb or curl ipv4.ip.sb
  • Example (Plain text): https://api-ipv6.ip.sb/ip (Listen on IPv6 only) or curl -6 ip.sb or curl ipv6.ip.sb

Usage example (Shell script):

#!/bin/ship=$(curl -s https://api.ip.sb/ip)
echo "My IP address is: $ip"

Output example:

IPv4 address:

IPv6 address:


GeoIP (Get IP address location in JSON format):

Calling the API endpoint without any parameter will return location information for the visitor IP address:

  • Example (JSON): https://api.ip.sb/geoip
  • Example (JSONP): https://api.ip.sb/geoip?callback=getgeoip

Appending an IP address as parameter will return location information for this IP address:

  • Example (JSON): https://api.ip.sb/geoip/
  • Example (JSONP): https://api.ip.sb/geoip/
  • Example (JSON): https://api.ip.sb/geoip/2a09::
  • Example (JSONP): https://api.ip.sb/geoip/2a09::?callback=getgeoip

Usage example:

<script type="application/javascript">
function getgeoip(json){document.write("Geolocation information for IP address: ", json.ip);document.write("Country: ", json.country);document.write("Latitude: ", json.latitude);document.write("Longitude: ", json.longitude);
</script><script type="application/javascript" src="https://api.ip.sb/geoip?callback=getgeoip"></script>

Usage example (jQuery):

<script type="application/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {$.getJSON("https://api.ip.sb/geoip?callback=?",function(json) {document.write("Geolocation information for IP address: ", json.ip);document.write("Country: ", json.country);document.write("Latitude: ", json.latitude);document.write("Longitude: ", json.longitude);});

JSON Output Schema

The output is a JSON object containing the following elements:

Please note that the IP location database may not contain all information about a given IP. In this case, only the available data is displayed.

  • ip (Visitor IP address, or IP address specified as parameter)
  • country_code (Two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code)
  • country (Name of the country)
  • region_code (Two-letter ISO-3166-2 state / region code for US and Canada, FIPS 10-4 region codes otherwise)
  • region (Name of the region)
  • city (Name of the city)
  • postal_code (Postal code / Zip code)
  • continent_code (Two-letter continent code)
  • latitude (Latitude)
  • longitude (Longitude)
  • organization (ASN + ISP name)
  • timezone (Time Zone)

Output example:

The following example use xTom server IP: city, region, and postal code information is not available and thus not present in the output JSON object:

{"ip": "","country_code": "NL","country": "Netherlands","continent_code": "EU","latitude": 52.3824,"longitude": 4.8995,"asn": "3214","organization": "xTom Limited","timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam",


IP查询 - 查IP(www.cip.cc)查IP(www.cip.cc)网站, 提供免费的IP查询服务,命令行查询IP, 并且支持'PC网站, 手机网站, 命令行(Windows/UNIX/Linux)' 三大平台, 是个多平台的IP查询网站, 更新即使, 数据准确是我们的目标https://www.cip.cc/


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