
Google Fast Flip, the latest offering from Google Labs. It’s received massive media coverage, but that’s probably not surprising given that media companies have the most to gain.

Google Fast Flip ,是Google Labs的最新产品。 它已经获得了媒体的广泛报道,但是鉴于媒体公司获得的最大利益,这可能不足为奇。

Fast Flip is Google’s attempt to present recent news, headlines, and popular articles like a printed magazine stand. You can browse screenshot thumbnails of stories from your favorite publishers, authors or topics. The system currently features pages from several dozen (mostly) US-based news corporations but more will be added over time.

“快速翻转”是Google尝试展示最新新闻,头条新闻和热门文章(例如印刷杂志架)的尝试。 您可以浏览喜爱的出版商,作者或主题的故事的屏幕快照缩略图。 该系统当前具有来自几十个(主要是)美国新闻公司的页面,但是随着时间的推移,还会增加更多页面。

Google hopes to improve its relationship with newspaper and magazine companies. Many have attacked Google for aggregating content it did not create, but the majority of Fast Flip’s advertising revenue will be passed back to the publishers. According to Marissa Mayer, Google Search vice-president:

Google希望改善与报纸和杂志公司的关系。 许多人攻击了Google来汇总其未创建的内容,但是Fast Flip的大部分广告收入将被转嫁给发布商。 根据Google搜索副总裁Marissa Mayer的说法:

I don’t believe we are part of the problem. I believe we are part of the solution.

我不认为我们是问题的一部分。 我相信我们是解决方案的一部分。

We have tried to build platforms and tools that build a healthy, rich eco-system online that is supportive of content. This is a new way of looking at content.

我们已经尝试构建平台和工具来构建健康,丰富的在线生态系统,以支持内容。 这是一种查看内容的新方法。

Google believes that Fast Flip solves issues associated slow browsing; it allows users to seamlessly flick through articles without unnatural delays. Is that really a problem and has Google cracked it?

Google相信Fast Flip解决了与缓慢浏览相关的问题; 它允许用户无缝浏览所有文章,而不会出现不自然的延迟。 这真的是一个问题吗,谷歌已经破解了吗?

The opening screen shows four configurable article sections with multiple tabs representing topics or sources. Each section contains a horizontally-scrolling area with article screenshot thumbnails. I’m not convinced the thumbnails are effective; they’re too small to be readable and few news stories contain helpful or relevant photographs. The headline text is shown below but it’s easy to miss it (the text is grabbed from the page’s <h1> tag; it works most of the time, but some publishers are better than others):

打开屏幕显示四个可配置的文章部分,其中多个标签代表主题或来源。 每个部分都包含一个水平滚动区域,其中包含文章屏幕截图缩略图。 我不认为缩略图有效; 它们太小而难以阅读,很少有新闻报导包含有用或相关的照片。 标题文本如下所示,但很容易错过(文本是从页面的<h1>标记中抓取的;它在大多数情况下都有效,但是有些发布商比其他发布商要好)

Clicking the thumbnail takes you to a larger and more readable screenshot. I initially found this a little bizarre — I’d expected to be taken to the actual article. However, it does allow you to read more of the story, quickly scroll to other articles, or use the pull-out navigator widget. It also provides Google with space to show advertising:

单击缩略图将带您到更大,更易读的屏幕截图。 最初,我发现这有点奇怪-我希望能被带到实际的文章中。 但是,它确实允许您故事,快速滚动至其他文章或使用拉出式导航器小部件。 它还为Google提供了展示广告的空间:

Finally, you can browse a series of stories from your chosen publisher or topic:


The interface is usable, although it works best on screens with a high vertical resolution. It looks cramped on a browser running on a 1024 x 768 screen. I suspect Google will address that issue, especially when they start supplying Chrome OS on netbooks.

该界面是可用的,尽管在垂直分辨率较高的屏幕上效果最佳。 在运行1024 x 768屏幕的浏览器上,它显得局促。 我怀疑Google会解决这个问题,尤其是当他们开始在上网本上提供Chrome操作系统时。

Fast Flip works in most browsers, including IE6 and several mobile devices (they’ve not published an official browser support list). JavaScript is required but it would be relatively easy to create a HTML/CSS-only version — perhaps Google will do that if the system becomes popular?

Fast Flip在大多数浏览器中都可以使用,包括IE6和一些移动设备(它们尚未发布官方的浏览器支持列表 )。 需要JavaScript,但是创建纯HTML / CSS版本相对容易-如果系统流行,也许Google会这样做吗?

But is there a need for Fast Flip? Will anyone use it? For years, techies have been aggregating their own topics using RSS; many feed readers and personal home pages offer a quicker and easier browsing experience. However, I accept that RSS has never been widely adopted outside the technical community. Could Fast Flip be a viable alternative to those users?

但是是否需要快速翻转? 有人会用吗? 多年来,技术人员一直在使用RSS来聚集自己的主题。 许多提要阅读器和个人主页提供了更快,更轻松的浏览体验。 但是,我接受RSS从未在技术社区之外被广泛采用。 Fast Flip是否可以替代这些用户?

Links and related reading:


  • Google Fast Flip


  • Google Chrome Operating System: the Facts and Fallacy

    Google Chrome操作系统:事实与谬论

  • 5 Reasons Why You Should Not Publish Supported Browser Lists





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