我试图对dep_list进行排序,这是一个包含员工信息(姓名、部门、职位、薪水)的字典列表。现在我想我已经按名字排序了,但是我想按姓氏排序。如果可能的话,不要把“name”分成两个不同的字符串。在#Function for adding employee information

def add_emp():

#Ask the user to add an employee

print("Enter the employee's information:\n")

#Input first and last name

name = str(input("What is the employee's name? ")).title()

#Input employee position

position = str(input("What is their position? ")).title()

#Input employee department

em_department = str(input("What is their department? ")).title()

#Make sure the salary is numeric


#Input employee salary

salary = round(float(input("What is their salary? ")), 2)

#Add information to a dictionary called employees

employees[name] = {"name": name, "position": position, "em_department": em_department, "salary": salary}


print("Salaries must be numeric, silly!")

#Function for adding employees to dictionary by department

def dep_emp():

#Go through all department names stored in the tuple

for x in dep_tup:

#Initialize department list each time to ensure correct sorting

dep_list = []

#Go through all employee dictionaries; when matched, add to the list associated with the corresponding key in the dep_dict dictionary

for names in employees:

if x == employees[names]["em_department"]:



dep_dict[x] = dep_list







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