
If you are a fan of Foobar2000 you undoubtedly have tweaked it to the point where you don’t want to set it all up again on a new machine. Here we look at how to transfer Foobar2000 settings to a new Windows 7 machine.

如果您是Foobar2000的粉丝,那么您无疑已经对其进行了调整,以至于您不想在新计算机上再次进行设置。 在这里,我们研究如何将Foobar2000设置转移到新的Windows 7计算机上。

Note: For this article we are transferring Foobar2000 settings from on Windows 7 machine to another over a network running Windows Home Server.

注意:对于本文,我们将Foobar2000设置从Windows 7计算机上通过运行Windows Home Server的网络转移到另一计算机上。



Foobar2000 is an awesome music player which is highly customizable and we’ve previously covered. Here we take a look at how it’s set up on the current machine. It’s a nothing flashy, but is set up for our needs and includes a lot of components and playlists.

Foobar2000是一款很棒的音乐播放器,高度可定制, 我们之前已经讨论过 。 在这里,我们看一下如何在当前计算机上进行设置。 它虽然没什么浮华,但可以满足我们的需求,并且包含许多组件和播放列表。

Backup Files


Rather than wasting time setting everything up again on a new machine, we can backup the important files and replace them on the new machine. First type or copy the following into the Explorer address bar.

我们可以将重要文件备份并替换到新计算机上,而不是浪费时间在新计算机上重新设置所有内容。 首先,将以下内容键入或复制到资源管理器地址栏中。


%appdata%\ foobar2000

Now copy all of the files in the folder and store them on a network drive or some type removable media or device.


New Machine


Now you can install the latest version of Foobar2000 on your new machine. You can go with a Standard install as we will be replacing our backed up configuration files anyway.

现在,您可以在新计算机上安装最新版本的Foobar2000。 您可以进行标准安装,因为无论如何我们将替换备份的配置文件。

When it launches, it will be set with all the defaults…and we want what we had back.


Browse to the following on the new machine…



%appdata%\ foobar2000

Delete all of the files in this directory…


Then replace them with the ones we backed up from the other machine.


You’ll also want to navigate to C:\Program Files\Foobar2000 and replace the existing Components folder with the backed up one.

您还需要导航到C:\ Program Files \ Foobar2000,然后用备份的文件夹替换现有的Components文件夹。

When you get the screen telling you there is already files of the same name, select Move and Replace, and check the box Do this for the next 6 conflicts.

当屏幕上显示已经存在相同名称的文件时,请选择“移动并替换”,然后选中“ 执行此操作以防止接下来的6个冲突 ”框。

Now we’re back in business! Everything is exactly as it was on the old machine.

现在我们重新营业! 一切都与旧机器上的完全一样。

In this example, we were moving the Foobar2000 files from a computer on the same home network. All the music is coming from a directory on our Windows Home Server so they hadn’t changed. If you’re moving these files to a computer on another machine… say your work computer, you’ll need to adjust where the music folders point to.

在此示例中,我们从同一家庭网络中的计算机上移动了Foobar2000文件。 所有音乐都来自Windows Home Server上的目录,因此它们没有改变。 如果要将这些文件移动到另一台计算机上的计算机上,例如工作计算机,则需要调整音乐文件夹指向的位置。

Windows XP

Windows XP

If you’re setting up Foobar2000 on an XP machine, you can enter the following into the Run line.



%appdata%\ foobar2000

Then copy your backed up files into the Foobar2000 folder, and remember to swap out the Components folder in C:\Program Files\Foobar2000.

然后将备份的文件复制到Foobar2000文件夹中,并记住要换出C:\ Program Files \ Foobar2000中的Components文件夹。

Confirm to replace the files and folders by clicking Yes to All




This method worked perfectly for us on our home network setup. There might be some other things that will need a bit of tweaking, but overall the process is quick and easy. There is a lot of cool things you can do with Foobar2000 like rip an audio CD to FlAC. If you’re a fan of Foobar2000 or considering switching to it, we will be covering more awesome features in future articles.

这种方法对我们在家庭网络设置中非常有效。 可能还有其他一些事情需要进行一些调整,但是总体而言,该过程是快速且容易的。 使用Foobar2000可以做很多很酷的事情,例如将音频CD翻录到FlAC 。 如果您是Foobar2000的粉丝或考虑切换到它,我们将在以后的文章中介绍更多很棒的功能。

Download Foobar2000 – Windows Only

下载Foobar2000 – 仅Windows




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