ESXi操作系统为6.5和6.7版本,执行/usr/lib/vmware/vmkmgmt_keyval/vmkmgmt_keyval -a命令。[root@localhost:~] /usr/lib/vmware/vmkmgmt_keyval/vmkmgmt_keyval -a

Listing all system keys:

Key Value Instance: vmhba3/Emulex

Listing keys:




lpfc Adapter Page

Emulex LightPulse FC SCSI 10.2.309.8

EMC LPe12002-E 8Gb 2-port PCIe Fibre Channel Adapter on PCI bus 0000:05 device 00 fn 1 port 1 Link Speed: 8000 Gb


FW Version: 2.00A5

HW Version: 31004549

ROM Version:5.03a13


Vendor Id:f10010df




value:Configuration Parameters for lpfc1

Name Low High Dflt Current Description

log-verbose 0 7fffffff 0 0 Verbose logging bit-mask

lun-queue-depth 1 200 1e 1e Max number of FCP commands we can queue to a specific LUN

devloss-tmo 1 ff a 1 Seconds driver hold I/O waiting for a loss device to return

use-adisc 0 1 0 0 Use ADISC on rediscovery to authenticate FCP devices

first-burst-size 0 10000 0 0 First burst size for Targets that support first burst

max-scsicmpl-time 0 ea60 0 0 Use command completion time to control queue depth

fcp2-no-tgt-reset 0 1 0 0 Determine bus reset behavior for FCP2 devices 0-issue tgt reset, 1-no tgt reset

topology 0 6 0 0 Select Fibre Channel topology: valid values are 0,1,2,4,6. See driver manual

link-speed 0 10 0 0 Select link speed: [ 2 4 8 ] or 0 for auto negotiate

task-mgmt-tmo 5 b4 3c 3c Maximum time to wait for task management commands to complete

XLanePriority 0 7f 0 0 CS_CTL for ExpressLane.

compression-log 5 15180 12c 12c Frequency compression logs are written (seconds)

throttle-log-cnt 1 3e8 a a Do not exceed this number of messages logged within throttle_log_time

throttle-log-time 1 3c 1 1 Do not exceed throttle_log_cnt within this limit (seconds)




value:Configuration Parameters for lpfc0

Name Low High Dflt Current Description

log-verbose 0 7fffffff 0 0 Verbose logging bit-mask

lun-queue-depth 1 200 1e 1e Max number of FCP commands we can queue to a specific LUN

devloss-tmo 1 ff a 1 Seconds driver hold I/O waiting for a loss device to return

use-adisc 0 1 0 0 Use ADISC on rediscovery to authenticate FCP devices

first-burst-size 0 10000 0 0 First burst size for Targets that support first burst

max-scsicmpl-time 0 ea60 0 0 Use command completion time to control queue depth

fcp2-no-tgt-reset 0 1 0 0 Determine bus reset behavior for FCP2 devices 0-issue tgt reset, 1-no tgt reset

topology 0 6 0 0 Select Fibre Channel topology: valid values are 0,1,2,4,6. See driver manual

link-speed 0 10 0 0 Select link speed: [ 2 4 8 ] or 0 for auto negotiate

task-mgmt-tmo 5 b4 3c 3c Maximum time to wait for task management commands to complete

XLanePriority 0 7f 0 0 CS_CTL for ExpressLane.

compression-log 5 15180 12c 12c Frequency compression logs are written (seconds)

throttle-log-cnt 1 3e8 a a Do not exceed this number of messages logged within throttle_log_time

throttle-log-time 1 3c 1 1 Do not exceed throttle_log_cnt within this limit (seconds)


Module Parameters


ql2xloadfwbin = 1

ql2xdbwr = 1

ql2xbypass_log_throttle = 0

ql2xt10protmask = 85

ql2xt10enable = 1

ql2xt10guard = 3

ql2xenablehba_err_chk = 2

qlfxdisablewatchdogtimer = 0

qlfxdisablereset = 0

qlfxmaxqdepth = 32

qlfxmaxqueues = 1

qlfxmaxlun = 65535

qlfxtargetreset = 1

qlfxcmdtimeout = 20

qlfxmaxsgs = 0

qlfxmaxxfersize = 0

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