本打算做一个从RE到NFA的转换器,思路已经理清了,但是在动手做的时候,遇到了很多问题,有些技术难点都遗忘了,包括如何定义闭包,如何利用递归来实现。 于是回头重新拾起这些技术,边学边思考,做了个四则运算器练练手,为着那个大目标做准备。

基本的思路是这样的: 根据输入的四则运算表达式,生成一棵二叉树,树的根节点是操作符,而子树可能是叶子节点,即数字。也可能是另一个运算表达式。生成树的规则是,对每一个节点产生一个相应的type值,type值越大,就在树的越靠上节点。基本原则是: 数字(10) < 乘除运算(20) < 加减运算(30)。 括号被当做是一种特殊的符号,并不会在二叉树上显示出来,相应的,它会影响到在括号内出现符号的type值,每嵌套一层括号,就会将type值减少100, 这样确保了括号内的内容在树的最底层。 当二叉树构造好了之后,利用递归,将左树的计算结果与右树的结果,根据根操作符计算出结果。 举例:10 生成树只有一个节点,同时也是根节点,返回值便是根节点值。 举例: 10 + 2首先生成根节点为10,但当读入+时,+的type值比10高,因此上移,并成为新的跟节点,最后加入2,因为2比+type值小,因此作为右子节点。 举例: 10 + 2 * 5当读入*时,*的type值比2大,因此上移,同时又比+的type值小,因此就在+与2之间插入新的节点。 举例: 10 + 2 *(2 + 3)当读入(时,后面所产生的所有Node的type值会相应的-100, 因此括号内的+的type值就会比外面的*小,但是仍然比括号内的数字大,这样保证了在树中,2+3会先执行。当读入)时,offset清零。

public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) {

String exp = "(10 + 15) * 3 - 20 * 6 /5 - (8 + 14(2- 1))2 + 11(12 - 11)5";

//String exp = "12";

Main main = new Main();

Main.index = 0;

char[] input = main.prepare(exp.toCharArray());

System.out.println(main.cal(input)); }


* Actual calculate method.

* @param exp

* @return

*/ public int cal(char[] exp) {

Node root = buildTree(exp);

return calculate(root); }


* Prepare the exp, remove empty space or \n.

* Also the method will add losing * in below cases:

* 10(3-1)



* (3-1)10




* @param exp

* @return

*/ public char[] prepare(char[] exp) {

char[] worklist = new char[exp.length];

int j = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < exp.length; i++) {

char c = exp[i];

if (c == ' ' || c == '\n') {


} else {

if (c == '(') { // Handle the abbreviated * for (

if(j == 0 || isCalculator(worklist[j - 1])) {

//Do nothing.

} else {

worklist[j++] = '*';


worklist[j++] = c;

} else if (c == ')') {// Handle the abbreviated * for )

worklist[j++] = c;

while((i == exp.length - 1) || (exp[++i] == ' ')) {

//Do nothing.


if(isCalculator(exp[i]) || exp[i] == ')') {

//Do nothing.

} else {

worklist[j++] = '*';



} else {

worklist[j++] = c;




char[] result = new char[j];

System.arraycopy(worklist, 0, result, 0, j);

return result; }


* Check if c is a calculator or not.

* @param c

* @return

*/ private boolean isCalculator(char c) {

if(c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '*' || c == '/') {

return true;


return false; }


* Calculate the tree.


* @param node

* @return

*/ private int calculate(Node node) {

if(node.isLeaf()) return Integer.parseInt(node.value);

if(node.value.equals("+")) {

return calculate(node.leftChild) + calculate(node.rightChild);

} else if(node.value.equals("-")) {

return calculate(node.leftChild) - calculate(node.rightChild);

} else if(node.value.equals("*")) {

return calculate(node.leftChild) * calculate(node.rightChild);

}else {

return calculate(node.leftChild) / calculate(node.rightChild);

} }


* Build a tree like this:


* 10 * (3 + 5)


* ------ 10




------ +




------- 3


------- 5

* @param exp

* @return

*/ private Node buildTree(char[] exp) {

Node root = null;

Node working = null;

while(true) {

Node node = readNext(exp);

if(node == null) break;

if(root == null) {

root = node;

working = node;



if(node.type > working.type) {

Node parent = working.parent;

boolean isLeft = false;

while(parent != null && node.type >= parent.type) {

isLeft = parent.isLeft;

working = parent;

parent = parent.parent;


if(parent == null) {

working.parent = node;

node.leftChild = working;

working.isLeft = true;

root = node;

} else {

Node tmp = isLeft ? parent.leftChild : parent.rightChild;

if(isLeft) {

parent.leftChild = node;

} else {

parent.rightChild = node;


node.isLeft = isLeft;

node.parent = parent;

tmp.parent = node;

node.leftChild = tmp;

tmp.isLeft = true;


} else {

working.rightChild = node;

node.isLeft = false;

node.parent = working;


working = node;


return root; }

private static int index = 0; // Read the next node, it possible to be a number, a calculator or just space. private Node readNext(char[] exp) {

if(index >= exp.length) return null;

Node node = new Node();

char c = exp[index++];

if(Character.isDigit(c)) {

node.type = Node.NUMBER + offset;

StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();


for(; index < exp.length; index++) {

char tmp = exp[index];

if(Character.isDigit(tmp)) {


} else {




node.value = sb.toString();

} else if (c == '*' || c == '/') {

node.type = Node.MUL_DEL + offset;

node.value = Character.toString(c);

}else if (c == '+' || c == '-') {

node.type = Node.PLUS_MINUS + offset;

node.value = Character.toString(c);

} else if(c == '(') {


return readNext(exp);

}else if(c == ')') {


return readNext(exp);


return node; }

// Every type in the embrace will have to add a offset as their type. private static int offset = 0; public static void increaseOffset() {

offset = offset - 100; }

public static void decreaseOffset() {

offset = offset + 100; }


* Helping class.


*/ class Node {

private int type = 10;

private Node parent = null;

private Node leftChild = null;

private Node rightChild = null;

private boolean isLeft = false;

private String value = null;

public Node() {


public static final int NUMBER = 10;

public static final int MUL_DEL = 20;

public static final int PLUS_MINUS = 30;

public static final int EMBRACE = -100;

public boolean isLeaf() {

if(leftChild == null && rightChild == null) {

return true;


return false;


public int getType() {

return type;


public void setType(int type) {

this.type = type;


public Node getParent() {

return parent;


public void setParent(Node parent) {

this.parent = parent;


public Node getLeftChild() {

return leftChild;


public void setLeftChild(Node leftChild) {

this.leftChild = leftChild;


public Node getRightChild() {

return rightChild;


public void setRightChild(Node rightChild) {

this.rightChild = rightChild;


public boolean isLeft() {

return isLeft;


public void setLeft(boolean isLeft) {

this.isLeft = isLeft;


public String getValue() {

return value;


public void setValue(String value) {

this.value = value;

} }}


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