在我的Mint Debian上,安装KDE桌面环境,再后来进入KDE安装或者卸载软件的时候,时不时的出现这样的错误提示:

Unknown media type in type 'all/all'
Unknown media type in type 'all/allfiles'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/mms'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmst'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmsu'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/pnm'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspt'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspu'
Unknown media type in type 'interface/x-winamp-skin'


sudo cp /usr/share/mime/packages/kde.xml /usr/share/mime

That section right there is the problem. Just delete it. If anything else gives you crap, delete that too. Mainly just search around the kde.xml and look for sections like that. Delete anything that shows up as an unknown media type. If you need to view the error list again, to see if you're missing anything, run the following and it will output all of the "Unknown media type in type" errors.

update-mime-database /usr/share/mime
  <mime-type type="interface/x-winamp-skin">    <sub-class-of type="application/zip"/>    <comment>compressed Winamp skin</comment>    <glob pattern="*.wsz"/>  </mime-type>


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