import random,sys,os

num = random.sample(range(1,21),5)





person1 = int(input('请输入你要买的数字:'))

person2 = int(input('请输入你要买的数字:'))

person3 = int(input('请输入你要买的数字:'))

person4 = int(input('请输入你要买的数字:'))

person5 = int(input('请输入你要买的数字:'))

if person1 > 20 or person2 > 20 or person3 > 20 or person4 > 20 or person5 > 20:



if person1 == person2 or person1 == person3 or person1 == person4 or person1 == person5 or person2 == person3 or person2 == person4 or person2 == person5 or person3 == person4 or person3 == person5 or person4 == person5:



if person2 in num and person3 in num and person4 in num and person5 in num and person1 in num:


if person1 in num:

if person2 not in num and person3 not in num and person4 not in num and person5 not in num:


if person2 in num and person3 not in num and person4 not in num and person5 not in num:


if person2 in num and person3 in num and person4 not in num and person5 not in num:


if person2 in num and person3 in num and person4 in num and person5 not in num:


if person2 in num:

if person1 not in num and person3 not in num and person4 not in num and person5 not in num:


if person1 in num and person3 not in num and person4 not in num and person5 not in num:


if person1 in num and person3 in num and person4 not in num and person5 not in num:


if person1 in num and person3 in num and person4 in num and person5 not in num:


if person3 in num:

if person1 not in num and person2 not in num and person4 not in num and person5 not in num:


if person1 in num and person2 not in num and person4 not in num and person5 not in num:


if person1 in num and person2 in num and person4 not in num and person5 not in num:


if person1 in num and person2 in num and person4 in num and person5 not in num:


if person4 in num:

if person1 not in num and person2 not in num and person3 not in num and person5 not in num:


if person1 in num and person2 not in num and person3 not in num and person5 not in num:


if person1 in num and person2 in num and person3 not in num and person5 not in num:


if person1 in num and person2 in num and person3 in num and person5 not in num:


if person5 in num:

if person1 not in num and person2 not in num and person3 not in num and person4 not in num:


if person1 in num and person2 not in num and person3 not in num and person4 not in num:


if person1 in num and person2 in num and person3 not in num and person4 not in num:


if person1 in num and person2 in num and person3 in num and person4 not in num:


if person1 not in num and person2 not in num and person3 not in num and person4 not in num and person5 not in num:


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