
{"images": [{"sentids": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], "imgid": 0, "sentences": [{"tokens": ["a", "black", "dog", "is", "running", "after", "a", "white", "dog", "in", "the", "snow"], "raw": "A black dog is running after a white dog in the snow .", "imgid": 0, "sentid": 0}, {"tokens": ["black", "dog", "chasing", "brown", "dog", "through", "snow"], "raw": "Black dog chasing brown dog through snow", "imgid": 0, "sentid": 1}, {"tokens": ["two", "dogs", "chase", "each", "other", "across", "the", "snowy", "ground"], "raw": "Two dogs chase each other across the snowy ground .", "imgid": 0, "sentid": 2}, {"tokens": ["two", "dogs", "play", "together", "in", "the", "snow"], "raw": "Two dogs play together in the snow .", "imgid": 0, "sentid": 3}, {"tokens": ["two", "dogs", "running", "through", "a", "low", "lying", "body", "of", "water"], "raw": "Two dogs running through a low lying body of water .", "imgid": 0, "sentid": 4}], "split": "train", "filename": "2513260012_03d33305cf.jpg"}, {"sentids": [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], "imgid": 1, "sentences": [{"tokens": ["a", "little", "baby", "plays", "croquet"], "raw": "A little baby plays croquet .", "imgid": 1, "sentid": 5}, {"tokens": ["a", "little", "girl", "plays", "croquet", "next", "to", "a", "truck"], "raw": "A little girl plays croquet next to a truck .", "imgid": 1, "sentid": 6}, {"tokens": ["the", "child", "is", "playing", "croquette", "by", "the", "truck"], "raw": "The child is playing croquette by the truck .", "imgid": 1, "sentid": 7}, {"tokens": ["the", "kid", "is", "in", "front", "of", "a", "car", "with", "a", "put", "and", "a", "ball"], "raw": "The kid is in front of a car with a put and a ball .", "imgid": 1, "sentid": 8}, {"tokens": ["the", "little", "boy", "is", "playing", "with", "a", "croquet", "hammer", "and", "ball", "beside", "the", "car"], "raw": "The little boy is playing with a croquet hammer and ball beside the car .", "imgid": 1, "sentid": 9}], "split": "train", "filename": "2903617548_d3e38d7f88.jpg"}, {"sentids": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "imgid": 2, "sentences": [{"tokens": ["a", "brown", "dog", "in", "the", "snow", "has", "something", "hot", "pink", "in", "its", "mouth"], "raw": "A brown dog in the snow has something hot pink in its mouth .", "imgid": 2, "sentid": 10}, {"tokens": ["a", "brown", "dog", "in", "the", "snow", "holding", "a", "pink", "hat"], "raw": "A brown dog in the snow holding a pink hat .", "imgid": 2, "sentid": 11}, {"tokens": ["a", "brown", "dog", "is", "holding", "a", "pink", "shirt", "in", "the", "snow"], "raw": "A brown dog is holding a pink shirt in the snow .", "imgid": 2, "sentid": 12}, {"tokens": ["a", "dog", "is", "carrying", "something", "pink", "in", "its", "mouth", "while", "walking", "through", "the", "snow"], "raw": "A dog is carrying something pink in its mouth while walking through the snow .", "imgid": 2, "sentid": 13}, {"tokens": ["a", "dog", "with", "something", "pink", "in", "its", "mouth", "is", "looking", "forward"], "raw": "A dog with something pink in its mouth is looking forward .", "imgid": 2, "sentid": 14}], "split": "train", "filename": "3338291921_fe7ae0c8f8.jpg"}, {"sentids": [15, 16, 17, 18, 19], "imgid": 3, "sentences": [{"tokens": ["a", "brown", "dog", "is", "running", "along", "a", "beach"], "raw": "A brown dog is running along a beach .", "imgid": 3, "sentid": 15}, {"tokens": ["a", "brown", "dog", "wearing", "a", "black", "collar", "running", "across", "the", "beach"], "raw": "A brown dog wearing a black collar running across the beach .", "imgid": 3, "sentid": 16}, {"tokens": ["a", "dog", "walks", "on", "the", "sand", "near", "the", "water"], "raw": "A dog walks on the sand near the water .", "imgid": 3, "sentid": 17}, {"tokens": ["brown", "dog", "running", "on", "the", "beach"], "raw": "Brown dog running on the beach .", "imgid": 3, "sentid": 18}, {"tokens": ["the", "large", "brown", "dog", "is", "running", "on", "the", "beach", "by", "the", "ocean"], "raw": "The large brown dog is running on the beach by the ocean .", "imgid": 3, "sentid": 19}], "split": "train", "filename": "488416045_1c6d903fe0.jpg"}, {"sentids": [20, 21, 22,
{"images": [{"sentids": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], "imgid": 0, "sentences": [{"tokens": ["two", "young", "guys", "with", "shaggy", "hair", "look", "at", "their", "hands", "while", "hanging", "out", "in", "the", "yard"], "raw": "Two young guys with shaggy hair look at their hands while hanging out in the yard.", "imgid": 0, "sentid": 0}, {"tokens": ["two", "young", "white", "males", "are", "outside", "near", "many", "bushes"], "raw": "Two young, White males are outside near many bushes.", "imgid": 0, "sentid": 1}, {"tokens": ["two", "men", "in", "green", "shirts", "are", "standing", "in", "a", "yard"], "raw": "Two men in green shirts are standing in a yard.", "imgid": 0, "sentid": 2}, {"tokens": ["a", "man", "in", "a", "blue", "shirt", "standing", "in", "a", "garden"], "raw": "A man in a blue shirt standing in a garden.", "imgid": 0, "sentid": 3}, {"tokens": ["two", "friends", "enjoy", "time", "spent", "together"], "raw": "Two friends enjoy time spent together.", "imgid": 0, "sentid": 4}], "split": "train", "filename": "1000092795.jpg"}, {"sentids": [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], "imgid": 1, "sentences": [{"tokens": ["several", "men", "in", "hard", "hats", "are", "operating", "a", "giant", "pulley", "system"], "raw": "Several men in hard hats are operating a giant pulley system.", "imgid": 1, "sentid": 5}, {"tokens": ["workers", "look", "down", "from", "up", "above", "on", "a", "piece", "of", "equipment"], "raw": "Workers look down from up above on a piece of equipment.", "imgid": 1, "sentid": 6}, {"tokens": ["two", "men", "working", "on", "a", "machine", "wearing", "hard", "hats"], "raw": "Two men working on a machine wearing hard hats.", "imgid": 1, "sentid": 7}, {"tokens": ["four", "men", "on", "top", "of", "a", "tall", "structure"], "raw": "Four men on top of a tall structure.", "imgid": 1, "sentid": 8}, {"tokens": ["three", "men", "on", "a", "large", "rig"], "raw": "Three men on a large rig.", "imgid": 1, "sentid": 9}], "split": "train", "filename": "10002456.jpg"}, {"sentids": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "imgid": 2, "sentences": [{"tokens": ["a", "child", "in", "a", "pink", "dress", "is", "climbing", "up", "a", "set", "of", "stairs", "in", "an", "entry", "way"], "raw": "A child in a pink dress is climbing up a set of stairs in an entry way.", "imgid": 2, "sentid": 10}, {"tokens": ["a", "little", "girl", "in", "a", "pink", "dress", "going", "into", "a", "wooden", "cabin"], "raw": "A little girl in a pink dress going into a wooden cabin.", "imgid": 2, "sentid": 11}, {"tokens": ["a", "little", "girl", "climbing", "the", "stairs", "to", "her", "playhouse"], "raw": "A little girl climbing the stairs to her playhouse.", "imgid": 2, "sentid": 12}, {"tokens": ["a", "little", "girl", "climbing", "into", "a", "wooden", "playhouse"], "raw": "A little girl climbing into a wooden playhouse.", "imgid": 2, "sentid": 13}, {"tokens": ["a", "girl", "going", "into", "a", "wooden", "building"], "raw": "A girl going into a wooden building.", "imgid": 2, "sentid": 14}], "split": "train", "filename": "1000268201.jpg"}, {"sentids": [15, 16, 17, 18, 19], "imgid": 3, "sentences": [{"tokens": ["someone", "in", "a", "blue", "shirt", "and", "hat", "is", "standing", "on", "stair", "and", "leaning", "against", "a", "window"], "raw": "Someone in a blue shirt and hat is standing on stair and leaning against a window.", "imgid": 3, "sentid": 15}, {"tokens": ["a", "man", "in", "a", "blue", "shirt", "is", "standing", "on", "a", "ladder", "cleaning", "a", "window"], "raw": "A man in a blue shirt is standing on a ladder cleaning a window.", "imgid": 3, "sentid": 16}, {"tokens": ["a", "man", "on", "a", "ladder", "cleans", "the", "window", "of", "a", "tall", "building"], "raw": "A man on a ladder cleans the window of a tall building.", "imgid": 3, "sentid": 17}, {"tokens": ["man", "in", "blue", "shirt", "and", "jeans", "on", "ladder", "cleaning", "windows"], "raw": "Man in blue shirt and jeans on ladder cleaning windows", "imgid": 3, "sentid": 18}, {"tokens": ["a", "man", "on", "a", "ladder", "cleans", "a", "window"], "raw": "A man on a ladder cleans a window", "imgid": 3, "sentid": 1


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