
此次是安装shareplex926版本,oracle数据库版本是11.2.0.4,操作系统是red hat 6.8


  • 1.解压安装包

$ tar xvf  SharePlex-9.2.6-b31-rhel-amd64-m64.tar

  • 2. 开始安装


$ ./SharePlex-9.2.6-b31-oracle110-rh-40-amd64-m64.tpm


Unpacking ...................

SharePlex installation program:

SharePlex Version: 9.2.6

Build platform: rh-40-amd64

Target platform: rh-40-amd64

Please enter the product directory location?  /splex           --输入产品目录存放位置

Please enter the variable data directory location?  /splex/vardir   --输入变量目录存放位置

Please specify the SharePlex Admin group (select a number):

1. [oinstall]

2. asmdba

3. dba

4. oper

?  3      --指定管理组,这里选择dba组

Please wait while the installer obtains Oracle information ..

Please enter the ORACLE_SID that corresponds to this installation? [orcl1] orcl1   --本地实例名,不是TNS别名

Please enter the ORACLE_HOME directory that corresponds to this ORACLE_SID? [/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1]

Please enter the TCP/IP port number for SharePlex communications? [2100] 2200  --端口号

Preparing to install SharePlex for Oracle v.9.2.6:

User:                     oracle

Admin Group:              dba

Product Directory:         /splex

Variable Data Directory:  /splex/vardir

ORACLE_SID:               orcl1

ORACLE_HOME:              /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1

Proceed with installation? [yes] yes

Installing ...........

Do you have a valid SharePlex v. 9.1.2 license? [yes] yes                           --是否有许可证

Please enter the License key? **************************************************    --许可证密匙

Please enter the customer name associated with this license key? **********   --账户名

SharePlex v. 9.2.6 license validation successful:

Customer Name:      ****************************

License Key:       ******************************************

Product Name:       SharePlex for Oracle - RAC

License Key Type:   "Trial Key"

Expires:            at Midnight of Aug 01, 2020

NOTE: You can upgrade this license key or add license keys for additional machines

by executing utility /goldengate/splex/install/splex_add_key.

Installation log saved to: /home/oracle/.shareplex/INSTALL-SharePlex-9.2.6-1807031442.log

SharePlex for Oracle v.9.2.6 installation successful.

  • 3.配置与数据库连接


进入 /splex/bin,执行./ora_setup


$ ./ora_setup

Welcome to the Oracle SharePlex setup process for port 2200.

This process creates tables and user accounts needed to run

Oracle SharePlex replication.

Will the SharePlex install be using a BEQUEATH connection? (Entering 'n' implies a SQL*net connection)  [y] : n 选n

Are you configuring SharePlex for an AWS RDS Database? (Entering 'n' implies non-RDS database)  [n] : n  --选n

Please note the following:

** In response to prompts, a carriage return will choose the default

given in brackets.  If there is no default, a reply must be entered.

** To exit the program while the program is waiting for input, use the

CTRL-C key sequence.

This sequences can be entered by holding down the CONTROL key and

pressing the C key.

Enter the TNS alias for which SharePlex should be installed (Blank to abort) : orcl     --此处为配置的TNS别名

Verifying TNS supplied ... done.

In order to create the SharePlex tables and user account, we must

connect to the database as a DBA user

Enter a DBA user for splexdb  : system        --system用户

Enter password for the DBA account, which will not echo. Note: It is not necessary to append the TNS alias to the password with an @ sign : passwd              --system用户的登录密码

connecting--This may take a few seconds.

validating user name and password. . . This may take a few seconds.

SharePlex objects will need to be created under a special

account.  You can pick an existing user or create a new one.

Would you like to create a new SharePlex user ? [y] : y             --是否新建用户,选择是

NOTE: Appending the tns alias to the password via @ sign is not needed.

Enter username for new user [splex/splex] : splex               --splex用户(一个新建的数据库用户)

Enter password for new user : splex                          --splex用户的密码

Re-enter password for new user : splex                       --密码确认

Warning:  This user is now being granted unlimited tablespace.

This privilege will remain in effect until it is explicitly changed.

SPLEX_ROLE_BOTH  already exists; continuing setup . . .

Do you want to enable replication of tables with TDE? [n] : n     --这里选择n

To enable replication of tables with TDE in the future, please rerun ora_setup.

Setup will now install SharePlex objects.

These are the existing tablespaces.


Enter the default tablespace for use by SharePlex [USERS] : SPLEX           --指定默认表空间

Enter the temporary tablespace for use by SharePlex [TEMP] : TEMP         --指定临时表空间

Enter the index tablespace for use by SharePlex [ ] : USERS                 --指定索引表空间

Creating SharePlex objects [Installation type: Fresh]. . .

Creating SharePlex Oracle-timezone-region map . . . Done.

Creating Conflict Resolution Package . . . Done.

Creating SharePlex Dataequator package . . .

Loading Compare Package from "/goldengate/splex/proce/util/sp_deq_pkg.plb"...Done.

Loading Compare Varray Package from "/goldengate/splex/proce/util/sp_deq_v_pkg.plb"...Done.

Will the current setup for sid: [splexdb] be used as source (including cases as source for failover or master-master setups)?  [y] : y           --选y

ASM detected.  Do you wish to connect to ASM using BEQUEATH connection?  [y] : y    --选y

Enter the ASM Sid to be used by SharePlex:  [+ASM1] : +ASM1            --本地asm实例名

Make sure that $SP_SYS_PRODDIR/.app-modules/adminize is owned by a user who also belongs in the ASM admin group.

SharePlex ASM support enabled.

Checking for Exadata.

Setup of SharePlex objects successful . . .

Changing SharePlex connection database . . .

Setup completed successfully

  • ​​​​​​​4.验证链路是否正常

设置环境变量:将export SP_SYS_VARDIR=/splex/vardir添加到.bash_profile里面,然后刷新一下环境变量

注意:设置好环境变量,确保sp_ctrl命令目录路径为新路径(查看方式which sp_ctrl)

$ sp_cop -u 2200 &           --启动shareplex

$ sp_ctrl                            --进入shareplex

sp_ctrl> edit config ORA_config                        --根据实际情况编辑配置文件

sp_ctrl> activate config ORA_config                 --激活配置文件



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