
TTL is the short code for Time To Live. TTL is located in IP packets where it is used to hold the count of intermediate hops. TTL is value is set by source host. Windows operating system set it to 64 where Linux operating systems set to 128. Every router or intermediate host the packet pass will decrease the TTL value of the IP packet.

TTL是生存时间的简称。 TTL位于IP数据包中,用于保存中间跃点的计数。 TTL是由源主机设置的值。 Windows操作系统将其设置为64,Linux操作系统将其设置为128。每台路由器或中间主机的数据包传递都会减少IP数据包的TTL值。

TTL generally used with different network troubleshooting tools like tracert, ping etc. TTL value provides the intermediate host counts.


追踪到Google (Trace To Google)

In this part we will trace to the  where there is no TTL related restriction for IP packet transfer.  We will use tracepath  command with the remote host name which is .

在这一部分中,我们将跟踪到 ,其中IP数据包传输没有与TTL相关的限制。 我们将使用tracepath命令使用远程主机名

$ tracepath

Trace To Google

啤酒花太多 (Too Many Hops)

Now we will set very low TTL value where it will reach 0 in 4. hop. We will use -m with the 4 which is TTL.

现在,我们将设置非常低的TTL值,使其在4跳中达到0。 我们将-m与TTL一起使用4。

$ tracepath -m 4

Too Many Hops

解决方案或解决方案–增加TTL值(Solution or Fix – Increase The TTL Value)

We will change the TTL value to the 255 which is the maximum and works like a charm. If it is not working there is loop in the network between source and destination.

我们将TTL值更改为最大值255,并且像超级按钮一样工作。 如果它不起作用,则源和目标之间的网络中存在环路。

$ tracepath -m 255

Increase The TTL Value
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LEARN MORE  Windows Netstat Command Tutorial

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