
The PVS-Studio 7.04 release coincided with the release of the Warnings Next Generation 6.0.0 plugin for Jenkins. Right in this release Warnings NG Plugin added support of the PVS-Studio static code analyzer. This plugin visualizes data related to compiler warnings or other analysis tools in Jenkins. This article will cover in detail how to install and configure this plugin to use it with PVS-Studio, and will describe most of its features.

PVS-Studio 7.04发布与Jenkins的Warnings Next Generation 6.0.0插件发布同时发生。 在此版本中,警告NG插件增加了对PVS-Studio静态代码分析器的支持。 该插件可以可视化与Jenkins中的编译器警告或其他分析工具有关的数据。 本文将详细介绍如何安装和配置此插件以将其与PVS-Studio一起使用,并将介绍其大多数功能。

在Jenkins中安装警告下一代插件 (Installation of Warning Next Generation Plugin in Jenkins)

By default, Jenkins is located at http://localhost:8080. On the front page of Jenkins on the top left, choose the item «Manage Jenkins»:

默认情况下,Jenkins位于http:// localhost:8080 。 在左上方的詹金斯首页上,选择项目“管理詹金斯”:

Next, select «Manage Plugins» and open the «Available» tab:


In the top right corner, enter «Warnings Next Generation» in the filter field:


Find the plugin in the list, put a tick on the left and click «Install without restart»:


The plugin installation page will open. It will show us the results of the plugin installation:

插件安装页面将打开。 它将向我们显示插件安装的结果:

在詹金斯中创建新任务 (Creating a New Task in Jenkins)

Now let's create a free configuration task. On the main Jenkins page, choose «New Item». Enter the project name (for example, WTM) and choose «Freestyle project».

现在让我们创建一个免费的配置任务。 在詹金斯主页上,选择“新项目”。 输入项目名称(例如WTM),然后选择“自由式项目”。

Click «Ok», then the task configuration page will open. Open the list «Add post-build action» at the bottom of this page in the item «Post-build Actions». In the list, select «Record compiler warnings and static analysis results»:

单击«确定»,将打开任务配置页面。 在页面底部的“后构建动作”项中打开列表“添加后构建动作”。 在列表中,选择“记录编译器警告和静态分析结果”:

In the drop-down list of the field «Tool» choose «PVS-Studio» and then click save. On the task page, click «Build Now» to create a folder in Jenkins' workspace for our task:

在“工具”字段的下拉列表中,选择“ PVS-Studio”,然后单击“保存”。 在任务页面上,单击“立即构建”以在Jenkins的工作区中为我们的任务创建一个文件夹:

获取项目构建结果 (Getting Project Build Results)

Today I stumbled upon the project dotnetcore/WTM in Github trends. I downloaded it from Github, pasted in the WTM build directory in Jenkins and analyzed in Visual Studio using the PVS-Studio analyzer. A detailed description of PVS-Studio usage in Visual Studio is given in the same name article: PVS-Studio for Visual Studio.

今天,我偶然发现了Github趋势下的dotnetcore / WTM项目。 我从Github下载了它,粘贴到Jenkins的WTM构建目录中,并使用PVS-Studio分析器在Visual Studio中进行了分析。 相同名称的文章中提供了PVS-Studio在Visual Studio中的使用的详细说明: PVS-Studio for Visual Studio 。

After that, I ran the project build in Jenkins a couple of times. As a result, a graph appeared on the right at the top of the WTM task page in Jenkins. A menu item PVS-Studio Warnings appeared on the left:

之后,我在詹金斯运行了几次项目构建。 结果,在Jenkins中WTM任务页面顶部的右侧出现了一个图形。 菜单项PVS-Studio警告显示在左侧:

By clicking the graph or this menu item, you'll open the page with visualization of the PVS-Studio analyzer report by the plugin Warnings Next Generation:

通过单击图形或此菜单项,您将通过插件Warnings Next Generation打开带有PVS-Studio分析仪报告可视化的页面:

结果页 (Results Page)

There are two pie charts on the top of the page. To the right of these charts, there is a graph window. A table is at the bottom.

页面顶部有两个饼图。 这些图表的右侧有一个图形窗口。 表格在底部。

The left pie chart shows the ratio of warnings of different levels of danger, on the right — the ratio of new, outstanding and fixed warnings. There are three graphs. You can choose the graphs to display using the arrows on the left and right. First two graphs show the same information as charts and the third one shows the number a change in the number of warnings.

左侧的饼形图显示了不同危险级别的警告比率,右侧是新警告,未解决警告和固定警告的比率。 有三个图。 您可以使用左右箭头选择要显示的图形。 前两个图形显示的信息与图表相同,第三个图形显示的数字表示警告数量的变化。

You can choose builds or days as graph points.


It is also possible to narrow and expand the time range of the graphs to see the data for a certain period:


You can hide the graphs of certain metrics by clicking on the metric designation in the legend of the graph:


The graph after hiding the «Normal» metric:


The table at the bottom displays the analyzer report data. When you click on the pie sector, the table is filtered:

底部的表格显示分析仪报告数据。 当您单击饼图扇区时,将对表进行过滤:

There are several bookmarks in the table to filter the data. In this example, filtering is available by namespace, file, category (warning name). In the table, you can choose the number of warnings to display per page (10, 25, 50, 100):

表中有几个书签可以过滤数据。 在此示例中,可以按名称空间,文件,类别(警告名称)进行过滤。 在表格中,您可以选择每页显示的警告数(10、25、50、100):

You can filter data by a line entered in the «Search» field. An example of filtering by the word «Base»:

您可以通过在“搜索”字段中输入的行来过滤数据。 以“ Base”一词过滤的示例:

On the «Issues» tab, when you click on the plus at the top of the table line, a short warning description will be displayed:


The short description contains a link to the site with detailed information on this warning.


When you click on the values in the «Package», «Category», «Type», «Severity» columns, the table's data is filtered by the chosen value. Filtering by category:

单击“包装”,“类别”,“类型”,“严重性”列中的值时,表中的数据将按选定的值进行过滤。 按类别过滤:

The column «Age» shows the number of builds with a certain warning. When clicking the value in the column «Age», a build page will open when a certain warning has first appeared.

«Age»列显示带有特定警告的构建数量。 单击“年龄”(Age)列中的值时,首次出现某个警告时,将打开一个构建页面。

When clicking the value in the column «File», the file's source code will open on the line with the code that caused the warning. If a file is absent in the build directory or was removed after creating the report, opening the file's source code will be unavailable.

单击“文件”列中的值时,文件的源代码将在包含引起警告的代码的行上打开。 如果构建目录中没有文件,或者在创建报告后将其删除,则打开文件的源代码将不可用。

结论 (Conclusion)

Warnings Next Generation turned out to be a very convenient tool for data visualization in Jenkins. We hope that support of this plugin by PVS-Studio will help those who already use PVS-Studio, as well as draw attention of other Jenkins users to static analysis. If your choice falls on PVS-Studio as a static code analyzer, we'll be very pleased. You're welcome to download and try our tool.

事实证明,下一代警告是在Jenkins中用于数据可视化的非常方便的工具。 我们希望PVS-Studio对此插件的支持将帮助那些已经使用PVS-Studio的用户,并引起其他Jenkins用户对静态分析的关注。 如果您选择使用PVS-Studio作为静态代码分析器,我们将非常高兴。 欢迎您下载并尝试使用我们的工具。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/pvs-studio/blog/466993/



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