PyTorch 使用报错

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RuntimeError: ‘lengths’ argument should be a 1D CPU int64 tensor, but got 1D cuda:0 Long tensor


因为我使用的是高版本的 torch 1.7.1,这个报错是由于torch 1.5 以上BiLSTM升级导致的。


  1. 转到CPU运行代码就不报错了!
  2. 将报错的位置参数lengths转化为cpu 类型:"cpu")



RuntimeError: ‘lengths’ argument should be a 1D CPU int64 tensor, but got 1D cuda:0 Long tensor相关推荐

  1. RuntimeError: ‘lengths‘ argument should be a 1D CPU int64 tensor, but got 1D cuda:0 Long tensor

  2. 关于‘lengths‘ argument should be a 1D CPU int64 tensor, but got 1D cuda:0 Long tensor报错的解决方发

    复现论文的时候遇到的BUG,后来发现是torch版本升级的原因,发个博客记录一下. 解决方法是需要修改RNN.py文件中的代码. 源代码在244行上下: data, batch_sizes = \_V ...

  3. Tensor for ‘out‘ is on CPU, Tensor for argument #1 ‘self‘ is on CPU

    1.问题 模型训练完后进行测试,报错 RuntimeError: Tensor for 'out' is on CPU, Tensor for argument #1 'self' is on CPU ...

  4. 异常解决(一)-- RuntimeError: expected device cpu but got device cuda:0

    最近在编写深度学习的相关代码,基于PyTorch,运行程序的时候,报错,报错内容如下所示: RuntimeError: expected device cpu but got device cuda: ...

  5. RuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1.

    最近在修改模型不支持的算子后,由于对模型的效果产生了影响,所以需要进行微调训练,但是训练的时候报错了,如下: File "/home/xxxxxxx/EdgeNets/nn_layers/e ...

  6. PyTorch 错误 RuntimeError: invalid argument 5: k not in range for dimension at /pytorch/aten/src/THC/g

    PyTorch 错误 RuntimeError: invalid argument 5: k not in range for dimension at /pytorch/aten/src/THC/g ...

  7. RuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 0—问题分析

    声明: 这里仅仅提供一个思路,暂时没有绝对正确通用的解决方案 作者:{ 墨理 } 感谢通过私信.评论交流,协力探讨解决问题的同学 UP .Penser 文章目录 探讨的 pytorch 报错信息如下 ...

  8. Pytorch踩坑: RuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 0.

    报错信息: RuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 0. Got 186 a ...

  9. Cannot input a tensor of dimension other than 0 as a scalar argument

    Cannot input a tensor of dimension other than 0 as a scalar argument 错误代码: channels_per_group = num_ ...

  10. RuntimeError: dimension specified as 0 but tensor has no dimensions

    RuntimeError: dimension specified as 0 but tensor has no dimensions


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