
  • 一、清盘、清算(Liquidation)
    • 1. 用订单清算头寸(liquidatePositionWithOrders)


英 [ˌlɪkwɪˈdeɪʃn]
美 [ˌlɪkwɪˈdeɪʃn]
n. 清盘; 清算; 清偿;
[例句]If the banks opt to pull the rug from under the ill-fated project, it will go into liquidation.

1. 用订单清算头寸(liquidatePositionWithOrders)

Calling liquidatePosition will perform the following steps:

  1. Query the oracle to obtain the most recent price and funding fee.

  2. Execute funding payments on the existing position and then update the existing position state.

  3. Check that the existing position (referenced by positionID) is valid and can be liquidated (i.e. that the maintenance margin requirement is breached.

  4. Create the Makers’ Positions.
    创造Makers’ Positions。


  5. Close the lResults.quantity quantity contracts of the existing position.
    关闭lResults.quantity 数量个已存在头寸。


Injective Protocol官方文档翻译(九) -清盘、清算(Liquidation)相关推荐

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